連續六週日本美食主題 豐富慶典
全方位吸引人流 刺激商場消費 宣揚優質生活概念
Brand New Lok Fu Plaza Celebrates its First Birthday
Six-Week Japanese Food Fair for a Grand Celebration
All-round Attraction of More Shoppers and Higher Spending Promoting Quality Lifestyles
In order to celebrate the first birthday of the brand new Lok Fu Plaza, The Link launched the six-week "The Link's Japanese Food Fair" on 22 April. The event not only presented a stunning selection of $1 Japanese foods, but also brought festive elements of Japanese culture into the shopping centre.

相撲火鍋競食 百人齊集為大胃王打氣
Sumo Pot Food Contest Cheering Crowds for Big Eaters
美食祭以「日本國技」— 相撲為頭炮,舉辦全港首個「相撲火鍋競食大賽」。大會邀請了6位香港專業競食團「饗民」代表及4位香港相撲代表隊相樸手參加競食比賽,其中「饗民」成員Chris 更是去年參加美國紐約舉行的國際熱狗大胃王比賽的中國代表,大胃王與相撲手的「重量級」競食對決,戰況激烈,吸引過百市民於現場支持打氣。
The food fair kicked off with "Japan's National Sport" - sumo wrestling - at the city's first ever "Sumo Pot Food Contest."
The food fair kicked off with "Japan's National Sport" - sumo wrestling - at the city's first ever "Sumo Pot Food Contest."

神轎巡遊 體驗淺草三社祭
Mikoshi Parade for the Asakusa Sanja Matsuri
我們把日本淺草三社祭慶典移師樂富廣場。一班本地大專學生以樂富1週年慶典為主題設計獨一無二的神轎,齊齊施展渾身解數,爭奪「學界神轎皇」寶座!並邀得藝人金剛、日本通健吾及UNY生活創庫香港區總經理Mr. Ueno當日擔任嘉賓評判,就創意、環保、日本傳統特色等元素選出學界神轎皇。各參賽隊伍鬥志高昂,配合豐富的表情動作、吶喊、口號及舞蹈等技倆,爭取評判們的歡心,而金剛更率領各隊伍以日本抬轎人打扮參與巡遊,熱爆樂富廣場﹗
A celebration of the Asakusa Sanja Matsuri at Lok Fu Plaza with the design and parade competition of Mikoshi. We invited students from institutes and Mr Ueno, General Manager of the HK District of UNY to join in the event to cheer with the crowd and attract visitors to come.
A celebration of the Asakusa Sanja Matsuri at Lok Fu Plaza with the design and parade competition of Mikoshi. We invited students from institutes and Mr Ueno, General Manager of the HK District of UNY to join in the event to cheer with the crowd and attract visitors to come.

Cosplay達人盛會 商場雲集年輕動漫迷
Cosplay Show for Anime and Comics Fans
動漫及Cosplay文化襲港,每年動漫節定逼爆會場。樂富廣場變成 Cosplay 迷「朝聖之地」,5月5日號召本港Cosplay 達人,舉行 Cosplay Show。盛會上,獲獎無數的本地 Cosplay 界殿堂人物黃兆倫(阿幽)以自家製全新造型登場,Cosplay 界人氣表演團 V-Project 現場載歌載舞,我們亦動員經典英雄人物與市民見面,引來年輕動漫迷及龍友們齊集樂富,盛況空前。

On May 5, the Cosplay Show was held at Lok Fu Plaza. Hong Kong's own award-winning Cosplay dresser, Wong Siu Lun debuted her latest costume at the event.

櫻花和服秀 欣賞首度曝光珍罕和服
Sakura Kimono Show Showcase of Rare and Precious Kimonos
Fashion models walked the runway in Sakura-pattern kimonos modeled after Junihitoe from the Heian Period, giving the audience a glimpse into traditional Japanese culture.
Fashion models walked the runway in Sakura-pattern kimonos modeled after Junihitoe from the Heian Period, giving the audience a glimpse into traditional Japanese culture.

150人合製親子便當長龍 場面壯觀
150 Family Members to Make the City's First-ever Giant Bento
150 family members were invited to create the animal-themed "Fun-filled Giant Bento" at the shopping centre.
150 family members were invited to create the animal-themed "Fun-filled Giant Bento" at the shopping centre.

