The Link is committed to keeping stringent control over its operational costs, while carrying out enhancements of facilities and services.領匯停車場 持續優化設施
Ongoing Improvements to The Link's Car Park Facilities
Further Parking Discount Offers to the Disabled
Further Parking Discount Offers to the Disabled
Over the past year, The Link has initiated a number of enhancements at its car parks. Starting from 1 May, multiple parking discounts was rolled out. In support of greener driving, the EV Pass for users of electric vehicles is now entering its third consecutive year. Due to an increase in the improvement works, expenditures and operational costs, monthly parking fees of private cars, lorries and motorbikes for some car parks in The Link's portfolio have been adjusted upward with effect from 1 May.
已完成的工程 | 計劃 | |
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增加700多個高清網絡攝影鏡頭,令閉路電視覆蓋率增加至平均90%,加強保安 | 陸續將現時的數碼錄影系統,提升為高清網絡攝錄系統,以增加靈活性及監控性 |
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為旗下50多個停車場更換T5節能環保光管,配合環保概念 | 於2012至2013年度內將所有停車場光管提升為T5節能環保光管 |
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旗下11個停車場已完成大型維修及粉飾工程 | 繼續在其他停車場進行 |
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在10個停車場增設合共50個電動車充電站,其中兩個更配備快速充電站,並為車主提供在充電期間免費泊車的優惠 | 繼續擴展至不同區域 |
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於2012 至2013年度會繼續在旗下73個停車場提升暢通無阻通道設施 |
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「隨意泊」讓月租車主在日間出外可免費任泊領匯161個停車場 | 惟反應熱烈,「隨意泊」已滿額而暫不接受新登記 |
推出全新管家服務合約 提升物業服務質素
New Housekeeping Service Contracts for Improved Service Standards in Shopping Malls
The Link introduced a new series of front-line service contracts to improve service standards. The first stage of a comprehensive security service was launched on 1 April. The second stage of housekeeping service will be launched on 1 June to replace the current cleaning service contracts. As stated in all the new contracts, The Link and its contractors will continue to provide paid leave, paid lunch hour and skill enhancement training opportunities for frontline staff. A total of 16 new contracts were awarded to 11 contractors.
The Link introduced a new series of front-line service contracts to improve service standards. The first stage of a comprehensive security service was launched on 1 April. The second stage of housekeeping service will be launched on 1 June to replace the current cleaning service contracts. As stated in all the new contracts, The Link and its contractors will continue to provide paid leave, paid lunch hour and skill enhancement training opportunities for frontline staff. A total of 16 new contracts were awarded to 11 contractors.

APREA 領袖論壇赤柱廣場閉幕午宴
APREA Property Leaders Forum Closing Luncheon at Stanley Plaza
Visitors to Experience Shopping Leisure
雲集亞太地區房地產領袖的「2012 APREA物業領袖論壇」,於4月26日在赤柱廣場舉行閉幕午宴。當日房地產領袖聚首一堂,領匯代表向嘉賓分享了公司的發展策略及方向,講解了領匯如何利用資產提升工程,把赤柱廣場打造成南區獨特的旅遊消閒熱點。嘉賓在藍天碧海下的赤柱廣場享用美饌佳餚,感受赤柱的風光明媚。午餐後,他們自由參觀商場,在場內盡情玩樂,體驗悠閒寫意的購物樂趣。
A key gathering of Asia's property leaders, "2012 Asia Pacific Real Estate Association (APREA) Property Leaders Forum" had its closing ceremony and luncheon at Stanley Plaza on 26 April. At the event, The Link's management shared the strategy and direction for the company's future development and how The Link has transformed Stanley Plaza through asset enhancement into a unique tourism hot spot in the Southern District.
A key gathering of Asia's property leaders, "2012 Asia Pacific Real Estate Association (APREA) Property Leaders Forum" had its closing ceremony and luncheon at Stanley Plaza on 26 April. At the event, The Link's management shared the strategy and direction for the company's future development and how The Link has transformed Stanley Plaza through asset enhancement into a unique tourism hot spot in the Southern District.

