Summer 2016 Edition 2016夏季

凝聚社區 傳揚關愛
董事到訪「愛 • 匯聚」受助項目
Board Visits to
Link Together Initiatives' Projects

街市食材轉化熱食 社區送暖
Bringing Aid to the Community With Food Surplus

齊惜福主辦「生活添惜菜,盛食齊分享」剩食回收計劃,獲得領展「愛 • 匯聚計劃」資助,於領展旗下屯門及九龍東區街市回收可食用剩餘食材,每天製成近千個餐盒,贈予有需要的人士,減少資源浪費。由於得到領展資助購置冷藏車,運送過程的損耗大幅減少,食材使用率提升至接近100%,回收食物種類亦由原來的蔬果,擴展至糕點、麵包、冷藏食品、醬料等。


Organised by Food For Good Limited, 'Help the Aged, Teach the Young' is a Major Project Fund project sponsored by Link Together Initiatives. The scheme aims to reduce food waste through distributing cooked meals to the underprivileged made from surplus food collected at Link's fresh markets in Tuen Mun and Kowloon East. Supported by a new refrigerator truck purchased through a Link donation, the project has expanded its reusable foods to include bakery products, and frozen food and sauces, increasing its food usage rate to nearly 100 per cent.

Link's Chairman Nicholas Allen, and Board Members Andy Cheung and Poh Lee Tan, exchanged ideas with project representatives about the project during a visit to Food For Good's community kitchen in Yau Tong.

培育導盲犬 支持視障人士
Supporting Guide Dog

Training and Development

領展「愛 • 匯聚計劃」連續第二年捐款資助香港導盲犬協會,用作本地繁殖及培訓導盲犬。該項目由澳洲購入的母犬已於4月初抵港,而去年引入的八隻導盲幼犬,其中兩隻正接受導盲犬工作訓練,其餘6隻正由寄養家庭托管,學習生活常識。



Link Together Initiatives is sponsoring the Hong Kong Guide Dogs Association's local guide dog breeding and training programme for the second year in a row. A breeding female dog was imported to Hong Kong in April, with two out of eight guide dog puppies under training, and the other cadets beginning their pre-school socialisation programme with their foster families.

Link's Chairman Nicholas Allen recently joined a regular meeting of guide dog foster families and users, learning more about the needs of the visually impaired. Nick also had first-hand experience in commanding a guide dog undergoing training.

In addition to welcoming guide dogs and their users to its shopping centres, Link has supported them through staff training and public education programme.

粵劇遊戲工作坊 促長幼共融
Promoting Intergenerational
Through Cantonese Opera

主席Nick Allen(右圖)及董事Elaine Young(左圖)參加粵劇工作坊時非常投入。
Chairman Nicholas Allen ( photo on right ) and Board Member Elaine Young ( photo on left ) took part in the 'Cha Duk Chang in 3 Generations' workshop.

由「愛 • 匯聚計劃」贊助的「開心三代查篤撐 ─ 粵劇ABC」粵劇遊戲工作坊,項目近日到訪屯門一間小學,讓300多名小學生及長者一同參加粵劇工作坊,透過粵劇推動長幼共融。領展主席聶雅倫及董事Elaine Young亦有參與其中。


A Major Project Fund project sponsored by Link Together Initiatives, 'Cha Duk Chang in 3 Generations', held a Cantonese opera workshop in Tuen Mun, which attracted more than 300 primary school pupils and seniors. The project aspires to promote harmony among three generations through engaging children and the elderly in Cantonese Opera workshops and performances.

Link's Chairman Nicholas Allen and Board Member Elaine Young also took part in the workshop. Nick called the activity a 'great success', watching children and the elderly having a fantastic time as they participated.

領展贊助 8 位香港青年北京全國街舞比賽奪冠
Link - Sponsored Hong Kong Youths Win National Dance Competition in Beijing

街舞是青年喜愛之潮流文化,協青社的「嘻哈學校」自2013年起,獲領展「愛 • 匯聚計劃」資助近340萬港元,成立黃昏外展服務,藉街舞訓練接觸逾25,000名青少年,建立正面的成長環境及社交圈子。

今年特別資助協青社4月舉行香港嘻哈公開選拔賽,8位優秀選手及學員從380名青少年舞者中脫穎而出,代表香港於7月出戰北京領展歐美匯( EC Mall ) Fight-For-What全國街舞精英挑戰賽,並且擊敗千名全國精英,取得隊際賽冠軍,凱旋而歸。

Youth Outreach's 'School of Hip Hop' has received nearly HK$3.4 million in donations from Link Together Initiatives since 2013 in support of its outreach programme for young night drifters. Over 25,000 youths have become involved with the scheme to help them lead a healthier life.