日本清酒祭 免費品嚐獨一無二清酒
Free Trials of Sake at the Sake Festival
The food festival closed with a sake celebration, where visitors had free trials of sake and learned about the tasting of sake from professional sommeliers.
The food festival closed with a sake celebration, where visitors had free trials of sake and learned about the tasting of sake from professional sommeliers.

$1激安價大嘆東瀛美食 吸引大批市民入場掃貨
$1 Japanese Food Fair for Eager Shoppers

We presented a different selection of Japanese specialty foods every week, and shoppers could shop for Japanese delicacies for $1 on Saturdays and Sundays. The special promotions received overwhelming response and the products were quickly sold out.
We presented a different selection of Japanese specialty foods every week, and shoppers could shop for Japanese delicacies for $1 on Saturdays and Sundays. The special promotions received overwhelming response and the products were quickly sold out.

消費投票賞萬元簽賬 刺激顧客消費
Happy Shopping and Voting to Win $10,000 Free Spending Credit
活動期間,美食佈置貫穿全場,市民遊走在100款大型日本美食模型間,真正置身美食天堂,高舉相機大拍特拍。我們向消費滿港幣100元的顧客,免費派贈抽獎劵,投票選最愛日本美食,頭獎獲港幣10,000元的大新領匯Happy Visa卡免找數簽賬額。樂富廣場一周年慶典,呈獻豐富及充滿娛樂性的推廣節目,讓顧客們盡情享樂及消費,滿載而歸!
We offered free lucky draw tickets to customers who spent $100 or more at the shopping centre and voted for their favourite Japanese food. The winner will receive $10,000 free spending credit sponsored by Dah Sing The Link Happy Visa Card.
We offered free lucky draw tickets to customers who spent $100 or more at the shopping centre and voted for their favourite Japanese food. The winner will receive $10,000 free spending credit sponsored by Dah Sing The Link Happy Visa Card.

全新特色活動 吸引獨特客群
New Special Events to Draw New Customers
We strive to organize creative promotional events to attract new customers from local and mainland, and bring in new business opportunities for our tenants.
We strive to organize creative promotional events to attract new customers from local and mainland, and bring in new business opportunities for our tenants.

1st May Golden Week Toy Exhibition
Lures Mainland Visitors
玩具迷穿梭在5大主題區中,欣賞曾風靡一時的《西遊記》及《封神榜》等遊戲棋,而仿照「東風牌」等一系列國產橋車製作的鐵皮汽車玩具,亦是玩具迷圍觀的焦點玩具之一。我們還特別網羅過百款激新及限量版玩具,在「玩具市集」以特價發售,讓一家大小盡情購物。期間於場內消費滿300元的顧客,可免費到「智能玩具區」試玩「iDroid 機械人」等多款最新高科技玩具,滿足玩具迷的心願。

Lung Cheung Plaza and Wong Tai Sin Plaza hosted the 10-day "Contemporary vs Intelligence Toy Exhibition," where over 100 pieces of antique toys from the 1950s, modern-day toys and intelligence toys were exhibited.
The Link joined with mainland travel agencies, which brought in hundreds of mainland vistors to the shopping centres. The event drew large groups of mainlanders and locals to shop and dine in the centres, giving a significant boost to the tenants' business.
車主消費 送油劵 吸納高消費車主
Gasoline Vouchers Targeting High Spending Customers
凡於星期一至四晚上6時後駕車抵達赤柱廣場,並於任何食肆消費滿港幣400元,即可享高達4小時免費泊車優惠 ,在辦理泊車優惠時更加送總值300元的蜆殼油劵。此外,在樂富廣場消費滿200元的車主,會獲贈免費泊車優惠及總值港幣300元的蜆殼油劵活動。活動反應熱烈,吸納車主到商場購物消費。
Stanley Plaza and Lok Fu Plaza have joined with Shell to offer gasoline vouchers to shoppers and dinners.
凡於星期一至四晚上6時後駕車抵達赤柱廣場,並於任何食肆消費滿港幣400元,即可享高達4小時免費泊車優惠 ,在辦理泊車優惠時更加送總值300元的蜆殼油劵。此外,在樂富廣場消費滿200元的車主,會獲贈免費泊車優惠及總值港幣300元的蜆殼油劵活動。活動反應熱烈,吸納車主到商場購物消費。
Stanley Plaza and Lok Fu Plaza have joined with Shell to offer gasoline vouchers to shoppers and dinners.

