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哪個是領匯第一個進行資產提升的商場? Which Shopping Centre Was The Link’s First Asset Enhancement Project?


樓高八層的慈雲山中心於1997年開幕,位於慈雲山區的中央地段,是區內居民日常生活的匯聚點,為黃大仙、慈雲山一帶逾十萬居民提供日常購物消閒設施。改造提升工程將商場已空置的五樓及六樓改造成為購物樓層, 並在四樓及七樓引入中式酒樓,提供更多購物及食肆選擇,為該區注入新朝氣。工程新增連接惠華街巴士站及商場五樓的扶手電梯,把顧客引往商場,眾集人流,使商場人流保持暢旺。

Tsz Wan Shan Shopping Centre was The Link’s first asset enhancement project. The centre’s formerly vacant fifth and sixth floors were remodelled into a high street shopping environment, and new Chinese restaurants and additional shops were brought onto the fourth and seventh floors, offering a wider range of options for visitors. The installation of new escalators from the Wai Wah Street bus terminus provides direct access to the fifth floor of the shopping centre, generating increased traffic of footfall.
翻新後的慈雲山中心購物選擇更多。More choices are available at Tsz Wan Shan Shopping Centre following the asset enhancement project.

慈雲山中心為附近逾十萬居民提供購物消閒的好去處。Tsz Wan Shan Shopping Centre is now a place for shopping and leisure for the nearby residents.

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編輯委員會  Editorial Board

製作:HKET, The Link, www.thelinkreit.com

領展 Link 製作:HKET, The Link, www.thelinkreit.com