With the assistance of Link Together Initiatives, the project organised a local street dance competition in April, which saw 380 local youngsters vying for the championship. The eight winners represented Hong Kong and took the championship at a national street dance contest at Link's EC Mall in Beijing in July.

領展持續支援獎學金得主 作育人才
Nurturing the Personal Development of Link Scholars




The 'Link First Generation University Student Scholarship' scheme has offered HK$2 million in scholarships to 100 youngsters beginning their tertiary education. The students will also receive ongoing support from Link, with access to life in the workplace experiences and business operations. Two of the scholars, Calvin and Rocky, joined a staff seminar where veteran media professional Lawrence Cheng talked about overcoming great odds in life.

Link Scholars also receive priority when Link recruits summer interns and management trainees. Calvin, a civil engineering undergraduate at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, said he was interested in internship opportunities with Link, which would be useful for his professional development.

Aspiring to join the disciplinary forces, Rocky, a business undergraduate from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, said he was inspired by Lawrence Cheng's positive attitude and unswerving commitment to his goals.

支援商戶 優化管理能源
Engaging Tenants to Manage Energy Consumption

領展一直致力節能減排,截至2016年3月的全年總耗電量,較2010年下降26.3%,有效控制運營成本。領展以其專業知識,透過提高節能意識,亦可令商戶受惠。能源管理既有助企業降低成本,亦有利環保,領展夥拍初創能源科技企業Blue Sky,推出先導計劃,協助商戶監測和管理用電,減少碳足跡。

該計劃由5月開始,為期六個月,於六個領展商場內的七個食肆及零售商舖裝設由Blue Sky開發的能源監測系統,提供各種用電數據和相關分析,包括用電量、用電分佈及趨勢、以及改善建議。有資料數據以錶板方式顯示,並可於平板電腦檢視,方便用戶使用。系統更會針對不同設備類型,如空調、電燈、插座和廚房電器等作出監測分析,以助找出節能機會。


領展正朝著「30/20 願景」進發,即在 2020 年前實現每年耗電量較 2010 年水平減少 30% 的目標,藉著一系列措施節能減排。當中包括樓宇管理系統監控旗下空調商場溫度,確保室內温度適中,而透過更新硬件,例如引進全新水冷式空調機組、環保照明設備,節能效益亦有所提高。

Link has been diligent in reducing energy consumption across its portfolio, achieving a 26.3% reduction from 2010 levels as of March, 2016. These efforts have been instrumental in helping Link to manage operating costs. Link's expertise in this area can benefit its tenants by improving their energy savings awareness. Managing energy is not just an environmental responsibility, but can also help bring down business operating costs. In this regard, Link has initiated a pilot programme with Hong Kong startup and energy technology firm BlueSky, to help tenants reduce their energy use through the monitoring and management of their electricity consumption.

As part of a six-month energy-saving project that commenced in May, BlueSky's energy monitoring system was installed at seven participating F&B and retail outlets in six shopping centres. The system will generate a wide range of useful data and insights, including baseline consumption, energy use distribution, daily trends, and actionable recommendations, presented in an engaging dashboard format and viewable on a tablet computer. Energy consumption patterns for different appliance types, such as air conditioners, lights, sockets, and kitchen appliances, are also available to help identify opportunities for savings.

Meetings and store visits are also being arranged to understand tenants' needs and energy use habits, while enhancing staff awareness about energy efficiency. The project team will actively engage tenants throughout the project period and, based on the system insights, recommend ways to reduce energy use through making improvements to hardware and work practices.

