November 2017 Edition 2017年11月號

第一代大學生獎學金加碼 提供職場實習
Expanding Support for Promising Young Scholars

第一代大學生獎學金加碼 提供職場實習
Expanding Support for Promising Young Scholars


The Link First Generation University Student Scholarship programme supports and recognises the achievements of young people who have worked hard to become their families' first in three generations to study at university while also taking an active role in serving others. With prize money totalling HK$2.8 million, this year’s programme offers 40 additional scholarships to past recipients to support their second and third years of study, on top of the 100 scholarships offered to year-one students. During the selection interviews this year, scholarship applicants were asked about personal experiences, aspirations and views on social affairs. The judging panel included District Councillors and representatives of District Offices. To equip them with first-hand workplace experience, scholarship winners are also given priority when applying for Link’s summer internship programme.

就讀中文大學的麥永強(Ricky)表示,自己在大學參與學生會工作,故主動要求到市場推廣部實習,學習活動統籌,並於實習期間參與樂富廣場和T Town的暑期檔期推廣活動,眼界大開。

Ricky, a Link scholar who is studying at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said his brief stint in event management at Link’s Marketing Department, which included working at major marketing events of Lok Fu Place and T Town, was eye-opening for him.

第一代大學生獎學金加碼 提供職場實習
Expanding Support for Promising Young Scholars


Cotton was thankful for the various opportunities provided by Link. "If not for Link’s scholarships, I would not have had the opportunity to travel overseas to take part in volunteering activities and broaden my horizons," she said, noting that her internship with Link helped her prepare for her future career.

兒童粵曲項目 商場展成果
Children's Cantonese Opera Showcased at Mall

兒童粵曲項目 商場展成果
Children's Cantonese Opera Showcased at Mall

由領展「愛 • 匯聚計劃」資助的「查篤撐粵唱粵演粵文化」社區項目,於啟田商場表演,來自各區300名小童獻唱多首兒童粵曲。項目透過粵曲工作坊,促進三代共融,傳承文化,更把粵劇訓練推廣至有學習障礙的小朋友,助他們提升自信心。

Cha Duk Chang in 3 Generations", a Link Together Initiatives-sponsored project, held a grand performance at Kai Tin Shopping Centre featuring over 300 primary school pupils performing Cantonese opera for a packed audience. Aiming to promote cultural heritage and intergenerational harmony, the project has extended its training workshops to children with learning difficulties to help them build confidence.

領展捐助導盲犬 為視障人士帶來新生命
Bringing New Life to the Visually Impaired

領展捐助導盲犬 為視障人士帶來新生命
Bringing New Life to the Visually Impaired

視障跑手Gary於今年初首次邂逅他生命中的「最佳拍檔」 - 導盲犬Gaga。她是在領展「愛‧匯聚計劃」三年前資助香港導盲犬協會從海外引進到港受訓的8隻導盲幼犬之一。導盲犬會經過兩年多的訓練,包於寄養家庭熟習人類環境,跟視障用戶進行適應訓練,便會投入服務,協助用戶更安全、更有效率在道路上行走。

Gary 說:「Gaga給了我重生和安全感,遇到人潮、樓梯、懸在空中的障礙物等,她會找出最佳的路徑引領我前行,Gaga亦助我與別人打開話匣子,擴闊社交圈。相處數月後,我們情同父女。」


Visually impaired athlete Gary met his “best partner" guide dog Gaga in April this year. She was one of the eight puppies brought to Hong Kong three years ago for guide dog training under the "Love Leads the Way" community project of Hong Kong Guide Dogs Association (HKGDA), which is sponsored by Link Together Initiatives. After a two-year training programme that included familiarisation with the human living environment at the home of a foster family and communication training with their users, the guide dogs are now commencing service to help their users walk safely and easily on the street.

"She has given me a new life and a sense of security, helping me find my way through the crowd, go up stairs and avoid obstacles. She has also expanded my social circle. I treat her as my daughter,” Gary said of Gaga.

Fianna Chi, Chairman of HKGDA’s Service and Support Committee, said that guide dog services are in great demand in Hong Kong, with an estimated 1,700 people in need of a guide dog, and that HKGDA is grateful to Link for its support to those in need.

領展捐助導盲犬 為視障人士帶來新生命
Bringing New Life to the Visually Impaired


Link has supported Hong Kong Guide Dogs Association (HKGDA) since 2013 to help the visually impaired lead a more independent life. With Link’s funding support this year, HKGDA produced a short film titled “Journey of a Guide Dog” to show the life of a guide dog and highlight how a guide dog can change the life of a visually impaired person.

社區高手 在商場
Discovering the Community’s Musical Talents
Discovering the Community’s Musical Talents 社區高手在商場
Discovering the Community’s Musical Talents

領展近年於六個商場擺放彩繪鋼琴,讓公眾一展身手,不時有技驚四座的表演,足見社區內臥虎藏龍。一名身穿工作服的男士,最近就於將軍澳尚德商場情深演繹《Canon in D》,而一位婆婆則彈奏《給愛麗斯》、《月亮代表我的心》等樂曲。兩人精湛的演出的片段引來網民熱議,受到讚賞。

Six colourfully painted pianos placed at six Link shopping malls have become the perfect venues for musical talents in the community to strut their stuff. At Sheung Tak Shopping Centre, a man in a construction uniform played an expressive rendition of Pachelbel’s Canon in D, while an elderly lady performed Für Elise and Moon Over My Heart. Their performances were captured on video, drawing rave reviews on social media.

Colourfully painted pianos are available at six shopping centres for visitors to
play freely and share the joy of music!

「商戶學堂」 啟田商場傳授理財心得
Link Tenant Academy’s In-Mall Workshop
Sheds Light on Wealth Management


For the first time, the Link Tenant Academy hosted a wealth management workshop at Kai Tin Shopping Centre in collaboration with the Hong Kong Institute of Financial Analysts and Professional Commentators. At Link’s invitation, Simon Lam, the Institute’s Permanent Honorary Chairman, shared insights on managing wealth, and offered his take on the market impact of rising interest rates.

「商戶學堂」 啟田商場傳授理財心得
Link Tenant Academy’s In-Mall Workshop 
Sheds Light on Wealth Management