


優化空間佈局 貫通商場及街市


除此之外,商場底層更新增貫通商場及街市之間的通道,顧客可以全天候使用商場外的街市正門進入街市。此外,亦更換了直達商場各層的升降機,進一步貫徹公司宗旨為旗下物業打造暢通無阻的購物 環境。

保留特色精品小店 顧客尋寶樂在其中


Renovation works at Tak Tin Plaza in Lam Tin were completed last year, based on the Chinese concept of ‘tin’ (a green field). In addition to green visual elements, the renovations included new escalators to replace the old stairs and a reconfigured spacious floor layout to accommodate new stores with a wider variety of products. Most of the small retailers have opted to remain at the newly renovated property, providing continuity for neighbourhood shoppers.

Reconfigured Layout and Additional Passages for Shoppers’ Convenience

The renovations included the addition of four escalators from the first floor to third floor, which take visitors to the rear of the shopping centre, while the two escalators near the atrium at the front of the centre were preserved to increase traffic all across the venue. The existing Chinese restaurant was re-partitioned and reconfigured, allowing for the addition of new stores and the enhancement of the trade mix.

New passages connecting the centre and the fresh market were created at the basement level, while lifts reaching all floors of the shopping centre were installed for the convenience of shoppers and disabled persons. These facilities exemplify The Link’s mission of creating a Barrier Free Access shopping environment at all of its properties.

More Choices for Shoppers

By reconfiguring the floor layout, the number of stores after the renovation has increased from about 50 to over 70. They include popular eateries, jewellers and fashion boutiques. Other small retailers opted to stay on at the renovated centre, including electric appliance stores, pharmacy, home furnishing store and stationery shop, among many others.
At the renovated Tak Tin Plaza, the ceiling is decorated with green and white pop-up frames comprising the Chinese character tin (meaning ‘field’), which supports the concept of a lush green
New escalators were installed on the second floor and the third floor to increase footfall across all levels of the mall.
The renovated facades feature squares representing the grids of a lush field.
The centre is home to a diverse combination of new and old tenants. The renovated passages add to the sense of space with the centre.
德田廣場洋溢綠「田」氣息 新舊兼容人情味濃 Tak Tin Plaza Reopens with a New Green Look
商戶心聲 Comment from our Tenants
I’ve been running my business here for over 20 years. After the renovation, the new Chinese restaurant and well-known brands have attracted a growing number of visitors to the centre. Many are new local residents, which gives us a new source of customers.
Along with the renovation, marketing promotions have increased. We were mentioned in the promotional materials, The Link’s Chef, which has attracted many students to our restaurants.
Mr Cheung, Owner of Wai Shing Radio & Electrical Co.
Mr Ngai, Owner of Kwun Kee Noodle
顧客分享 Comments from our Customers
There are more eateries at the renovated centre, including a famous brisket noodles shop on the ground floor.
The shopping centre looked rather old before the renovation. Now it’s brighter and offers a better shopping environment, and the expanded product variety caters to our daily needs.
From left: Students Chow, Wong and Lam
Ms Cheung

往北美取經  分享大元街市優化經驗 Asset Enhancement Experience Sharing at North America International Public Markets Conference


Traditional fresh markets are an integral part of Hong Kong’s culture. Many fresh markets with a long history or unique architectural features are popular stops for overseas visitors, who are looking for an authentic glimpse into local culture.

The Link was invited to attend the 8th International Public Markets Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, and was the first company in Hong Kong to give a speech at the conference. In addition to exchanges with global industry peers, The Link’s representatives visited many markets in North America to learn about their operations and plan for asset enhancement initiatives (AEIs).