New Dining Experience Offers in Island East
此外,我們更會與小西灣廣場君臨海鮮酒家舉辦獨一無二的「美酒盛宴夜」。 此品酒夜宴是由紀曉華與君臨大廚共同設計名菜,包括冷燻南非八頭鮑和桂花荔枝冰等。紀曉華更會與顧客分享他對美酒佳餚配搭的心得,並即席示範烹調意大利漁村花甲,令人食指大動。
我們希望透過與名人的合作,協助提升商戶知名度及競爭力,同時與商戶建立良好關係。 為進一步吸引港島東市民蒞臨小西灣街市, 由6月1日起,我們會於街市門前免費派發「紀好煮意食譜卡」,每周更會有新煮意。所有食譜均以中、英及印尼文編寫,讓上班一族及附近住戶的家務助理,會有興趣索取食譜,並前往街市購買所需食材,兼可帶動小西灣商場的商機。
Walter Kei, the renowned travel and food columnist joins hands with The Link's F & B tenants to create cross-over cuisine for customers in Island East. A Food and Wine tasting night will be held in a restaurant in Siu Sai Wan Plaza, featuring the new dishes designed by Walter and the chef of the restaurant. In addition, recipes in three languages will be given to shoppers at Siu Sai Wan Fresh Market for free starting from 1 June. We hope the promotions will help enhance the reputation and competitiveness of our tenants, as well as bring in more shoppers to the centre.

赤柱廣場銳意打造成南區臨海 消閒飲食新地標
Stanley Plaza as the New Seaside Leisure and Dining Hotspot
As a dog-friendly property, the renovated Stanley Plaza welcomes dog owners to come with their beloved pets and enjoy good time together. The Plaza is also hosting a series of events to further promote Stanley as a leisure hotspot. The "Wine Walk" in Stanley has won the support of both wine and dog lovers. We have also launched the Spring issue of "Stanley Plaza Magazine" which introduces our F & B and shops to the neighbourhood and encourage them to pay a visit to Stanley.

Stanley Plaza Magazine Spring Issue
赤柱吃喝玩樂新指南 吸引南區追求品味一族
Guide To Lifestyle and Gourmet in Southern District

Stanley Plaza Magazine(春季刊)經已出版,旨於宣傳赤柱廣場為港島南區假日消閒及旅遊新熱點。這本全新雙月刊將會透過嶄新宣傳渠道,除了於領匯旗下指定商場、屋苑住客會所及私人會所內免費派發外,更會直接郵寄予12,000港島中及南區住戶,及隨 Time Out Magazine 附送,讓更多客群認識全新的赤柱廣場,增加滲透率,並為商戶帶來商機。
Stanley Plaza Magazine 深得商戶支持,並熱心為雜誌提供精彩資訊。春季刊以飲食為主題,走訪廣場內全新進駐之商戶包括霞飛、鍾菜、STAN Cafe、Mirch Masala Indian Cuisine 等。部分商戶如 Fiori、Dogaroo @ Stanley 更以廣告支持,全力為赤柱廣場寫下新一頁。
The Stanley Plaza Magazine (Spring Issue) has been published and is available through numerous channels including The Link's shopping centres, private club houses and club houses of residential estates in the district, Time Out Magazine insertions and direct mail to homes in Central and Southern District. The publication aims to provide a new promotion channel for our tenants in order to broaden customer base. The magazine is well-received by tenants and features advertisement from them.
Stanley Plaza Magazine 深得商戶支持,並熱心為雜誌提供精彩資訊。春季刊以飲食為主題,走訪廣場內全新進駐之商戶包括霞飛、鍾菜、STAN Cafe、Mirch Masala Indian Cuisine 等。部分商戶如 Fiori、Dogaroo @ Stanley 更以廣告支持,全力為赤柱廣場寫下新一頁。
The Stanley Plaza Magazine (Spring Issue) has been published and is available through numerous channels including The Link's shopping centres, private club houses and club houses of residential estates in the district, Time Out Magazine insertions and direct mail to homes in Central and Southern District. The publication aims to provide a new promotion channel for our tenants in order to broaden customer base. The magazine is well-received by tenants and features advertisement from them.