





The HK$97 million asset enhancement of Chuk Yuen Plaza was completed last year. The new design revolves around the concept of "bamboo in a bamboo garden" to reflect the meaning of the Plaza's Chinese name ("Chuk Yuen" means bamboo garden).The bamboo-themed decorations and features on the ceiling and facade highlight harmony around the venue with nature, instilling new energy into the plaza. It also creates a relaxing environment for the local residents and visitors.

Located on hillside, Chuk Yuen Plaza is the first "eco-friendly" shopping centre of The Link without air-conditioning installed in corridors. The shopping environment is clean and tidy, as there are separate entrances to the fresh market and the shopping centre. In addition, the plaza is equipped with new two-way escalators, baby care room and enhanced barrier-free access facilities. The facilities provide greater convenience to residents and customers. The cooked food stalls have been renovated to preserve their original flavours while giving them a more dynamic look.
竹跡處處竹園廣場與大自然融為一體 CHUK YUEN PLAZA'S BAMBOO-THEMED ENHANCEMENTS Promote Sustainable lifestyle and Harmony with Nature

商戶‧心聲 Tenants' Voice 商戶‧心聲 Tenants' Voice
2012年報及可持續發展報告 2012 Annual Report and Sustainability Report 油畫主題延續領匯精神 Painting The Link Spirit
2012 Annual Report and Sustainability Report
Painting The Link Spirit



The Link’s 2012 Annual Report extends from the paint brush design of our interim report: The figurine on the cover symbolises The Link while the colourful graphics stand for The Link’s shopping centres, which provide quality and all-round shopping environments to the public. 2012 Sustainability Report also echoes the design of our annual report.
領匯希望能透過最新的企業短片加強與不同持份者的溝通。 The Link hopes to strengthen its communication with various stakeholders through the latest
The Link hopes to strengthen its communication with various stakeholders through the latest corporate video.
The Link's Latest Corporate Video - Building for the Future


In our latest corporate video with the theme "Building for the Future, The Link Chairman Nicholas Sallnow-Smith gives an overview of our business growth model for the company's continuous development. The video also showcases The Link's accomplishments in the past few years, the company's vision, mission and values and its framework for sustainable development.

領匯行政總裁王國龍(中)領取《優質管理獎》銅獎。 The Link CEO George Hongchoy (middle) receives the Bronze Award of the Hong Kong Management Association Quality Award.
The Link CEO George Hongchoy (middle) receives the Bronze Award of the Hong Kong Management Association Quality Award.
領匯獲香港管理專業協會 《優質管理獎》銅獎 The Link Won HKMA Bronze Award


The Link has won the Bronze Award of the 2012 Hong Kong Management Association ("HKMA") Quality Award, in recognition of its total quality management and excellent customer support. The Link will continue to add value to our tenants, shoppers, community and unitholders.
The Link CEO on Business Challenges at
HKICPA Convention


Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants held its business convention in early June. The Link CEO George Hongchoy attended the event and shared his perspectives on Hong Kong's development.

每年一度的香港書展剛於7月舉行,喜歡閱讀的領匯行政總裁王國龍於今屆「領袖的書櫃」與7位城中名人一同分享閱讀樂趣及推介好書。王國龍推介的四本好書包括《It's Your Ship》、《The Education of an Accidental CEO》、《Who Said Elephant Can't Dance》及《Touch the Top of the World》,帶領年輕人及一眾管理人員探索閱讀世界。
活動詳情請瀏覽 http://mkt2.hket.com/bf/books/web/ 網站。

The annual Hong Kong Book Fair was held in July. The Link CEO George Hongchoy shared his reading experience and book recommendations at the "Leaders' Bookshelves", along with seven other celebrities in Hong Kong. For details of the event, please visit http://mkt2.hket.com/bf/books/web/.
赤柱廣場外牆採用百葉簾設計,被免陽光直射,為商場降溫。 The facade of Stanley Plaza features the blinds design to prevent direct sunlight, which helps lower the temperature inside.
The facade of Stanley Plaza features the blinds design to prevent direct sunlight, which helps lower the temperature inside.
Stanley Plaza Achieved the BEAM Platinum Standard
翻新後的赤柱廣場,洋溢假日休閒氣息。 The renovated Stanley Plaza is rich in holiday atmosphere.
The renovated Stanley Plaza is rich in holiday atmosphere.

赤柱廣場於3月獲香港環保建築協會頒發白金評級認證,肯定物業資產提升計劃在環保方面的卓越表現。全新赤柱廣場在設計及建築上揉合多項環保元素,屋頂新建的綠色草坪,不但有美化效果,也能有效達至節能減 排的目標。


The Stanley Plaza achieved the Hong Kong Building Environmental Assessment Method Platinum Standard in March. This is the first property of The Link to have achieved this recognition. It is a testimony to the outstanding achievements of our asset enhancement projects in environmental protection.

