閱讀可汲取前人經驗,積累個人智慧。我一向喜歡閱讀,尤其是有關管理之道的札記心得和個人傳記。我在香港電台 «晨光領袖書架» 節目中,曾與聽眾分享了我個人的管理學書架,在此也向大家推介幾本令我感受特別深的好書︰
《The Education of an Accidental CEO》 David Novak 著
作者為美國Yum Brand行政總裁,旗下包括必勝客及肯德基等餐飲品牌。集團決定把餐飲業務分拆,他&意外」地被委任為CEO,於是將其管理之道盡述書中。作者善用人材,延聘了多位不同經驗及工作方式的專才壯大團隊;他認為建立品牌的第一步,必須先建立公司的價值觀,得到員工認同,讓團隊知道方向,才能全情投入向目標進發。
《It's Your Ship》 Captain D. Michael Abrashoff 著
《Who Says Elephant Can't Dance》 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. 著
《Touch the Top of the World》 Erik Weihenmayer 著
作者小時在香港成長,到13歲才失明。他未有因此而放棄他的登山興趣,更決意挑戰世界之巔 - 額菲爾士峰。雖然旁人勸他放棄夢想,甚至揶揄他會是團隊的負累,但他並未有放棄,不斷透過操練積累經驗,更協助其他隊員,最終成功與團隊創造奇蹟,登上額菲爾士峰。作者的毅力令人振奮,亦提醒我們不要帶有色眼鏡去看別人。
閱讀可汲取前人經驗,積累個人智慧。我一向喜歡閱讀,尤其是有關管理之道的札記心得和個人傳記。我在香港電台 «晨光領袖書架» 節目中,曾與聽眾分享了我個人的管理學書架,在此也向大家推介幾本令我感受特別深的好書︰
《The Education of an Accidental CEO》 David Novak 著
作者為美國Yum Brand行政總裁,旗下包括必勝客及肯德基等餐飲品牌。集團決定把餐飲業務分拆,他&意外」地被委任為CEO,於是將其管理之道盡述書中。作者善用人材,延聘了多位不同經驗及工作方式的專才壯大團隊;他認為建立品牌的第一步,必須先建立公司的價值觀,得到員工認同,讓團隊知道方向,才能全情投入向目標進發。
《It's Your Ship》 Captain D. Michael Abrashoff 著
《Who Says Elephant Can't Dance》 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. 著
《Touch the Top of the World》 Erik Weihenmayer 著
作者小時在香港成長,到13歲才失明。他未有因此而放棄他的登山興趣,更決意挑戰世界之巔 - 額菲爾士峰。雖然旁人勸他放棄夢想,甚至揶揄他會是團隊的負累,但他並未有放棄,不斷透過操練積累經驗,更協助其他隊員,最終成功與團隊創造奇蹟,登上額菲爾士峰。作者的毅力令人振奮,亦提醒我們不要帶有色眼鏡去看別人。
Dear Readers,
Through reading, we learn from the experience of those who came before us and build our own wisdom. I always like reading, especially biographies and books on management. At RTHK’s "Morning Leaders’ Bookshelf", I shared with the audience my book collection on management. Here I will recommend a few books that have left an impact on me.
David Novak "The Education of an Accidental CEO"
David Novak is the CEO of Yum Brand, which is the operator of Pizza Hut, KFC and several other F&B brands. When the corporation decided to split its food and beverage business, he was appointed the CEO "accidentally". In this book, he describes his management philosophy. Novak is an expert in talent management and he recruits professionals with different experiences and styles in order to build a strong team. For him, the first step to brand-building is to consolidate the company’s values and to align staff with the company’s directions, so that together, they can strive for excellence.
Here at The Link, we have had similar experiences. In November 2011, our management drafted our company’s vision, mission and values (VMV). To this day, we follow our company’s VMV when making every decision and implementing our strategies.
Captain D. Michael Abrashoff "It's Your Ship"
This book documents how the author, a retired U.S. Navy captain, trained and lifted a bottom-ranked navy crew right to the top. The many anecdotes in the book provide inspiration to readers who want to become good leaders.
