July 2018 Edition 2018年7月號

Board Members Lend
Support to
Link Together
Initiatives Projects

The “Music for Everyone @ Link” project sponsored by Link Together Initiatives provides scholarships for talented youngsters in support of their continuous learning of a musical instrument. Chairman Nick Allen paid a visit and jammed alongside five Link Music Scholars. In a separate visit, together with Board Member Poh Lee Tan, Nick joined volunteers of the “Clown with Happy Express” project to give a magic show to seniors at a Po Leung Kuk elderly service centre.


Board Members Lend Support to Link Together Initiatives Projects
「愛‧匯聚計劃」 Board Members Lend Support to Link Together Initiatives Projects

Happy Clowns Bring Funny Surprises to the Community

Happy Clowns Bring Funny Surprises to the Community

As part of the Link-sponsored “Happy Clown” project, over 130 seniors, together with 16 Link volunteers, transformed themselves into happy clowns and took part in the Happy Clown Fun Parade at Lok Fu Place, kicking off a series of weekend flash mob performances at Link’s shopping centres in the coming months.


Promoting Back Care Awareness among Seniors

Link Together Initiatives Outreach Programme recently partnered with the Hong Kong Chiropractic College Foundation to organise a talk on preventing backache through physical exercises at an elderly centre in Kwong Yuen Shopping Centre. Link’s volunteers were there to chat with the seniors and distributed souvenirs to them.


Promoting Back Care Awareness among Seniors 

“Souper Kitchen” Campaign Strengthens Family
Ties and Promotes a “Food Wise” Culture
「盛湯廚房」義賣靚湯 推廣惜食 連繫家人

“Souper Kitchen” Campaign Strengthens Family Ties and Promotes a “Food Wise” Culture
「盛湯廚房」義賣靚湯   推廣惜食   連繫家人 “Souper Kitchen” Campaign Strengthens Family Ties and Promotes a “Food Wise” Culture
「盛湯廚房」義賣靚湯   推廣惜食   連繫家人 “Souper Kitchen” Campaign Strengthens Family Ties and Promotes a “Food Wise” Culture
「盛湯廚房」義賣靚湯   推廣惜食   連繫家人

As part of its commitment to linking people to a brighter future and promoting a “food wise” culture, Link rolled out the “Souper Kitchen” campaign featuring celebrity chef Jason Wang, who was invited to prepare four gourmet soups using surplus food collected from Link’s fresh markets together with other fresh ingredients.

Designed to build stronger family bonds around local culinary culture, the campaign dished out the delectable soups at four Link malls and fresh markets, with all sales proceeds going to Food Angel to benefit the needy. Several showbiz celebrities also turned up as “Souper Kitchen” hosts in support of the campaign.

為鼓勵大眾「飲啖湯見吓對方」,領展特別舉辦「盛湯廚房」,邀請國際名廚王凱傑(Jason Wang)以旗下街市商戶回收的食物及其他新鮮食材,設計四款別具特色的靚湯。活動假樂富廣場、黃大仙中心、鯉魚門廣場及蝴蝶街市舉行,以義賣方式為市民提供靚湯,不僅惠及基層市民,更讓大眾以品嚐湯水連繫家人。捐款全數撥捐惜食堂,以支持其食物援助計劃。多位藝人更化身「星級店長」以示支持。

Bloggers Visit TKO Market and Food Events
博客造訪 TKO街市及美食活動

Dozens of bloggers visited Link’s newly refurbished TKO Market as well as crowd-drawing food-themed events such as the French Traditional Gourmet Market at Stanley Plaza. Through the visits, the bloggers gained a better understanding of how Link turns its properties into popular hotspots through enhancement works and engaging public events. They also shared event highlights on their social media platforms.

數十名博客早前到訪完成翻新的領展TKO街市,並參與「赤柱廣場法國傳統市集」等人氣美食活動,了解領展如何透過資產提升工程和具公眾活動,打造廣受歡迎的社區熱點。博客們亦於社交平台分享活動花絮 。

Bloggers Visit TKO Market and Food Events
博客造訪 TKO街市及美食活動