Link is on track to achieve its '30/20 Vision', which sets a 30 per cent reduction target for total energy consumption (based on 2010 levels) before 2020. Among Link's various energy-saving initiatives, a Building Management System has been put in place that monitors temperature levels at its air conditioned properties to achieve optimal indoor temperature, and to enhance energy efficiency. Link is also deploying more energy-efficient hardware, such as new water-cooled air conditioning units, and energy-efficient lighting devices, to replace out-dated systems across its portfolio.

領展積極響應 《戶外燈光約章》
Link supports 'Charter on External Lighting'


Continuing its commitment to environmental sustainability, Link has signed the Environment Bureau's 'Charter on External Lighting' to promote energy saving.

Around 2,000 signage boards and advertising lightboxes at 107 Link properties throughout Hong Kong will be switched off from 11pm to 7am every day. This practice not only saves electricity and reduces energy consumption, but also minimises lighting nuisance, providing a more desirable living environment for the local neighbourhood.

Cha Chaan Teng Chain
Brings Quality and Innovation to Link



Building on its 40-year history of Hong Kong-style restaurants across Hong Kong, cha chaan teng chain Tsui Wah Group has established four Link locations, including Temple Mall, Tai Hing Shopping Centre, Sheung Tak Plaza, and Fu Tung Plaza. The company's representative said the Group is committed to promoting local culinary culture with innovation to traditional dishes that fuse Eastern and Western cuisines.

The Group has set up a central platform to better manage food quality and costs through bulk purchasing, and a central kitchen and warehouse. Having established a strong foothold in prime locations, the Group says it is looking to enhance its presence in shopping centres, and commercial and industrial areas, with heavy pedestrian customer flow. Continuing to attract and serve local residents in the community will come through growing its reputation for quality food and services.

待客以禮 代代相傳
An Enduring Tradition

of Top Service




Serving the community for 25 years, Oi Man Market tenant 'Kai Kai Household Store' sells everyday household items such as towels and sleepwear. Current shop owner Angel took over the business from her father five years ago, continuing his philosophy of friendly, customer-centric service that has attracted many loyal patrons.

Angel said she always gives a heartfelt thank you to her customers, even those who have only spent a few dollars, and never feels displeased when customers mess up the shelves as they select goods. "I feel most touched when customers become my good friends," said Angel. "Because of my friendly attitude and the high-quality of our offerings, some customers have held off their shopping to wait for me to come back from a long trip, and some even travel long distances to shop here."

To help relieve financial burdens of the elderly, Angel also alters their new clothes for free. The shop expanded after the market's refurbishment in 2013, enabling Kai Kai Household Store to increase its product mix by 20 per cent, bringing even more diverse choices to the community.

Comedian Jim Chim Says Winning
Customers' Hearts Is No Joke




At a Link Tenant Academy seminar, popular comedian Jim Chim shared his views on running a business, and through various interactive games, demonstrated how retailers can win customers' hearts with the right service attitude. Two hundred and fifty participants from Link's tenant mix enjoyed this laughter-filled educational event.

Jim said the success of a brand depends on whether its owner is passionate about his or her job, which makes the owner feel joyful and motivated.

"Happiness is a habit," said Jim. "Though life is full of ups and downs, smiles are infectious. Business is about making staff happy, who will in turn make customers feel the same, giving them memorable shopping experiences. Winning customers' hearts through service is the key to having them come back."

Bidding Fond

to Retiring Tenants

服務屯門街坊34載的老牌「茶記」—H.A.N.D.S 愛羣薄餅餐廳,揉合中西文化特色,貌似古色古香的茶居,內裏供應西餅蛋榚和洋葱豬扒飯等美食,最近在一片歡呼聲中光榮結業。



Oi Kwan Restaurant at H.A.N.D.S, with a blend of Western dishes and Chinese tea house decor, has closed for good after its shop owner decided to retire because of old age.

The popular eatery has served customers at Tuen Mun for 34 years, and saw a 40 per cent increase in business as customers came to farewell shop owner Uncle Ping and his staff. Uncle Ping said he was most touched by the outpouring of support.

Nam Shing, a 25-year-old snack shop at Wo Che Plaza, has also closed its doors following shop owner Uncle Shing's decision to leave the workforce. After learning about the news from media reports, many customers visited the shop to taste its famous frozen yoghurt a final time, and wish Uncle Shing all the best. He was thankful to customers for their support, as well as to Link's frontline staff for their assistance over the years.