November 2018 Edition 2018年11月號

“Stanley Plaza Finnish Christmas Wonders”
Named One of the World's Best Christmas Markets
赤柱廣場芬蘭聖誕市集 榮膺全球最佳聖誕市集

“Stanley Plaza Finnish Christmas Wonders”
Named One of the World's Best Christmas Markets
赤柱廣場芬蘭聖誕市集 榮膺全球最佳聖誕市集

Featuring a 7-metre-high mysterious mushroom-shaped elf house, and over 100 specialist booths offering a wide array of Finnish gifts and delicacies, Link’s “Stanley Plaza Finnish Christmas Wonders” event was named one of the world's best Christmas markets by The Telegraph. This year's Christmas Market will be held on 8, 9, 15 & 16 December.


T Town's Big Blast of Wonderful Gifts T Town 送禮大激賞

Everyone was a winner during the “T Town Gift Blast” lucky draw campaign, which gave away over 10,000 gifts worth a total of HK$400,000, all thanks to the huge generosity of T Town mall merchants. Shoppers particularly loved four special prizes: a pure gold bangle, a banquet table, a one-minute “Grab All You Can” spree at a department store, and the grand prize of a KIA car. In addition, a 5-metre-tall gift-filled capsule machine was placed at the mall so visitors could take “Instagrammable” photos.

「T Town送禮大激賞」獲得T Town特選商戶全力支持,送出過萬份豐富獎品,總值近40萬港元,大獎包括足金金鐲、全包宴酒席、於百貨商戶內「一分鐘任拎」獎品,以及終極巨獎–韓國品牌汽車一輛。保證人人有份,永不落空。顧客更可在5米高的巨型扭蛋機前影相打卡。

T Town's Big Blast of Wonderful Gifts
T Town 送禮大激賞

Marketing Magazine’s PR Awards
市場推廣活動 獲獎

Marketing Magazine’s PR Awards
市場推廣活動 獲獎

Link scored big wins at the recent PR Awards, organised by Marketing Magazine. “Scoop and Slam @ Lok Fu Place” was the Gold Award winner in the Best Promotional Campaign category. “Link’s Stanley Plaza Finnish Christmas Wonders” took the Silver Award in the Best PR Idea category, while “Link’s Paws by the Sea 2018” won the Silver Award and two Bronze Awards. Last but not least, the “Souper Kitchen” campaign was a Bronze winner in two categories.

領展於Marketing Magazine舉辦的「PR Awards」榮獲多個獎項。樂富廣場「雪糕大滿灌」奪得推廣計劃組別金獎。赤柱廣場「芬蘭聖誕市集」獲頒最佳公關意念組別銀獎,而「狗狗歎世界」嘉年華則奪一項銀獎及兩項銅獎。「盛湯廚房」活動亦獲兩項銅獎。

Packing Homemade Meals
with Moomin-themed Lunch Sets
商場街市換領Moomin便當精品 推動環保

Link’s “Pack Lunch with Love” campaign offered customers at 37 shopping centres and markets the chance to collect stamps that could be redeemed for three different lunch sets featuring the adorable Moomin characters. Moomin-themed installations were also on display at three Link shopping centres for fans to take selfies, while TKO Gateway Food Lane promoted green causes by encouraging the public to bring their own reusable lunch sets.

領展聯乘Moomin於旗下37個商場及街市推出「幸福帶飯」消費換領活動,推出三款別注版便當精品,方便携帶自家炮製的美食。三個商場特設姆明一族拍照區,讓粉絲拍照留念,而TKO Gateway Food Lane更牽頭鼓勵自備餐具,培養源頭減廢意識。

Packing Homemade Meals 
with Moomin-themed Lunch Sets 
商場街市換領Moomin便當精品 推動環保
Packing Homemade Meals 
with Moomin-themed Lunch Sets 
商場街市換領Moomin便當精品 推動環保

Sharing the Joy of Reading at
Tsz Wan Shan Shopping Centre
慈雲山中心 分享閱讀樂

Sharing the Joy of Reading at Tsz Wan Shan Shopping Centre

Tsz Wan Shan Shopping Centre’s “Share the Joy of Reading” campaign brought fun-filled weekends to visitors young and old through storytelling sessions, artistic shows, workshops and a “bookcrossing” day.


Harley-Davidson®’s 115th Anniversary Party at
Stanley Plaza 赤柱廣場

Stanley Plaza hosted a party in honour of the 115th Anniversary of Harley-Davidson®, which featured a Vintage Harleys & New Models Exhibition, a photography exhibition by Leica, a charity ride and live performances. All proceeds from the event went to local charity Po Leung Kuk to support its work with children.

電單車品牌Harley-Davidson® 於赤柱廣場舉辦115周年盛大派對,精彩活動包括經典車款及最新型號展覽、Leica攝影展、慈善電單車巡遊和表演,為保良局兒童之家籌募經費。

Harley-Davidson®’s 115th Anniversary Party at Stanley Plaza

Metropolitan Plaza Enhances Offline and
Online Presence

To enhance its market presence both online and offline, Metropolitan Plaza launched a Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day promotion campaign, which featured a “Moon and Rabbits” artistic lighting installation as well as a mirror dance, bunny girl parade and street performances. The campaign also drew online interest with short viral music videos that resulted in over 300,000 hits on social media.

During the National Day holiday period, Metropolitan Plaza also teamed up with Temple Mall in a qipao-themed joint programme to bring novelty to a traditional festival.

Metropolitan Plaza Enhances Offline and 
Online Presence 西城都薈廣場創意藝術 
線上線下宣傳 Metropolitan Plaza Enhances Offline and 
Online Presence 西城都薈廣場創意藝術 


EC Mall’s Eighth Anniversary Party Abuzz with Fanfare 歐美匯狂歡派對 慶祝八周年

To mark its eighth anniversary, EC Mall staged a celebration party drawing on the hot Internet meme of “98k”. The event was hosted by hilarious talk show personality Yuan Bao and featured an exotic street-carnival parade, a 98k-themed game and a presentation ceremony for the mall’s most popular shops. Singer Ning Hengyu also performed in front of an adoring crowd of EC Mall shoppers.


EC Mall’s Eighth Anniversary Party Abuzz with Fanfare 
歐美匯狂歡派對 慶祝八周年 EC Mall’s Eighth Anniversary Party Abuzz with Fanfare 
歐美匯狂歡派對 慶祝八周年

Editorial Board


  • Claudio Cheung 張廣仁
  • Aubrey Ho 何柳鳳
  • Kassy Ho 何嘉善
  • Calvin Lee Kwan 關凱臨
  • Danny Lee 李應權
  • Fred Wong 王兼發
  • Eric Yau 丘兆祺

Produced by Corporate Communications Department  企業傳訊部編製