致力推動多元長者活動 獲「長者安居協會」嘉許
The Link's Dedicated Services for Senior Citizens commended by SCHSA

Senior citizens are users of services provided by The Link. In addition to services related to daily needs, The Link works continuously in partnership with different charities to offer a variety of community activities for senior citizens. Recently, The Link has been awarded a Certificate of Commendation by the Senior Citizen Home Safety Association (SCHSA) in recognition of its long-term support to elderly services.

DK Lai (right), Executive Committee Member of SCHSA , presented a Certificate of Commendation to James Kwong, Portfolio Manager of The Link.全新 天瑞商場 外貌佈局耳目一新
添置戶外綠色空間 特色餐飲食肆齊進駐
Facelift of Tin Shui Shopping Centre With an Array of Special Eateries

1. | 八角形中庭增設各類植物、座椅,美化環境之餘,亦為顧客提供一個免費的戶外綠色休憩空間,提升商場環境設施,瞬間成為天瑞商場的焦點所在。 Seating facilities and assorted plants have been added to Octagon Courtyard to give an aesthetic touch to the surroundings and to provide a free green space in the open air. The enhanced facilities have soon become the focus of attention in Tin Shui Shopping Centre. |
2. | 天瑞商場外牆全面翻新並更換商場標誌,配合更年青活力的形象。 Tin Shui Shopping Centre's renovated facade and new logo are in line with its younger and more vibrant image. |
3. | 整個建築設計及提升後的照明系統成功提高場內採光度,翻新地下大堂天花、牆壁以至地板,提升暢通無阻通道設施,賦予顧客舒適難忘的購物體驗。 The architectural design plus enhanced lighting system have successfully allowed more light into the mall. The revamp of ground floor lobby ceiling, walls and floor tiles and the enhancement of passageways offer a comfortable and unforgettable experience to shoppers. |
4. | 改善通道設計及增設電梯,配合各類商戶行業組合以幫助帶動商場人流及增加商戶生意。 Improved passageways and additional escalators can fit the needs of different shop tenants, increase customer flow and boost business. |
5. | 全面增設商場設施包括暢通易達洗手間、育嬰室及單車借用服務等。 Additional facilities and services are introduced such as accessible toilets, baby care room and bike lending service... etc. |

Mr Chan, Operation Manager of
Bao Dim Sin Seng
Mr Chan, Operation Manager of
Bao Dim Sin Seng
With the attractive new look, diverse combination of shops and additional escalators to converge the flow of shoppers we feel optimistic about our business.
With the attractive new look, diverse combination of shops and additional escalators to converge the flow of shoppers we feel optimistic about our business.
Mr Lai, shop owner of Show Art Hair Salon
Mr Lai, shop owner of Show Art Hair Salon
After the renovation, the mall looks more stylish and tidier. The improved passageways have redirected shopper traffic which has improved our business.
After the renovation, the mall looks more stylish and tidier. The improved passageways have redirected shopper traffic which has improved our business.
Mr Lam, shop owner of
Shui Hang Medicine
Mr Lam, shop owner of
Shui Hang Medicine
The mall now has better lighting than before. The better use of space has also drawn in a wide variety of shops. That brings liveliness to the mall and fresh feelings to the customers. The relocating of the supermarket to the 1st floor can also boost shopper traffic.
The mall now has better lighting than before. The better use of space has also drawn in a wide variety of shops. That brings liveliness to the mall and fresh feelings to the customers. The relocating of the supermarket to the 1st floor can also boost shopper traffic.
Mr Yiu, shop owner of Sharp Cup
Mr Yiu, shop owner of Sharp Cup
Tin Shui Shopping Centre occupies an ideal location in the district and after renovation, it has become even more spacious. The right trade mix has reduced unnecessary competition. I hope the mall will have more promotion activities in future to attract more shoppers.
Tin Shui Shopping Centre occupies an ideal location in the district and after renovation, it has become even more spacious. The right trade mix has reduced unnecessary competition. I hope the mall will have more promotion activities in future to attract more shoppers.
提升工程完成後,多間特色餐飲食肆亦先後進駐天瑞,供顧客有更多元化的選擇,包括台式飲品店「續杯」、首度進駐領匯旗下物業的「生記山西刀削麵」,以及薄餅外賣店PHD Pizza等。
The Link has undertaken an Asset Enhancement works at Tin Shui Shopping Centre and the 18-month project has been completed infusing new elements into the mall. The mall and open air Octagon Courtyard have been thoroughly renovated. To give a stronger sense of spaciousness, The Link redesigned the walkways by raising the ground of Octagon Courtyard and connecting it to the adjacent Joy Square for greater inter-accessibility. After the completion of works, a number of restaurants with special styles have recently opened at Tin Shui.
連續5年獲 商界展關懷榮銜
Awarded Caring Company Logo for the 5th Year

The Link was awarded the Caring Company for the fifth year in a row by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, in recognising the corporation's performance in fulfilling corporate social responsibility.

