Link 領展
April 2019 Edition 2019年4月號

Broad Perspectives on
Industry Landscape:
An Interview with Independent
Non-Executive Director
Christopher Brooke

廣闊視野 駕馭多變行業境況

A veteran in real estate consulting in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region, Link’s Independent Non-Executive Director Chris Brooke is actively promoting industry development through his leadership of major international professional bodies. His global perspective, strong regional real estate experience and deep understanding of the local industry scene are immensely valuable to Link as it seeks to optimise its portfolio.

With decades of experience in real estate strategic advisory, and having witnessed the evolution of the local property scene since coming to the city in the late 1970s, Chris is well versed in the development of shopping malls in Hong Kong. He said, “Tracking the infrastructural and residential developments, Hong Kong’s shopping mall sector has grown in both sophistication and scale over the past few decades. The initial phase in the 1970s was marked by the domination of big regional centres, which were followed in the ensuing decades by the emergence of small district centres around private and public housing estates. Choices of products and brands have also widened over the years, characterised by the growing presence of international brands across all categories.

“What is unique about malls in Hong Kong is that people can visit malls easily thanks to a convenient transport system, and hanging out in malls is also very ingrained in the local culture. As shopping becomes increasingly experience based, the challenge for shopping mall operators is to keep the experience dynamic and interesting, and develop an in-depth understanding of customers in each catchment area and their shopping needs.”

Commenting on what sets Link apart from its peers in the Asia-Pacific region, Chris pointed to the enormous value that the company has added to its portfolio over the years, as demonstrated in the stable growth in retail sales, rentals and unit price. “Not many REITs have been able to achieve a long stretch of consistent growth the way we have done. Our strong reputation in corporate governance, and our sharp focus on the Hong Kong and Mainland markets are also key differentiators.”

Link is actively expanding its portfolio in Mainland China, a market that Chris served for a decade as head of China business for a major international real estate consulting firm. On the success factors for operating in the Mainland, Chris said, “It is important that we are able to transfer our skills and knowledge acquired in Hong Kong to our Mainland assets. We can further build on our strong expertise in asset enhancement through the repositioning of assets in both markets. Being very patient and diligent in executing acquisition strategy is also critical, as we need to ensure that the assets acquired are of high potential.”

As the President of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Chris plays a key role in promoting the industry’s development around the world, and bringing his international perspective to Link to help drive growth. “My leadership role at RICS has given me the ability to keep learning, and stay ahead of what might be coming, which is becoming increasingly important in the real estate industry.”

“As a board member, my goal is to offer an outside-in perspective to strategy setting and help the management team look at the market landscape, as well as to anticipate future changes. Link has a creative and resourceful team, and I would encourage them to develop a change driven mindset, because change is inevitable, and we must anticipate and position ourselves for it.”


Chris 於房地產策略諮詢擁有數十年經驗,自70年代末來港後一直見證香港房地產業的演變,熟悉本地商場行業發展。他指出:「商場行業於過去數十載緊隨基建及住宅人口發展,不但規模有所擴展,營運亦更為熟練。70年代業界發展初階,市場主要為大型區域性商場,服務私人及公營屋苑的地區商場則於隨後數十年興起。商場所提供的產品和品牌選擇也在不斷擴大,當中不乏不同行業類別的國際品牌。」 「香港商場行業有其獨特之處,由於交通系統甚為方便,顧客到訪商場十分容易,逛商場的文化亦根深蒂固。隨著購物體驗的重要性日益提高,如何豐富購物體驗,令商場保持新鮮感,並且深入掌握客群購物需求,都是商場營運者面對的挑戰。」

Chris 指出,領展相對於亞太地區同業表現出眾,多年來為旗下投資組合創造龐大價值,零售銷售、租金及基金單位價格穩建增長都是有力的佐證。「市場上不易找到與我們一樣的房託,能夠取得如此長期的持續增長。我們在企業管治方面的成就,以及專注發展香港和內地市場的策略亦廣受認同。」


作為皇家特許測量師學會(RICS)的主席,Chris 在推動行業於世界各地的發展方面作出重要貢獻,同時以其環球視野協助領展推展業務。「出掌RICS讓我能夠持續吸收新知識,前瞻未來市場變化,這對於房地產行業日益重要。」


A Passion for Rugby 熱愛欖球

A Passion for Rugby 熱愛欖球

On rugby, a game that he has been involved in since childhood, Chris said, “While rugby is a very physically demanding game at the top level, at lower levels it is suitable to individuals of different physique types, genders and ages. The game prizes such values as respect, honesty, diversity, collaboration and teamwork, some of which are transferrable to the workplace setting. My passion for and experience in rugby have influenced how I work, and have helped me contribute to the real estate sector through professional bodies like RICS and the Urban Land Institute.”

A former member of the Hong Kong team at international rugby competitions, Chris now serves as the Director of Facilities of the Hong Kong Rugby Union, a role that he views as a good way to stay involved in game, support the growth of the sport and give back to the community.

Chris 自小愛上欖球運動,他說:「雖然高水平欖球比賽對體能要求頗高﹐但欖球亦不同的玩法,適合各類體型、性別和年齡的人士參與。欖球講求尊重、誠信、多元性、團隊協作等價值,大多適用於職場,並且影響了我待人處事的方式,有助我透過RICS和城市土地學會等專業機構為房地產行業作出貢獻。」

作為香港國際欖球比賽的前香港隊成員,Chris 現時擔任香港橄欖球聯盟的設施總監,藉以持續投入這門運動、積極支持其發展及回饋社區。

Celebrating Link Team’s Achievements

Celebrating Link Team’s Achievements 
員工同慶佳績 Celebrating Link Team’s Achievements 
員工同慶佳績 Celebrating Link Team’s Achievements 

Link staff got together to celebrate achievements at the Las-Vegas-themed annual dinner. Their talent and creative flair were on full display at talent contests, while the management team wowed the audience by starring in their debut film “Ocean’s 823”. In his opening remarks, Chairman Nick applauded the Mainland and Hong Kong teams on creating greater synergy and experience sharing as Link’s business continued to expand in the region. He also praised staff members for their dedication and innovative spirit.

領展早前舉行的周年晚宴以「拉斯維加斯之夜」為主題,員工聚首一堂同共慶佳績,更在才藝比賽中盡展創意。而管理層較早前拍攝的「Ocean's 823」微電影,亦在當晚首次上演,聲色藝俱全,贏得全場掌聲。主席聶雅倫致詞時指出,領展香港和內地兩地團隊持續加強協作和分享經驗,推動公司業務發展。

Celebrating Link Team’s Achievements 

CEO George Hongchoy, along with 20 colleagues, took home the Long Service Award.

COO Joins Marathon's "Leaders Cup"

COO Joins Marathon's "Leaders Cup"

An avid runner who believes strongly in the health and mental benefits of physical exercise, Chief Operating Officer Andy Cheung represented Link at the Leaders Cup cum Belt & Road Relay of the Hong Kong Marathon.


Well Wishes for a New Link Baby

Well Wishes for a New Link Baby

The Cupid’s arrow struck a pair of Link colleagues, Fiona and Pak, who earlier tied the knot and followed that up by welcoming a beautiful baby boy into the world. At the Chinese New Year staff gathering, the little Link Baby, in his parents’ loving arms, visited the office and received well wishes from Link staff.

領展辦公室成為締結良緣之地,Fiona 及Pak由同事發展成終生伴侶,並於近月添丁。小男嬰的雙親都是領展員工,可說是領展寶寶。一家三口早前參加公司開年飯,跟一眾同事拜年逗利是。

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