發揮物業潛力 不斷提升增值
Asset Management Department
Enhancing the Properties' Potential and Value

Ms Amy Ho, Head of Asset Management (standing) believes that the asset management team should be considerate and discerning while coordinating with different departments for successful implementation of strategies加強各方溝通 首要取得認同
由此可見,資產管理部門的同事,既是專才,又是通才。「我本身是產業測量師(General Practice Surveyor),在投資、資產管理、租務、市場推廣等範疇都有多年的經驗;同時更要有良好的溝通技巧,促進部門溝通,攜手推動增值策略。」何瑞容更透露,由於部門成立不久,目前主要借調其他部門同事履行日常工作,但未來將會陸續增聘專才,針對不同物業,做好「商場醫生」的角色。
Since it was established a few months ago, the Asset Management Department has taken up the role of "Shopping Mall Doctor," keeping a close watch on the pulse and activity of The Link's shopping malls. The department formulates asset management strategies for properties in order to achieve steady revenue growth for The Link, as well as long-term improvement of the quality of life for the communities.
提升競爭優勢 保持社區融和
由此可見,資產管理部門的同事,既是專才,又是通才。「我本身是產業測量師(General Practice Surveyor),在投資、資產管理、租務、市場推廣等範疇都有多年的經驗;同時更要有良好的溝通技巧,促進部門溝通,攜手推動增值策略。」何瑞容更透露,由於部門成立不久,目前主要借調其他部門同事履行日常工作,但未來將會陸續增聘專才,針對不同物業,做好「商場醫生」的角色。
Since it was established a few months ago, the Asset Management Department has taken up the role of "Shopping Mall Doctor," keeping a close watch on the pulse and activity of The Link's shopping malls. The department formulates asset management strategies for properties in order to achieve steady revenue growth for The Link, as well as long-term improvement of the quality of life for the communities.
Strengthened Communication for Overall Commitment
Ms Amy Ho, Head of Asset Management at The Link, selected 13 shopping malls for detailed asset enhancement analysis, followed by the implementation of their asset enhancement projects. While asset enhancement of certain properties has been completed, it calls for continuous review and adjustments in response to changing market trends. As the "Shopping Mall Doctor," the asset management department has regular meetings with leasing, property management and operations and other departments who know the every detail of shopping mall operation in order to conduct comprehensive analysis of the properties. With reference to the market survey done by The Link, the team will further examine the positioning of individual properties. The department also closely collaborates with other teams within the company to devise strategies that are then approved by different departments.
The staff members of the Asset Management Department are both specialists and generalists, who have extensive knowledge in areas including surveying, asset evaluation, leasing and property management. They are also excellent facilitators who promote communication among different departments in executing asset management strategies. As the department is newly established, it is utilizing staff members from other departments in its daily operation. In the future, the department will expand its team of specialists to oversee different properties and strengthen its role as the “Shopping Mall Doctor.”
Improved Competitiveness for Community Harmony
In formulating long-term asset management strategies, rent increases is not The Link's sole consideration. Providing an overview on market trends is key to helping the tenants to improve their competitiveness. For asset enhancement of properties, The Link works closely with its tenants to prepare them for a shifting economy, and to strive for a balance between revenue growth and community harmony. The staff members of the Asset Management Department are both specialists and generalists, who have extensive knowledge in areas including surveying, asset evaluation, leasing and property management. They are also excellent facilitators who promote communication among different departments in executing asset management strategies. As the department is newly established, it is utilizing staff members from other departments in its daily operation. In the future, the department will expand its team of specialists to oversee different properties and strengthen its role as the “Shopping Mall Doctor.”

Whether it is Sheung Tak Shopping Centre (photo) undergoing asset enhancement, or Tsz Wan Shan Shopping Centre with AEI completed, in order to further improve their competitiveness, they will be subject to continuous review and improvement in consideration of future changes in the market.
Staff Town Hall - 800 Employees in Attendance

為了讓同事更清晰了解領匯的發展步伐及方向,我們於4月2日假九龍灣國際展貿中心舉行「員工分享會」,約800名 (近9成) 職員出席。行政總裁王國龍在分享會上提到,雖然領匯股價在過去一年節節上升,跑贏大市,但他仍向同事分享,強調工作必須時刻謹記領匯的「抱負、使命及信念」,致力提供更好的服務,改善社區及市民的生活質素。王國龍向全體員工闡釋領匯發展增長模式的三個重要環節 (1) 資產管理、(2) 資產提升及(3) 資產收購,每一個環節都十分重要,而亦一脈相連,鼓勵同事先管理好目前的物業,為未來進一步擴展物業組合奠下穩固基礎。
為進一步提升服務水平及營運效率,領匯由今年4月1日起,4個部門會重整架構以提高積效,包括維修及保養部、工程部、物業管理及營運、停車場物業支援。另外,亦會新成立一個專責管理街市的部門,以「租管合一」的概念,全力策劃旗下鮮活街市的未來發展路向;至於資產管理部會專注為旗艦物業規劃未來5至10年的發展計劃,策略性地提升物業潛力;配合推行已有一年的神秘顧客評核計劃,向將領匯品牌塑造成「模範業主」(Landlord of Choice) 的目標邁進。
The Link's "Vision, Mission and Values"
The Link's "Vision, Mission and Values"
領匯品牌 -「模範業主」
Brand Building: The Link - "Landlord of Choice"
Brand Building: The Link - "Landlord of Choice"
為進一步提升服務水平及營運效率,領匯由今年4月1日起,4個部門會重整架構以提高積效,包括維修及保養部、工程部、物業管理及營運、停車場物業支援。另外,亦會新成立一個專責管理街市的部門,以「租管合一」的概念,全力策劃旗下鮮活街市的未來發展路向;至於資產管理部會專注為旗艦物業規劃未來5至10年的發展計劃,策略性地提升物業潛力;配合推行已有一年的神秘顧客評核計劃,向將領匯品牌塑造成「模範業主」(Landlord of Choice) 的目標邁進。
George Hongchoy encouraged all staff members to be forward-looking and to reflect upon The Link's roles in the society in the future, in order to identify and gear up for the right opportunities for development.
To give our staff a clearer view of The Link's forthcoming developments, we hosted the Staff Town Hall at the Kowloon Bay International Trade & Exhibition Centre on 2 April, with close to 90% of our employees in attendance. George Hongchoy, Chief Executive Officer remarked that all staff members must follow The Link's "Vision, Mission and Values" in order to provide better service and to help improve the quality of life of local residents and communities.
To enhance service standards and efficiency of our operations, several departments including : Repairs and Maintenance, Engineering and Maintenance, Property Management and Operations, as well as Car Park and Management Support, have been restructured for improved efficiency. A new department will be set up for the management and leasing of fresh markets. Asset Management Department focuses on formulating 5- to 10-year development plans for our flagship properties. Along with the Mystery Shopper Programme that has been in place for the past year, these new strategic moves will further strengthen The Link's brand towards becoming the "Landlord of Choice".
To enhance service standards and efficiency of our operations, several departments including : Repairs and Maintenance, Engineering and Maintenance, Property Management and Operations, as well as Car Park and Management Support, have been restructured for improved efficiency. A new department will be set up for the management and leasing of fresh markets. Asset Management Department focuses on formulating 5- to 10-year development plans for our flagship properties. Along with the Mystery Shopper Programme that has been in place for the past year, these new strategic moves will further strengthen The Link's brand towards becoming the "Landlord of Choice".
The Staff Online Forum

