Winter 2016 Edition 2016冬季
益惠社區 營商之道
Doing Well by Doing Good

益惠社區 營商之道
Doing Well  by Doing Good

國際購物中心協會每年舉辦的頒獎典禮,深受商場業界推崇,被視為行業的「奧斯卡」。今年,領展憑著旗艦慈善及社區參與項目「愛‧匯聚計劃」,擊敗全球多個地區優勝項目,取得協會之基金會頒發的全球業界大獎「Albert Sussman國際社區支援獎」,是首間獲此國際殊榮的香港商場業主,表揚領展在社區服務方面的貢獻。




隨著可持續發展的理念於商界進一步植根,相信更多企業會以之為營運核心,更有效顧及持分者的利益。諺語有云:「行善得福」(Doing Well by Doing Good),與「連繫好生活」的企業願景互為表裡。



Albert Sussman 國際社區支援獎
The Albert Sussman International
Community Support Award

Albert Sussman國際社區支援獎
The Albert Sussman International
Community Support Award

Widely known as the “Oscars of the global shopping mall sector”, the annual award presentation of the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) is highly regarded by the industry. At this year’s award presentation, Link’s flagship charity and community engagement programme, Link Together Initiatives, won the Albert Sussman International Community Support Award, the global industry award presented by the ICSC Foundation. Link is pleased to be the first Hong Kong shopping centre owner to garner this internationally coveted honour, which recognises our commitment to community sustainability.

Since its launch four years ago, Link Together Initiatives has donated over HK$38 million to support the well‑being of youngsters, the elderly and the needy. Amongst the over 30 major service projects are food recycling programme, outreach initiative targeting young night drifters and project promoting intergenerational harmony. Benefitting over 1.5 million people since its establishment, the programme has expanded to include new funding categories, i.e. District Project Fund and Link First Generation University Student Scholarship, to offer more local community‑based services and support young people in pursuit of their dreams.

Building an inclusive community also lies at the heart of our sustainability efforts. With our HK$200 million five‑year programme to enhance barrier‑free access (BFA) facilities nearing completion, we are actively embarking on a new improvement programme to upgrade the open space recreational facilities in our properties to cater to the needs of the community and further our vision of a child– and senior‑friendly community.

Winning the Albert Sussman International Community Support Award recognises Link’s steadfast commitment to the well‑being of the community and offers clear evidence that Hong Kong corporations are on par with their international peers in terms of sustainability performance. The central tenet of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is that instead of focusing only on the bottom line, companies should operate their business in a way that promotes sustainable development and gives due consideration to the well‑being of society and the natural environment.

At Link, we believe in “doing well by doing good”, as the old saying goes. As the business community increasingly takes heed of this adage, I believe a growing number of companies will make sustainability a core part of their operations to more effectively cater to their stakeholders’ needs, thereby making our world a better place.

Last but not least, may I wish you all a prosperous and fruitful New Year!

George Hongchoy
Chief Executive Officer

益惠社區 營商之道
Doing Well  by Doing Good

益惠社區 營商之道
Doing Well  by Doing Good