領匯「單車舞火龍」2013 再度登場 
全城共創新紀錄   牽頭推動低碳生活
Welcoming Chinese New Year
with Innovative Green Activities
領匯破舊立新,為市民帶來既富有活力動感,又宣揚低碳綠色生活的單車賀歲活動。繼去年於天水圍首辦「單車行大運」及「單車舞火龍」後,今年第二屆移師至將軍澳,於2月12日 (年初三) 由領匯率領逾800名市民及近300名單車愛好者分別參與「單車行大運」及「單車舞火龍」,並期望將此獨特之節日慶祝盛事延伸至各區,讓全港獨有的單車迎春活動成為領匯及 全港市民的年度賀歲盛事。

Following the launch in Tin Shui Wai in 2012, the 2nd Annual Bike Parade and Bike Dragon Dance was held on 12 February in Tseung Kwan O to bring seasonal greetings to various districts in Hong Kong.

「單車行大運」開運賀歲 贏日本/台灣雙人單車之旅

年初三當日中午舉行的「單車行大運」,共吸引逾800名市民分別透過團體組、家庭組及個人組報名,不少單車健兒更攜同自家戰車組隊參與,參加者於將軍澳區沿途穿梭城市樓群、翠綠半山及沿海新建成單車徑,在新年伊始抱擁美景行大運。其中五名完成「單車行大運」的幸運兒,更於當日贏得豐富獎品,包括雙人來回沖繩、台北單車之旅機票或 i-Pad mini等。
「單車舞火龍」再創新紀錄 2,000呎單車龍照亮將軍澳

入夜時分,香港單車代表、各專業單車好手、業餘單車愛好者及一眾參加的市民共約300人穿上特製夜光服飾齊集於尚德廣場,以繫上光帶的單車創造出全長逾2,000呎的單車夜光 火龍,配合全港唯一一架高近八呎的發光燈單車龍頭,火龍照耀整個將軍澳,場面盛大壯觀,吸引大批市民沿途圍觀。一眾參加者共同刷新「舞火龍」紀錄之餘,更將新年的祝福傳遍將軍澳。

Win Bike Tour Tickets to Japan/Taiwan

On the afternoon of 12 February, more than 800 groups, families and individual participants joined The Link Chinese New Year Bike Parade, riding along the urban neighbourhoods, up and down hillsides and new waterfront bike track in Tseung Kwan O, whilst many of them had been bringing their own bikes. Five of the participants who finished the Bike Parade had won prizes, including bike tour flight tickets for two to Okinawa in Japan or Taipei, or an i-Pad mini after the completion of the parade.

2,000 ft Long Luminous Bike Dragon Whirling Around Tseung Kwan O

At night, The Link led Hong Kong cycling team representatives and about 300 bike enthusiasts on the performance beginning at Sheung Tak Plaza. All bicycles were decorated with special lighting to create a fire dragon effect along the streets of Tseung Kwan O.

To welcome the Year of the Snake, The Link has prepared a series of fabulous celebratory activities and a wide range of innovative Chinese New Year gifts to bring good luck, fortune and joy to the community.
Trendy Gifts for New Year Celebration
Smash Hit Korean Comedy in Town
Smash Hit Korean Comedy in Town


Combining dance, magic and acrobatics, Pang Show is a popular Korean comedy troupe. Recently, the troupe put on free performances at four shopping centres of The Link. The show was previously presented at Stanley Plaza, where it received positive feedback from shoppers.
Fortune Bag 領匯美食通勝
The Link Dining Almanac 利是封
Red Packets
Fortune Bag
The Link Dining Almanac
Red Packets


The theme of “Lao Qi” (originated from a dish name), has come to be known as a fortunate wish for prosperity during Lunar New Year, a range of Chinese New Year gifts, including “The Link Dining Almanac”, Lao Qi red packets and Fortune Bags, were available for redemption by shoppers who made eligible purchases.

The dining almanac is a colour booklet containing traditional Chinese lucky tips as well as recipes for traditional Lao Qi dishes and recommendations on restaurants at The Link. The red packets are made from recycled paper and come with an attractive decoupage design. Each Fortune Bag contains two pieces of bone china tableware and two packs of Sau Tao Abalone Noodles. The redemption programme was a great success and brought new business opportunities for our tenants.

良景廣場新面貌 打造藝術新平台
Building Community Art Platform 
at Renovated Leung King Plaza
屯門良景廣場優化工程於去年年底竣工,成功提升廣場購物及營商環境,並善用廣場作為推廣藝術平台,將藝術帶入社區成為重點推廣項目之一。故此領匯自良景廣場開幕以來,把露天平台化身成藝術工作室及展覽場館,舉辦了一連串充滿創意的免費藝術活動,包括兒童Art Jamming工作坊,T-Shirt設計比賽及音樂分享晚會等,期望與屯門區內家長一同培育小朋友的身心發展,並且全面推廣設計及藝術文化發展。此外,多幅Art Jamming 工作坊的優異作品更被推薦參加「香港國際青少年繪畫」比賽,與來自世界各地的優異作品一較高下。
Leung King Plaza at Tuen Mun was newly renovated last year. The asset enhancement project aims to enhance the shopping and retail environment, and it has transformed Leung King Plaza’s open-air terrace into a venue for creative workshops and exhibitions.

