領匯「大總管」物業管理及營運部 打造優質服務領導市場 'The Great Butler' of The Link: Property Management and Operations Team Leads The Market by Creating Quality Service




精簡管治架構 規範工作流程


加強溝通 了解員工需要



People of Hong Kong are expecting better quality of life today. In line with this, The Link aims to enhance the facilities of its shopping malls to fulfil market needs and provide an attractive shopping experience to customers. At the recent “Hong Kong Top Service Brand Awards 2012”, jointly organised by the Chinese Manufacturers Association of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Brand Development Council, The Link was the only enterprise awarded with the “Hong Kong Premier Service Brand”, which further demonstrates the high service level provided by The Link.

Gordon Wu, Director of Property Management and Operations, said, “The Property Management and Operations Team is similar to the butler of The Link. Everything that happens at the shopping malls, fresh markets and car parks have to be taken care of by the team. Recognition by the Award proves the efforts of our team members”.

Gordon expressed that members of the Property Management and Operations Team are accountable to both external and internal constituents. Regarding external constituents, team members are the walking brand of The Link, and have plenty of opportunities to make daily contact with different tenants, shoppers and nearby residents. They bear huge responsibilities in being the brand ambassadors. Regarding internal constituents, team members participate in a wide range of activities within The Link’s shopping malls from replacement of light tubes to asset enhancement work. Their work is crucial to the day-to-day operation of The Link’s facilities.



As the “head butler” of The Link, Gordon has a hectic schedule every day, yet he always outperforms and appears to be calm. So what are his methods to increase work efficiency?
It turns out that Gordon has exemplary multi-tasking and delegation skills. For example, every employee has only one pair of hands to handle an array of tasks so whenever Gordon receives 100 tasks, he will ask 10 employees to help in sharing the tasks. The key is to discuss the tasks together and set up a reporting timeline to ensure everything will be on schedule. Likewise, his colleagues will delegate their own tasks to different colleagues for their follow-up. Every task could then be completed smoothly and efficiently, showcasing teamwork at its finest!

Streamline Management Structure and Standardise Workflow

Over 500 team members and approximately 3,000 contracted staff work as part of the Property Management and Operations Team of The Link. As the Director of the team, one of Gordon's many missions is to achieve barrier-free communication to allow consistency in service level across the entire team. Gordon pointed out that he has specifically developed four measures to face such challenges: (1) Streamline the management structure in order to allow junior colleagues to report directly to management; (2) Streamline workflow to reduce unnecessary work reports to better manage work time; (3) Clarify and standardise workflow to achieve management consistency at all shopping malls; (4) Set up mobile patrol teams to inspect and monitor all shopping centres and identify areas for improvement.

These measures assist the management team in effectively managing service quality and maintaining top-level service across all of The Link’s facilities.

Strengthen Communication to Understand Needs of Employees

An effective way to encourage employees to do their best is to reward them and encourage positive competition among them. In 2011, The Link launched its first Mystery Shopper Programme to motivate employees.

In addition, Gordon believes that regular communication with employees is of vital importance. The Property Management and Operations Team holds regular sharing sessions to allow non-management employees to express their views and needs regarding their daily work. Employee sharing sessions can increase employees’ sense of belonging by allowing the management team to convey measures and policies directly to them and instantly respond to their questions to avoid miscommunication.

「沒有最好,只有更好」 是胡志平的人生座右銘。他說:「我認為這個理念不單只應用於工作上,在我們的人生當中,以及待人處事上都應該抱著這個態度,在做所有事情時都朝著更好的方面作出改善,創出更佳的成績。」

“There is no such thing as optimal service, as service can always be improved further”. Gordon regards this service commitment as his motto. He said that it should not only apply to work, but also to our everyday lives and relationships. We should always strive for excellence by keeping this motto in mind.

Gordon Wu, Director of Property Management and Operations

我和領匯有個約會 周年晚宴掀 懷舊勁舞風 The Link Annual Spring Dinner Celebrates 'Oldes Hot Night Fever'

一年一度的員工周年晚宴於3月15日假香港亞洲博覽館舉行,當晚出席嘉賓包括約八百名員工及董事會成員、領匯的商戶、承辦商及業務合作夥伴等。晚宴以奧運主題曲「One Moment in Time」配合員工的花絮照片作開幕,感謝一眾同事於過去一年的努力和付出。主席蘇兆明致詞時亦感謝員工對公司的貢獻,並歡迎席上新加入的董事會成員。行政總裁王國龍則以輕鬆幽默的方式介紹管理層準備的精心傑作「江南Style — 領匯版」,頓時將全場氣氛推至最高峰。




The Link Annual Spring Dinner was held at AsiaWorld Expo on 15 March. There were around 800 participants, including members of The Link’s Board, staff, tenants, contractors and business partners. Nicholas Sallnow-Smith, Chairman of The Link, expressed his gratitude towards all the staff for their contributions and welcomed the new Board members. George Hongchoy, CEO of The Link, then showed a video titled “Gangnam – The Link Style”, which brought the atmosphere to a climax. Performances were put on by different departments and included 70s and 80s style dances and old songs set to The Link-themed lyrics. There were over 100 lucky draw prizes, and four of the grand prize winners were frontline contracted staff members.

「神秘顧客評核計劃」領匯商場創佳績 The Link's Shopping Malls have Excellent Performance in Mystery Shopper Programme



The Link launched a “Mystery Shopper Programme” (MSP) in 2011 to encourage positive competition among its properties, raise the quality of services and facilities, and improve the shopping experience for customers. In 2012, all 16 clusters obtained a “Good” ranking. Compared with shopping malls managed by other operators, The Link’s portfolio scored 6% higher as reflected in the programme results. The Link Award is the highest recognition in Mystery Shopper Programme and the programme has appointed independent judging organisation, Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, to verify the winners’ excellent performance. This year, The Link introduced the “Best Property Management Support Service Awards” and “Best Housekeeping Awards” to recognise service partners’ good performance.

Gold Award: Cluster 15
(Sau Mau Ping SC, Lok Wah CC, Hiu Lai SC)

物業經理 洪美美

“MSP can encourage frontline staff to provide quality service and work better as a team.”
May Hung, Property Manager

Mystery Shopper Programme

名次 Award 得獎分區 Winners
金獎 Gold 分區15(秀茂坪商場、樂華商場、曉麗商場)
Cluster 15 (Sau Mau Ping SC, Lok Wah CC, Hiu Lai SC)
銀獎 Silver 分區12(恒安商場、利安商場、錦英苑商場)
Cluster 12 (Heng On CC, Lee On SC, Kam Ying Court SC)
銅獎 Bronze 分區1(廣福商場、富善商場、太和廣場)
Cluster 1 (Kwong Fuk CC, Fu Shin SC, Tai Wo Plaza)

Best Property Management Support Service Awards

名次 Award 得獎公司 Winners
金獎 Gold 中國海外物業服務有限公司
China Overseas Property Services Ltd
銀獎 Silver 康業服務有限公司
Hong Yip Service Company Ltd
銅獎 Bronze 國民警衛
CNT Security Company Ltd

Best Housekeeping Awards

名次 Award 得獎公司 Winners
金獎 Gold 時運服務有限公司
Swan Hygiene Services Limited
銀獎 Silver 力新清潔有限公司
Nixon Cleaning Co. Ltd
銅獎 Bronze 根記清潔服務有限公司
Kan Kee Cleaning Services Co Ltd
領展 Link