For example, navy officers normally dine in strict order of seniority. The author broke away from tradition to let lower-ranking officers dine first while he went last in line. This made his officers feel respected as the most important members on board. To encourage his crew to pursue further studies, he arranged to have examination centres set up at a number of navy piers, for his officers to take professional licensing examinations. He was also keen on listening to his crew.
At The Link, I also like to chat with our frontline staff and listen to their views on their jobs, so that I can fine-tune the company’s strategies accordingly.
Louis V. Gerstner Jr. "Who Says Elephant Can't Dance"
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. is the former CEO of IBM, who successfully transformed IBM’s business and saved it from plummeting. The book is about how he led his team to recognize the need for innovation and to look for solutions. The most memorable quote from the book for me is: “Even the best strategy has its flaws and limitations. There must be thorough preparation and continuous adjustments to the implementation for things to keep improving”.
I hope our colleagues can apply themselves to every step and every task along the way. If our work falls short in any area, it could affect the future development of our company.
Erik Weihenmayer "Touch the Top of the World"
Erik Weihenmayer grew up in Hong Kong and lost his sight at the age of 13. He did not give up on his passion for mountain climbing, but aimed to climb Mount Everest, the world’s highest mountain. Although others tried to dissuade him and called him a burden to his team, he insisted and trained hard for the experience. During the ascent, he even helped his teammates, and at long last, they reached the summit. The author’s resilience is inspiring and is a reminder to us to keep an open mind towards others.
Through reading, we learn from the experience of those who came before us and build our own wisdom. I always like reading, especially biographies and books on management. At RTHK’s "Morning Leaders’ Bookshelf", I shared with the audience my book collection on management. Here I will recommend a few books that have left an impact on me.
David Novak "The Education of an Accidental CEO"
David Novak is the CEO of Yum Brand, which is the operator of Pizza Hut, KFC and several other F&B brands. When the corporation decided to split its food and beverage business, he was appointed the CEO "accidentally". In this book, he describes his management philosophy. Novak is an expert in talent management and he recruits professionals with different experiences and styles in order to build a strong team. For him, the first step to brand-building is to consolidate the company’s values and to align staff with the company’s directions, so that together, they can strive for excellence.
Here at The Link, we have had similar experiences. In November 2011, our management drafted our company’s vision, mission and values (VMV). To this day, we follow our company’s VMV when making every decision and implementing our strategies.
Captain D. Michael Abrashoff "It's Your Ship"
This book documents how the author, a retired U.S. Navy captain, trained and lifted a bottom-ranked navy crew right to the top. The many anecdotes in the book provide inspiration to readers who want to become good leaders.
For example, navy officers normally dine in strict order of seniority. The author broke away from tradition to let lower-ranking officers dine first while he went last in line. This made his officers feel respected as the most important members on board. To encourage his crew to pursue further studies, he arranged to have examination centres set up at a number of navy piers, for his officers to take professional licensing examinations. He was also keen on listening to his crew.
At The Link, I also like to chat with our frontline staff and listen to their views on their jobs, so that I can fine-tune the company’s strategies accordingly.
Louis V. Gerstner Jr. "Who Says Elephant Can't Dance"
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. is the former CEO of IBM, who successfully transformed IBM’s business and saved it from plummeting. The book is about how he led his team to recognize the need for innovation and to look for solutions. The most memorable quote from the book for me is: “Even the best strategy has its flaws and limitations. There must be thorough preparation and continuous adjustments to the implementation for things to keep improving”.
I hope our colleagues can apply themselves to every step and every task along the way. If our work falls short in any area, it could affect the future development of our company.
Erik Weihenmayer "Touch the Top of the World"
Erik Weihenmayer grew up in Hong Kong and lost his sight at the age of 13. He did not give up on his passion for mountain climbing, but aimed to climb Mount Everest, the world’s highest mountain. Although others tried to dissuade him and called him a burden to his team, he insisted and trained hard for the experience. During the ascent, he even helped his teammates, and at long last, they reached the summit. The author’s resilience is inspiring and is a reminder to us to keep an open mind towards others.
George Hongchoy
Chief Executive Officer
May 2012
Chief Executive Officer
May 2012