我們相信高透明度的企業管理文化可讓員工對公司有信心,有助他們投入工作。為加強與員工的溝通和交流,領匯於2010年11月在公司內聯網成立「Your Voice」員工討論區,歡迎員工就不同範疇的議題,分享看法及交換意見。討論區的七大主題區域包括工作經驗分享、生活消閒、員工活動、新聞故事背後等。自該平台開通以來,已有近400個討論主題,逾1,800個回應貼子。瀏覽「Your Voice」,已成為大部分員工工作生活的一部分,亦讓員工可以緊貼公司最新動向。
在 Your Voice,同事可匿名發表對管理層甚至是執行決策的看法,亦有同事就加薪幅度、工作量、各種工作壓力、管理制度及變動等發聲;管理層亦會參考甚或採納推行同事在討論區提出的意見,例如男士陪產假、員工油卡、泊車優惠等。
We believe that transparency in corporate culture is key to gaining employees' trust in the company and fostering their motivation. To strengthen employee communication and interaction, The Link created the staff forum - "Your Voice", on the company's intranet in November 2010, where staff members are encouraged to share their opinions on various topics. To date, over 1,800 replies have been posted to about 400 discussion topics. The management adopted and implemented many of the good ideas proposed by staff on this forum, such as the paternity leave, staff petrol card and parking concessions.
在 Your Voice,同事可匿名發表對管理層甚至是執行決策的看法,亦有同事就加薪幅度、工作量、各種工作壓力、管理制度及變動等發聲;管理層亦會參考甚或採納推行同事在討論區提出的意見,例如男士陪產假、員工油卡、泊車優惠等。
We believe that transparency in corporate culture is key to gaining employees' trust in the company and fostering their motivation. To strengthen employee communication and interaction, The Link created the staff forum - "Your Voice", on the company's intranet in November 2010, where staff members are encouraged to share their opinions on various topics. To date, over 1,800 replies have been posted to about 400 discussion topics. The management adopted and implemented many of the good ideas proposed by staff on this forum, such as the paternity leave, staff petrol card and parking concessions.

公司內聯網成立 Your Voice 討論區,很多好意見被管理層採納並付之實行,讓員工得到最大的益處。
With the staff forum, "Your Voice", on the company's intranet, many excellent suggestions have been put into practice by our management to the benefit of our staff.
Employee Assistance Programmefor Whole-Person Development

「僱員支援計劃」推出的活動和工作坊,獲同事踴躍參與,至今參加工作坊已達 80 人次。
The activities and workshops under the Employee Assistance Programme have drawn an enthusiastic response from staff. To date, 80 employees have participated in the workshops.
As of 1 September, 2011, in partnership with Four Dimensions Consulting Limited, The Link offers a comprehensive employee assistance programme to staff and their immediate families. This includes a 24-hour counselling hotline, in-person meetings and other activities. These initiatives help our staff handle their work, interpersonal relationships, personal development and family matters more effectively. In the future, we will continue to organise a variety of wellness seminars to help our employees achieve physical and mental wellness and a whole person development.
As of 1 September, 2011, in partnership with Four Dimensions Consulting Limited, The Link offers a comprehensive employee assistance programme to staff and their immediate families. This includes a 24-hour counselling hotline, in-person meetings and other activities. These initiatives help our staff handle their work, interpersonal relationships, personal development and family matters more effectively. In the future, we will continue to organise a variety of wellness seminars to help our employees achieve physical and mental wellness and a whole person development.

領匯 4 名保安同事
Staff Awarded "Best Security Guard"駐場的前線員工經常要接觸顧客及商戶,是商場的靈魂人物。4 名分別來自天水圍天澤商場及頌富廣場的保安同事,包括麥秀冰、詹翠月、馮錦成及張偉榮,憑着他們出色的工作表現,包括曾協助商戶追捕盜竊疑匪,在「2011年度新界北總區最佳保安員選舉頒獎典禮」上獲得「傑出表現獎」。

Award winners of the "Best Security Guard"