北美之行的企業探訪活動,亦為領匯街市管理人帶來新思維。美國費城Reading Terminal Market總經理Paul Steinke與眾人分享了成功之道,值得一提的是包括重點改善街市廣被垢病的衞生情況,街市要求商戶必須參加他們開設的衞生課程;另外,街市亦進一步提升配套設施,於街市洗手間備有廁板墊供商戶及顧客使用,令整個街市更加乾淨衞生。


當地街市的設計間隔佈局亦可供香港參考。例如西雅圖的Lancaster Central Market及Reading Terminal Market,儘管大部分檔位大小不一,但設計及表現方式更趨多元化,亦配合整個街市的形象及主題。部分街市更增添歷史元素,或加入有趣主題,如藝術文化或兒童街市等,令逛街市的體驗更加全面及豐富。

北美之行中,最能吸引公司代表的街市包括溫哥華Grandville Island Market,此街市推動各行業走「專家」路線,就如領匯商戶學堂般,街市會為商戶舉辦培訓講座;而西雅圖PikePlaceMarket亦備受注目,街市入口是旗艦商戶FlyingFish,身穿保護衣及膠鞋的員工會大聲重覆客人要買的魚,把魚拋給另一人袋好,或拋給客人,以好玩形象吸引途人。


The International Public Markets Conference is organised by the Project for Public Space in the US. The conference has received widespread recognition in the industry over the years. Allan Mok, General Manager-Market and Myron Ng, Assistant General Manager-Market of The Link were present and spoke at a panel on the creation of market communities, as well as how the AEI of Tai Yuen Market have preserved the traditional fresh market culture.

The corporate visits of the North American trip had also provided The Link’s executives with new perspectives on fresh market management. Paul Steinke, General Manager of Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia, shared his insights into successful management of fresh market which included the improvement of hygiene and the upgrade of market facilities. For example, there are toilet seat covers in all washrooms for the convenience of shoppers and tenants, as well as improved hygiene of the market.

The interior design of North American markets are also excellent references for Hong Kong. The Lancaster Central Market and Reading Terminal Market feature diversed layouts. The Grandville Island Market in Vancouver advocates “professionalism” and offers seminars and training for its tenants. The Pike Place Market in Seattle was another attraction while its flagship store, Flying Fish, adds in the fun element to the shopping experience.

The North American trip yielded some important insights for The Link, such as food safety, food waste recycling and food vouchers for low-income individuals. These new insights will be taken into consideration for the AEIs for other markets such as Lok Fu Market.
往北美取經  分享大元街市優化經驗 Asset Enhancement Experience Sharing at North America International Public Markets Conference
往北美取經  分享大元街市優化經驗 Asset Enhancement Experience Sharing at North America International Public Markets Conference
溫哥華 Lonsdale Quay Market
Vancouver Lonsdale Quay Market
西雅圖Lancaster Central Market至今已營運了230年,歷史悠久,但內裡裝潢佈局仍然井然有序,非常時尚。
The stylish, well-organised Lancaster Central Market in Pennsylvania has been in operation for 230 years.
Tai Yuen Market after AEI gave shoppers a brand new shopping experience.
Myron Ng,
Assistant General Manager -
Market of The Link
(From left) Allan Mok, General Manager-Market of The Link; Eric Kung, Leasing Manager of The Link; Hikaru Kinoshita, Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture, Kansai University; and Rex Yu, Senior Project Manager, Project and Planning of The Link.
溫哥華Lonsdale Quay Market中的兒童天地一隅,讓父母可以安然購物。
Lonsdale Quay Market in Vancouver has a children’s corner where parents drop off their children while shopping.
「領匯作為私人公司,致力投資在鮮活街市的發展,實在叫人振奮,與加拿大的情況很不同。」(註: 在北美洲,多由政府投資或資助改善公眾街市設施)
“The example of The Link’s ownership and investment into fresh markets is fascinating and this is quite different from the situation here in Canada.”
Informa 創辦人及主席
Founder & President,
Informa, Toronto
Helene St Jacques
“The fresh market is an excellent platform and starting point for educating the community.”
St Lawrence Market
Chairman, St Lawrence Market
Tenants’ Association, Toronto
Odysseas Gounalakis
「我們的街市跟本地其他街市其中一個不同之處是商戶會積極為關懷社區出一分力,例如不少商戶會自發地向低收入人士提供特價飯餐優惠。 」
“The tenants in North America take an active role in caring for the community. Many businesses take the initiative to offer discounted meals to low-income individuals.”
費城 Reading Terminal Market
GM, Reading Terminal Market, Philadelphia
Paul Steinke
Westside Market
多倫多 St Lawrence Market備有示範廚房推廣煮食及飲食文化,熟食區可讓客人一嚐即席烹調的地道美食,與優化後的大元街市有共同的元素。
At Toronto’s St Lawrence Market shares the same element as Tai Yuen market where a show kitchen is available to promote the culture of cooking and dining. A cooked food area is also available to offer local delicacies to customers.

