ISSUE 012 季刊 | Summer 2014 Edition

夢想號創業者Waffleman - 帶正宗比利時窩夫落戶赤柱廣場
Waffleman – Bringing Authentic Belgian Waffles to Stanley Plaza




When Wendy first tasted traditional Liege waffles in Belgium a few years ago, she immediately wanted to bring this unique taste back to Hong Kong. After working for two years, she resigned from her full-time job, and over the next two months, she travelled to Belgium to learn the secret of making the perfect Liege waffle.

The next challenge was finding a suitable place for her new shop, appropriately called Waffleman. After searching around, she chose to start her business in The Link's Stanley Plaza, where she would have the opportunity to reach a wide range of customers, from local residents to overseas tourists. What sealed Wendy's decision was the fact that The Link shared her vision of bringing more options and better experiences to customers. In addition, The Link offered Wendy different types of support as she prepared to open Waffleman.

Wendy hopes she can help popularise Liege waffles in Hong Kong by opening more Waffleman shops. Give her some support when you drop by Stanley Plaza!

列日窩夫知多點 列日窩夫有別於坊間其他窩夫,當中加入了比利時獨有的珍珠糖,令烘好後的窩夫擁有焦糖表面,口感鬆化,配上鮮忌廉及新鮮水果,令人一吃上癮。 Know More about Liege Waffle The secret ingredient of the Liege waffle is pearl sugar, a type of speciality sugar used in Northern Europe. Pearl sugar gives Liege waffles a unique texture and taste, making them deliciously addictive!

友愛冬菇亭宵夜勝地Famous Late Night Eats in Tuen Mun

自1992年在屯門友愛邨經營的「利群海鮮飯店」,在區內頗有名氣,由早茶點心、午市和晚市的茶餐廳和海鮮飯店,以至宵夜夜茶,均為街坊提供佳餚。利群尤以周五、周六最熱鬧,皆因不少年輕人晚飯過後意猶未盡,都會來到這裡繼續相聚。因此利群又以小炒皇、椒鹽九肚魚、椒鹽鮮魷等佐酒小菜最受歡迎,成為區內難得的「深夜食堂」。 利群的燒味亦有口皆碑。燒鵝、燒鴨、燒肉和叉燒,用料講究,即日烤製,吸引不少到鄰近友愛街市買菜的街坊順道買回家「加餸」。

Lee Kwan Seafood Restaurant, which has operated since 1992 at the cooked food stall at Yau Oi Commercial Centre, is famous and popular in Tuen Mun. The restaurant provides various delicious dishes from morning to midnight for nearby residents. As one of the few "midnight canteens" in the district, the restaurant is especially popular with diners on Fridays and Saturdays, when young people from the neighbourhood congregate here and chat with friends well into the night over beers and steaming plates of Lee Kwan's famous roast meats.

Famous Late Night Eats in Tuen Mun
新加盟商戶 Newly Joined Tenants
Choi Ming Shopping Centre
Monkey Tree
美甲服務 Beauty (Nail Services)
216 號舖
Shop No. 216
3525 0216
Hiu Lai Shopping Centre
熱點 Hot Dot Hair Salon
髮廊 Hair Salon
1 樓110 及111 號舖
Shop Nos. 110 & 111, 1/F
2717 0082
On Ting Commercial
戶外服飾 Outdoor Apparel
新翼大樓L2, A214 號舖
A214, L2, New Annex
2413 9018
On Ting Commercial
HKID Gallery
禮品及用品 Gifts & Accessories
新翼大樓L1, A108 號舖
A108, L1, New Annex
3427 9385
Lok Fu Plaza
運動服裝 Sportswear
B區 U103 號舖
Zone B-Shop U103, UG1/F
2242 7478
Lok Fu Plaza
運動服裝 Sportswear
A區 3 樓3220 號舖
Zone A-Shop 3220, 3/F
2561 4533
Lok Fu Plaza
時裝 Fashion
B區 1 樓1209號舖
Zone B-Shop 1209, 1/F
2142 3456
Lok Fu Plaza
食肆 F&B
B區 1 樓1213號舖
Zone B-Shop 1213, 1/F
3572 0090
Lok Fu Plaza
麻布茶房 Azabu Sabo
食肆 F&B
A區 L224-­L225 號舖
Zone A-Shops L224-­L225, UG2/F
2177 9668