Spring 2017 Edition 2017春季

TKO Gateway 化身粉紅列車站 彰顯區內樞紐地位
TKO Gateway Celebrates its Grand Opening
by Transforming into a Blossoming Pink Train Station

TKO Gateway 化身粉紅列車站 彰顯區內樞紐地位

TKO Gateway Celebrates its Grand Opening

by Transforming into a Blossoming Pink Train Station

TKO Gateway 化身粉紅列車站 彰顯區內樞紐地位

TKO Gateway Celebrates its Grand Opening

by Transforming into a Blossoming Pink Train Station TKO Gateway 化身粉紅列車站 彰顯區內樞紐地位

TKO Gateway Celebrates its Grand Opening

by Transforming into a Blossoming Pink Train Station TKO Gateway 化身粉紅列車站 彰顯區內樞紐地位

TKO Gateway Celebrates its Grand Opening

by Transforming into a Blossoming Pink Train Station

完成資產提升工程的TKO Gateway於1月舉行了盛大的開幕典禮,成為領展另一旗艦商場。為慶祝商場開幕及歡度新春,領展將商場打造成充滿幸福感覺的粉紅列車站,象徵著商場作為將軍澳區樞紐的地位。

活動期間亦舉辦了「TKO Gateway大抽獎」,豐富獎品包括美、日、台雙人來回機票連鐵路博物館入場券。場內亦設置期間限定特色環球商店,售賣來自各國的精美禮品及食品,更特設DIY工作坊,讓市民親手製作獨一無二的黏土列車或玻璃盆栽,將快樂帶回家中。

此外,領展聯同藝術團體Art Dreamers與一班將軍澳區內學生重新設計商場的其中一幅外牆,並繪畫成充滿地區特色的壁畫,為社區增添活力及朝氣。

Link’s flagship mall TKO Gateway held a spectacular opening ceremony in January to mark the completion of its asset enhancement project. To celebrate both this grand opening and Chinese New Year, TKO Gateway took on the look of a blossoming pink train station, symbolising its identity as the gathering hub of Tseung Kwan O. In addition, Link collaborated with local art group Art Dreamers and students in the district to create an eye-catching feature wall that brought the vibrancy of the local community into the newly revamped mall.

During the promotion period, shoppers had the chance to participate in a lucky draw for round-trip tickets for two to Los Angeles, Tokyo or Taipei, along with free museum passes. A wide range of souvenirs and delicious food from around the world were showcased throughout TKO Gateway. Shoppers could also join DIY workshops to make one-of-a-kind clay trains and terrariums to share the happiness and excitement of this joyful occasion.

「領展單車舞火龍」再登國際匯演 鬧市發放正能量
Link Bike Dragon Dance Shares Messages of Love
at the Chinese New Year Night Parade

「領展單車舞火龍」再登國際匯演 鬧市發放正能量

Link Bike Dragon Dance Shares Messages of Love

at the Chinese New Year Night Parade

今年為「領展單車舞火龍」連續第四年參與香港旅遊發展局於大年初一舉辦的「新春國際匯演之夜」,為配合全新領展品牌活動「#Linkemoji 愛 ‧ FUN ‧ 享」,巡遊表演以「關愛」為主題。參加者不但化身成閃爍繽紛的百米巨龍穿梭於尖沙咀繁華夜市中,更透過派發印有關愛訊息的氣球,鼓勵人與人之間的溝通,為社區發放正能量!

The Year of the Rooster marked the fourth consecutive year in which Link presented the “Link Bike Dragon Dance” at the Chinese New Year Night Parade, organised by the Hong Kong Tourism Board. In keeping with the heart-warming theme of our “#Linkemoji Share Love, Share Fun” charity campaign, the performers formed a 100-metre-long dragon on the streets of Tsim Sha Tsui and distributed balloons with messages of love to share positive energy with the community.

「領展單車舞火龍」再登國際匯演 鬧市發放正能量

Link Bike Dragon Dance Shares Messages of Love

at the Chinese New Year Night Parade

「領展單車舞火龍」再登國際匯演 鬧市發放正能量

Link Bike Dragon Dance Shares Messages of Love

at the Chinese New Year Night Parade

赤柱廣場德國聖誕市集載譽回歸 締造夢幻甜蜜體驗
Stanley Plaza’s Enchanted Christmas Market
Showcases the Magical World of Grimm’s Fairy Tales

赤柱廣場德國聖誕市集載譽回歸 締造夢幻甜蜜體驗

Stanley Plaza’s Enchanted Christmas Market 

Showcases the Magical World of Grimm’s Fairy Tales

赤柱廣場德國聖誕市集載譽回歸 締造夢幻甜蜜體驗

Stanley Plaza’s Enchanted Christmas Market 

Showcases the Magical World of Grimm’s Fairy Tales 赤柱廣場德國聖誕市集載譽回歸 締造夢幻甜蜜體驗

Stanley Plaza’s Enchanted Christmas Market 

Showcases the Magical World of Grimm’s Fairy Tales

赤柱廣場德國聖誕市集載譽回歸 締造夢幻甜蜜體驗

Stanley Plaza’s Enchanted Christmas Market 

Showcases the Magical World of Grimm’s Fairy Tales



The highly anticipated Enchanted Christmas Market made a grand return to Stanley Plaza, with the full support of the German Consulate General Hong Kong and the German Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong. The Market, which took place on two consecutive weekends, offered the public a lively and festive German Christmas experience.

Based on the famous Grimm’s Fairy Tales, a five-metre-high Candy House served the first-ever lollipop buffet, featuring over 1,000 lollipops to entice all five senses. Meanwhile, over 80 specialist booths offered German gifts and delicacies as well as locally made, fairy-tale-inspired arts and crafts. With its gorgeous Christmas lights shining high above the village, this festive event was a truly romantic hotspot!

Link Supports the Lai See Packet Recycle & Reuse
Programme for the Eighth Year


For the eighth consecutive year, Link supported Greeners Action’s “Lai See Packet Recycle & Reuse Programme” by placing collection boxes at 93 of its shopping centres. A kick-off ceremony was also held at Lok Fu Place to encourage the public to recycle and reuse their lai see packets after Chinese New Year. All collected packets will be distributed to non-profit organisations and the general public for reuse next Chinese New Year.


Link Supports the Lai See Packet Recycle & Reuse 

Programme for the Eighth Year