Peionie Kong (middle), Head of Leasing received the certificate.11/12年度中期年報 榮獲國際設計大獎
Interim Report 2011-2012 won Astrid Grand Award
領匯2011/12 度中期年報以不同的色彩調子,點出商戶互融及領匯承諾的主題。該報告早前獲頒國際性獎項Mercury Excellence Awards 2011/12 度中期報告設計金獎後,最近再下一城,更榮獲國際性獎項 Astrid Awards 2012度年報(專業)類別的設計大獎。
The design of The Link's Interim Report 2011-2012 features a brush painting in various colours representing the fusion of tenants and The Link's pledge. In the international Astrid Awards 2012, this interim report design was named the Grand Winner in the Annual Reports (Specialised) category.
領匯2011/12 度中期年報屢獲國際性設計獎項。
The Link's Interim Report 2011-2012 won another International Design Award.
The Link's Interim Report 2011-2012 won another International Design Award.

樂富廣場榮獲 2011物業管理優異獎
Certificate of Merit of PM in 2011 Hong Kong Awards for
Environmental Excellence
領匯旗艦物業樂富廣場榮獲由環境保護運動委員會聯同環境保護署及九個機構合辦「2011香港環保卓越計劃」的物業管理優異獎,表彰其在推動環保措施及管理方面的傑出表現。該獎項旨在鼓勵各行各業持續推動環境管理及實踐環保創意概念。Environmental Excellence
Lok Fu Plaza, The Link's flagship property has been awarded the Certificate of Merit of Property Management in the 2011 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence, in recognition of its green efforts in promoting environmental practices and management.
Sammy Chan (left), General Manager of Model Shopping Centres received the Certificate.
Sammy Chan (left), General Manager of Model Shopping Centres received the Certificate.

Hong Kong Service Awards 2012
2012年4月,領匯榮獲由東周刊主辦的「香港服務大獎2012」的「房地產投資信託基金」類別大獎,表揚其為顧客提供優質購物環境、為商戶提供良好營商環境及為基金單位投資者提供增值回報的努力。In April 2012, The Link has won the "Hong Kong Service Awards 2012" under the category "Real Estate Investment Trust" organised by East Week.
Gordon Wu (left), Head of Property Management and Operations received the award.
Gordon Wu (left), Head of Property Management and Operations received the award.

Distinguished Green Contribution Award
領匯獲 U Green Awards 頒發「傑出綠色貢獻大獎」,表揚領匯在過去一年積極推行可持續發展,提升物業和管理措施,及推動具創意的綠色社區參與活動。The Link was presented the Distinguished Green Contribution Award by the U Green Awards for its commitment in managing its portfolio of properties sustainably and innovatively promoting green community engagement programmes over the previous year.
Brian Chuang, General Manager of Project & Planning (left), received the Distinguished Green Contribution Award.
Brian Chuang, General Manager of Project & Planning (left), received the Distinguished Green Contribution Award.

亞洲投資者 2012 年投資表現獎
Asian Investor 2012 Investment Performance Awards
領匯榮獲由亞洲權威資產管理及投資刊物 AsianInvestor 頒發2012 Investment Performance Awards「亞太區房地產投資信託基金」類別獎項。 研究機構 eVestment Alliance 及 Mercer 根據參與公司的一年、三年及五年的風險調整回報,總結表現數據來評定得獎者。The Link has won the "REITs, Asia Pacific" category of AsianInvestor 2012 Investment Performance Awards organized by AsianInvestor, a respected asset management and institutional investment publication in Asia. Winners of this award programme are selected through performance data provided by eVestment Alliance and Mercer, based on both nominal and risk-adjusted returns over one-, three- and five-year periods.