業績持續增長 加強參與社區 Delivering Sustainable Growth Furthering Community Engagement
Directors at the press conference announcing the Interim Results.
領匯持續透過不同類型的提升措施,擴大旗下物業組合的商機, 帶來更多元化的購物選擇,令顧客、商戶、投資者及社區同時受惠。最新公佈的截至2012年9月30日止的六個月中期業績顯示,營運表現保持強健。期內物業收入淨額較去年同期上升10.5%至22.56億港元。每基金單位分派較去年同期上升12.6%,至71.08港仙,是上市以來最高的中期分派。



The Link REIT has been implementing a wide range of initiatives to expand business opportunities and enhance shopping choices in the portfolio, benefiting shoppers, tenants, investors and communities. The interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2012 showed that The Link’s operating performance has remained strong. Net property income rose 10.5% year-on-year to HK$2,256 million. Interim Distribution Per Unit grew 12.6% year-on-year to HK71.08 cents, the highest ever since IPO.

Nicholas Sallnow-Smith, Chairman of the Board of The Link, said that The Link REIT had achieved a satisfactory performance for the interim period under review. The steady performance of most tenants reflects the resilience of the portfolio amid market uncertainties. With the endorsement of our unitholders, The Link is engaging the community further by establishing a Charity and Community Engagement Programme, which will offer new ways to serve the community through donations and sponsorships.

Chief Executive Officer George Hongchoy said that The Link’s initiatives to enhance the tenant base diversity across the portfolio, and roll out attractive promotion campaigns to encourage consumer spending and build shopper loyalty, have yielded promising results. Average monthly retail gross sales per square foot increased by 11.6% during the six-month period.

During the period under review, enhancement works at Sun Chui Shopping Centre were completed. Works have commenced for four additional properties, such that 10 projects are in progress.

每基金單位分派持續增長 Sustainable Growth in Distribution Per Unit

領匯經驗分享 Expertise Sharing With Professionals
房地產信託基金是一個結合房地產的穩健性與證券市場靈活性的投資新方向,近年環球房地產信託基金資產總額以倍數上升,極具發展潛力。而領匯近年市值屢創高峰,同時為現時亞洲地區市值最高的房地產信託基金。最近,領匯就分別獲邀請出席香港會計師公會的Conference 2012、在深圳舉行的商業物業論壇及香港管理專業協會主辦的研討會,與業界分享領匯的經驗和心得。

The Link was invited to attend the 2012 Conference of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Commercial Property Forum in Shenzhen, and a seminar held by the Hong Kong Management Association to share the company’s experiences with other players in the sector.
公司行政總裁王國龍獲邀出席香港會計師公會的Conference 2012,並擔任主講嘉賓,發表題為「Skills & Attributes for Success」的演說,與觀眾分享如何運用個人的專業才能和優勢,帶領公司邁向成功。王先生的演講非常成功,獲得在座嘉賓熱烈讚賞,同場發表演講的嘉賓還包括財經事務及庫務局局長陳家強、副局長梁鳳儀等。The Link’s CEO George Hongchoy was a guest speaker at the 2012 Conference of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. In his speech “Skills & Attributes for Success”, Mr Hongchoy discussed his experience of driving the company’s success. His speech was extremely well-received by the audience. Other guest speakers included Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, K C Chan, and Undersecretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Julia Leung.
公司行政總裁王國龍獲邀出席香港會計師公會的Conference 2012,並擔任主講嘉賓,發表題為「Skills & Attributes for Success」的演說,與觀眾分享如何運用個人的專業才能和優勢,帶領公司邁向成功。王先生的演講非常成功,獲得在座嘉賓熱烈讚賞,同場發表演講的嘉賓還包括財經事務及庫務局局長陳家強、副局長梁鳳儀等。