「神秘顧客計劃」分享會 跨界別管理人 「另眼相看」 "Mystery Shopper Programme" Sharing with Cross -sector Management Professionals
Common Purpose 課程總監李蘊彤 Louisa Li, Course Director of Common Purpose 領匯主席蘇兆明跟學員分享管理之道。 The Link Chairman Nicholas Sallnow-Smith shared his insights into successful management with participants.
Common Purpose 課程總監李蘊彤
Louisa Li, Course Director of Common Purpose
The Link Chairman Nicholas Sallnow-Smith shared his insights into successful management with participants.

服務質素沒有最好,只有更好。為此,領匯於去年推出「神秘顧客計劃」,藉以持續提升商場服務質素並嘉許前線員工成就。計劃推出一年,成效如何?前線員工又是否認同計劃?我們相信直接的意見交流,是推動進步的動力,早前公司更安排參與Common Purpose領袖課程的14位學員,親赴秀茂坪商場與公司管理層及前線員工直接對話,領匯主席蘇兆明亦即場分享管理之道。

Common Purpose課程總監李蘊彤提到,參與是項領袖課程的學員,分別是來自政府、公營機構、非牟利團體及商界等跨界別的高級行政人員;課程重點是管理人如何憑熱誠和感染力以帶動企業文化的轉變,而領匯上市以來的發展,正好為課程提供真實案例。



到商場實地體驗「神秘顧客計劃」的成效。 Review on the effectiveness of the "Mystery Shopper Programme" by site visit.
Review on the effectiveness of the "Mystery Shopper Programme" by site visit.

The Link invited 14 participants in the Common Purpose leadership course to visit Sau Mau Ping Shopping Centre, where they met our property management and frontline staff to discuss their opinions on the "Mystery Shopper Programme." The Link Chairman Nicholas Sallnow-Smith also shared his insights into successful management.
「神秘顧客計劃」分享會 跨界別管理人 「另眼相看」 "Mystery Shopper Programme" Sharing with Cross -sector Management Professionals

Common Purpose Course Director Louisa Li stated that the participants in the leadership course are senior executives from diverse sectors including the government, public utilities, non-profit organisations and business corporations. The course participants believed that the "Mystery Shopper Programme" drove the transformation of corporate culture, while the sharing session was practical and useful supplemented with course materials.

領匯項目及策劃總經理莊思培(中)代表公司領取獎項。 Brian Chuang (middle), General Manager (Project & Planning), receives the award on behalf of the company.
Brian Chuang (middle), General Manager (Project & Planning), receives the award on behalf of the company.
BCI Asia 環保設計先鋒大獎2012
BCI Asia FuturArc Green
Leadership Award 2012

領匯首個鮮活街市活化項目 – 大埔大元街市在BCI Asia 2012 環保設計先鋒大獎中獲得商業建築嘉許項目獎。項目將一個有30年歷史的 舊式街市成功活化成整潔乾爽的摩登街市,不但提供了超級市場般整潔環境,還保存了傳統街市的人情味,讓顧客體驗全新的街市購物樂趣。

The Link's first fresh market revitalisation project - Tai Yuen Market was awarded Citation, Commercial Architecture of the BCI Asia FuturArc Green Leadership Award 2012.
領匯項目發展總經理范世牧(前中)代表公司領取環保建築大獎 2012入選證書。 Emmanuel Farcis, General Manager - Development (front middle) receives the Finalist certicate under the Green Building Award 2012 on the company's behalf.
領匯項目發展總經理范世牧(前中)代表公司領取環保建築大獎 2012入選證書。
Emmanuel Farcis, General Manager - Development (front middle) receives the Finalist certicate under the Green Building Award 2012 on the company's behalf.
環保建築大獎 2012
Green Building Award 2012

赤柱廣場資產提升工程於6月份入選香港綠色建築議會環保建築大獎 2012 的既有建築類別(已落成名單)香港區的最終遴選名單。

In June 2012, Stanley Plaza was named Finalist in the Existing Building Category (Completed Building) - Hong Kong under the Green Building Award 2012 organised by The Hong Kong Green Building Council.
亞洲最佳公司選舉2012頒6大獎項 Asia's Best Companies 2012
Asia's Best Companies 2012

領匯的努力再度獲得肯定。今年5月,我們於金融亞洲雜誌舉辦的第12屆亞洲最佳公司2012選舉中,榮獲六個獎項,包括「最佳紅利分配公司」、「最佳公司管理」、「最佳 CEO」、「最佳投資者關係」、「最佳企業社會責任」及「最佳企業管治」。

In May 2012, The Link won six awards in the 12th annual poll of Asia's Best Companies 2012 organised by FinanceAsia.
領展 Link