Since its reopening, a series of free activities such as Art Jamming workshops, T-shirt design competition and musical parties have been organised to motivate children, and accelerate their learning progress and promote a culture of design and art.
全新愛民廣場  畫出彩虹40載
Oi Man Plaza Brings New Shopping 
Experience to Kowloon East

領匯於2月19日 (年初十) 假愛民廣場舉行「領匯新春開市春茗暨愛民廣場開幕典禮」,與一眾商戶及愛民邨居民慶祝全新愛民廣場開幕及癸已年開市。是次典禮除邀請了知名堪輿學家楊天命師傅擔任其中主禮嘉賓,與大家講解流年生肖運程和開市行運秘技,更於愛民廣場內的何文田保齡球體育館設新春自助午宴招待過百位商戶,祝賀各商戶新一年撈起常滿、豐衣足食。 為吸引居民消費,領匯更於愛民廣場及街市推出一系列消費獎賞及泊車優惠活動,藉此帶動人流以提升商戶生意額。
After a period of renovation last year, the Oi Man Plaza and Oi Man Market have now become a community platform for leisure, dining and entertainment, as well as a place for shoppers to purchase fresh ingredients. A “Forty Years of Oi Man” Wall of Fame has been launched at Oi Man Plaza to showcase the change of Oi Man in 40 years’ time.

To commemorate the reopening of Oi Man Plaza and celebrate the Chinese New Year, The Link held “Chinese New Year Tenant Celebration cum Luncheon” at the Bowling Centre of Oi Man Plaza on 19 February. The celebration event invited Alion Yeo, Fung Shui master as officiating guest and over 100 tenants attended the luncheon.

In order to increase shoppers’ footfall, Oi Man Plaza and Market have launched a series of sales promotions and parking discount for shoppers to encourage their spending.

樂富廣場 首個過萬呎天神村經典重現 
Dr. Slump Penguin Village at Lok Fu Plaza
領匯旗艦商場樂富廣場於過去的聖誕幻化成首個過萬呎的IQ博士聖誕天神村,雲集最多IQ博士鬼馬角色,經典場景如IQ博士屋、茶壺屋、宇宙大王太空船及天神村學校一一呈現眼前,場面熱鬧盛大,吸引超過 15萬人次前來參觀。

活動期間更舉辦了全球首個「迷你小吉聖誕趴地大賽」,錄得超過3,000人報名參加,並破紀錄齊集200名 6至18個月大以小吉造型亮相的BB參與,場面溫馨熱鬧。為增添冬日聖誕氣氛,天神村更同場加映夢幻飄雪及煙火,讓大人與小朋友一同感受不一樣的歡樂聖誕。 經典的IQ博士聖誕主題活動,吸引大批市民前來樂富廣場感受冬日聖誕氣氛,成績斐然。
An over 10,000-square-foot replica of Penguin Village, the setting for Dr. Slump, a popular Japanese manga series, was on display at Lok Fu Plaza during the celebratory period leading up to Christmas. The Christmas events included a record-breaking Mini Gacchan XMAS Crawling Competition, which featured 200 babies dressed as Gacchan, a character from the Dr. Slump series. To enhance the festive ambience, free snowfall and fireworks displays were also available at Penguin Village. The collective activities attracted thousands of visitors to Lok Fu Plaza throughout the Christmas period.

赤柱聖誕嘉年華刺激節日氣氛 引發節日消費
Stanley Sidewalk Spectacular Drives Spending
領匯赤柱聖誕嘉年華於12月15日盛大舉行,活動當天獲超過21家商戶及餐廳支持,合力組成一條特色購物街,售賣各式 美食及特色產品。活動吸引了大批區內外的市民及遊客到訪,讓他們一邊品酒、一邊購物,為聖誕作好準備。

活動當天,不少市民更攜帶他們的愛犬到場與聖誕老人合照,每張合照更代表同時捐款予愛護動物協會,同場更邀得聖 士提反書院及拔萃男書院舊生會合唱團作聖誕報佳音,節日氣氛濃厚,讓一眾到訪人士盡興而歸。

各大專院校熱選 U STAR校花校草 為商場注入新動力 FACE U Star School Idols Contest Creates New Vitality
The first Stanley Sidewalk Spectacular was held successfully on 15 December with support from over 21 retailers and restaurants. The fun-filled afternoon included shopping, wine tasting, entertainment and Santa greetings, all of which entertained tourists and visitors from all over Hong Kong and around the world. During the Stanley Sidewalk Spectacular, hundreds of pets and their owners visited Stanley Plaza to meet with Santa and his two elves at the Piazza. For every photo taken with “Santa Paws”, a donation was made to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Hong Kong) to support homeless animals. Adding to the festive atmosphere, choir groups from St Stephen’s College and the Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association performed Christmas carols to the delight of the crowd.
This year’s PAWS by the Sea aims to promote a healthy and hygenic lifestyle for dogs and their owners. On 9 December, a new Guinness World Record was set for “Most People Brushing Dogs Teeth Simultaneously”. During the event period, Stanley Plaza hosted fun and informative dog-themed booths for visitors, offering dog adoption services, games, professional photo shoots and vet consultations as well as grooming, feeding and communication tips for dog owners.

領展 Link