The Link’s CEO George Hongchoy was a guest speaker at the 2012 Conference of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. In his speech “Skills & Attributes for Success”, Mr Hongchoy discussed his experience of driving the company’s success. His speech was extremely well-received by the audience. Other guest speakers included Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, K C Chan, and Undersecretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Julia Leung.
領匯風險管理及規管主管鄭國基代表領匯出席香港管理專業協會舉辦的研討會,與逾80名不同公司代表分享領匯的優質管理文化。Patrick Cheang, Head of Risk Management & Compliance, represented The Link at a seminar held by the Hong Kong Management Association. He spoke on The Link’s culture of quality management to over 80 representatives from other corporations.

Patrick Cheang, Head of Risk Management & Compliance, represented The Link at a seminar held by the Hong Kong Management Association. He spoke on The Link’s culture of quality management to over 80 representatives from other corporations.
領匯物業管理分區總經理李文豪應邀出席商業物業論壇《城市的建設理想─商業物業投資、管理和持續發展》,並以「物業投資新方向─香港房地產投資信託基金(REIT)的發展與『領匯』的管理模式」為題,闡述公司如何透過優質的資產管理、資產收購及資產提升,為社區營造更舒適生活環境。Division General Manager - Property Management Lee Man-ho was invited to attend the forum where he spoke on the topic “New Directions for Property Investment - Development of REITs in Hong Kong and The Link’s Management Model”. During his talk, he mentioned how The Link provides a better living environment for the community through quality asset management,asset acquisition and asset enhancement.

Division General Manager - Property Management Lee Man-ho was invited to attend the forum where he spoke on the topic “New Directions for Property Investment - Development of REITs in Hong Kong and The Link’s Management Model”. During his talk, he mentioned how The Link provides a better living environment for the community through quality asset management,asset acquisition and asset enhancement.

2012年10月,領匯房地產投資信託基金2012年度年報於香港管理專業協會「2012年最佳年報獎」中榮獲「工商企業」類別銅獎,該獎項鼓勵公司出版內容詳實,形式簡明的年報及財務報告。財務主管曾婉然(中)代表公司接受獎項。In October 2012, The Link Real Estate Investment Trust 2012 Annual Report was named Bronze winner (General Category) of the 2012 HKMA Best Annual Reports Awards. The Award encourages the publication of annual reports and accounts which are accurate, informative and well-presented. Rosa Tsang (middie), Head of Finance, received the award on the company's behalf.
The Link’s Annual Report
Gained Industry Recognition


In October 2012, The Link Real Estate Investment Trust 2012 Annual Report was named Bronze winner (General Category) of the 2012 HKMA Best Annual Reports Awards. The Award encourages the publication of annual reports and accounts which are accurate, informative and well-presented. Rosa Tsang (middie), Head of Finance, received the award on the company’s behalf.
領匯為青少年兒童畫家培育基金主辦的「香港國際青少年繪畫比賽2012-13」提供比賽場地,鼓勵青少年參與藝術創作及推動社區藝術的發展。赤柱廣場亦已被選為比賽現場寫生的場景,而樂富廣場也為巡迴展覽的其中一站。The Link’s CEO George Hongchoy showed his support for art in the community by adding colour to a painting of Hong Kong’s harbour. The Link provides free venue for “International Children Painting Competition 2012-13”.
The Link Brings Local Art To The Community


The Link’s CEO George Hongchoy showed his support for art in the community by adding colour to a painting of Hong Kong’s harbour. The Link provides free venue for “International Children Painting Competition 2012-13”.
新服務營運商會的職工為公司旗下項目提供更快捷的維修服務。The new contractors’ fitter teams provide faster maintenance service for The Link’s properties.
The new contractors’ fitter teams provide faster maintenance service for The Link’s properties.
加強人手 優化維修工程管理
New Service Contracts Improve Maintenance Standards



To enhance the performance of maintenance works, new maintenance service contracts were introduced in mid-October. The new contractors’ fitter teams have nearly doubled in size and followed clear, specific targets on service standards, with a view to shortening job completion times and providing faster maintenance service.
領展 Link