September 2017 Edition 2017年9月號

回饋社區 助人為本
Giving Back to the Community
An Interview with Independent
Non-Executive Director
Poh Lee Tan

曾經擔當大型國際律師事務所領導要職的領展獨立非執行董事陳寶莉(Poh Lee),專業成就非凡,於2015底加盟領展董事會,皆因希望回饋香港社會。「領展致力提供優質購物消閒空間,業務跟香港廣大市民的生活息息相關。領展更是少數於過去五年持續提高董事會女性比例的恆指成份股企業,可見其對性別多元化高度重視。」

Poh Lee憶述時任主席蘇兆明於十周年慶祝酒會上跟她說的一個笑話:「我加入那時正值公司快將慶祝上市十週年,對於公司多項矚目成就,儘管未有作過任何貢獻,即已感到與有榮焉!」該慶祝活動展示公司歷年成果,她感受尤深。「在行政總裁王國龍的領導下,團隊專心致志,刻盡己任,令公司取得連番突破性成就,我特別以此為傲。」

回饋社區 助人為本
Giving Back to the Community An Interview with Independent
Non-Executive Director Poh Lee Tan


Poh Lee 父親對他人樂於伸出援手,她亦深受啟發,積極參與社會服務,儘管事務繁忙,亦創立關顧長者的慈善機構恩橡基金會。「領展的社區支援計劃已變得更具效益及策略性。展望將來,我希望我們加大力度,於社區推動終身學習及鼓勵長者多參與義工服務。」

回饋社區 助人為本
Giving Back to the Community An Interview with Independent
Non-Executive Director Poh Lee Tan

It was a desire to contribute back to Hong Kong that prompted Poh Lee Tan, an accomplished lawyer who had served in key leadership roles with a major international law firm, to join Link as an independent non-executive director in late 2015. “Link touches the lives of so many broad sections of the Hong Kong public by providing outlets for unique shopping and leisure experiences. As one of the handful of Hang Seng Index companies that saw greater female representation on the Board in the last five years, Link also stands out as being highly committed to gender diversity,” she said.

“Joining Link just days before its 10th anniversary, I was able to bask in all its achievements, whilst contributing nothing to them!” she said, recalling a joke Nicholas Sallnow-Smith, the then-chairman of Link, shared with her at Link’s Anniversary Reception. This remains one of her most light-hearted moments at Link. “I was particularly proud of Link’s many achievements in breaking new ground for the company, which are due in large part to the many loyal employees who have contributed under the leadership of CEO George Hongchoy.”

Commenting on Link’s moves to diversify its business, Poh Lee said, “Our expansion into first-tier cities in Mainland China has been an exciting development. I participated in the decision-making regarding Link’s third Mainland acquisition, Metropolitan Plaza in Guangzhou. The Quayside, our first property development project and first venture into the office sector, is a natural move for us and a key part of our diversification strategy, as are our Mainland investments. This was possible because of the expansion of the REIT Code, which, as seen in the Securities and Futures Commission’s consultation exercise, was supported broadly by the Hong Kong investment community.”

Inspired by her father, who always cared for those around him, Poh Lee has cultivated a strong passion for social service. Despite her hectic schedule, she founded the Mighty Oaks Foundation, a charity that cares for the elderly. “Link’s community programme is becoming more streamlined and strategic. In the future, I hope we can do more to encourage volunteerism among active elderly residents and lifelong learning in our communities”.

Insights on Leadership

Poh Lee亦分享了成為成功領袖的要訣:「放眼未來十分重要,要懂得定時放慢急速的步伐,以看清及把握前方機會。領袖亦要有感染力,引發他人對目標的追求,摒棄只求最低標準的心態。慶祝團隊的成功至關重要,因為可以提醒大家工作起勁就是十足趣味。」

Sharing her insights on becoming a leader, Poh Lee said, “Looking ahead is important. It helps to regularly step back, so that we can identify and capture the opportunities before us. We also need to inspire people to truly commit to the cause, instead of merely seeking compliance from team members. Celebrating success of the team is also crucial, since it reminds everyone that they can have fun, even when working jolly hard.”