Projects & Asset 
Development Department 
The Link Unlocks Property 
Potential to Maximise Synergies 優化前(右)及後(上)的赤柱廣場。 
Stanley Plaza before (right)
and after (top) asset enhancement. 項目及資產發展部總監梁玄狄
Dick Leung, Director
(Project & Asset Development)
隨著領匯在優化商場方面的經驗越趨豐富,為了達到更大的協同效益,公司最近在架構上作出了改動,將項目及發展部和資產管理部合併為「項目及資產發展部」,並由 梁玄狄(Dick)出任為項目及資產發展總監。本身是建築師並擁有多個大學學位的他表示:「合併兩個部門是要達到1+1大於2的效果。」

協同效益 提升資產


妥善經營 吸引顧客



This new department assists the company in setting district development strategies and assessing the feasibility and the potential of acquisition projects from a professional perspective. It is also active in carrying out asset refurbishment projects to create a better shopping and business environment for customers and tenants.

New Department to Create Synergies

As a result of the structural change, the new department is able to deliver assessment opinions which are more comprehensive and detailed. In this way, The Link is able to identify which assets are fit for refurbishment to achieve greater synergies. Dick Leung, Director (Projects & Asset Development), pointed out that The Link's properties have limitless potential and shopping malls near housing estates have become extended living rooms of residents.

Properly Managed to Attract Customers

If a shopping mall is properly operated and managed, people will stay longer and shop more, which naturally generates income for tenants. In addition, with Hong Kong’s ever-efficient transportation services and increased mobility, customers at an ordinary shopping mall in a housing estate include not only those from the housing estate, but also residents from other areas throughout Hong Kong.

The Link’s possession of a huge property portfolio has made it possible for its shopping malls to complement one another to create synergies and enjoy economies of scale, extending the potential of The Link’s property development possibilities. The Link will also examine the potential of each property carefully from different angles, such as the economic cycle in Hong Kong and the Mainland as well as the impact of the Mainland’s policy and economy on Hong Kong. The Link will seize every opportunity to act in line with the Hong Kong Government’s urban planning and infrastructure development to make a contribution to the local community.
學習調解技巧 改變人生觀
Outlook on Life Changes after Learning
Mediation Skills

梁玄狄於拓展及規劃大型住宅及商業新建項目和翻新工程方面擁有豐富的經驗。他本身是一名建築師,擁建築學學士及消防及安全工程學理學碩士學位,他更擁有仲裁及爭議解決學法學碩士學位。梁玄狄表示,這個法學碩士學位,徹底改變了他的人生觀及待人處事的方法。 原來在修讀此課程時,需要學到調解技巧。調解的最終目的,不是要為雙方分勝負,相反是要達到雙贏甚至是多贏的結果。梁玄狄發現到這個宗旨是恆常正確的。在事業上,他按著這個宗旨為公司作出不同的商業決策,結果令雙方都得到更大的商業效益。而雙贏的宗旨更能有效激發下屬甚至是合作夥伴共同向同一個目標邁進,令成功的機會更大。

以身作則 激勵下屬


Dick Leung has extensive experience in large-scale development and renovation projects across both the residential and commercial sectors. He is an architect, and holds several degrees, including a Bachelor of Architecture, a Master of Science in Fire and Safety Engineering, and a Master of Arts in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution. Dick said that because of this Master of Arts degree, his outlook on life and his methods of dealing with people and doing things have completely changed.

Dick explained that he needed to study mediation skills during this programme. The ultimate goal of mediation is not to decide which side will win, but to achieve a win-win or even a multi-win result. The win-win objective is also effective in mobilising subordinates and even partners to move towards the same goal together, which ensures a greater chance of success.

Motivating Staff with His Own Acts

Dick is a very demanding person, but he does not press his subordinates to reach their goals in a single leap. Instead, he guides them to achieve their goals in small steps, helping them build confidence and unleash their potential. He said a good leader should be able to mobilise colleagues, make them see the work as their own work, and work out solutions together to do things faster and more effectively.
Stanley Plaza before (right)
and after (top) asset enhancement.
Dick Leung, Director
(Project & Asset Development)

八達通行政總裁  分享危機處理術 Octopus CEO on Crisis Management




Sun Tzu’s classic book “The Art of War” guides the management philosophy of many senior managers nowadays. Irene Fisher, Principal of The Link Staff Academy, is a believer in the book’s continued relevance in the business world. Irene, who was an employee of The Link for over eight years, retired from her work position in January and moved towards a new stage of her life.

rene discussed her Sun Tzu-inspired management philosophy: “I still remember when I was invited to be the Principal of The Link Staff Academy. This position was seemingly tailor-made for me. I have been engaged in this industry for over 38 years, and I am delighted to apply my experience with a view to nurturing outstanding talent for The Link.

From managing asset management and property management teams to becoming the Principal of The Link Staff Academy, I have worked not only to achieve the company’s goals by communicating well with fellow staff members, but I have also provided assistance to junior colleagues by allowing them to grow from work assignments.

In The Art of War’s chapter on potential, it mentions the need to get the right people to do the right thing at the right moment. When conducting staff training, we should allow talented employees to demonstrate their potential in order to benefit the company.

The Link is a company full of energy and vibrancy, and every single colleague is a friend of mine.

So far, I do not have any special plans after leaving my position but to live simply. ‘Simple is beautiful’ is the best quote that describes my life direction now.”

Let us take this opportunity to express our gratitude to Irene for her dedication to The Link during her tenure over the past eight years. We wish her all the best in her future endeavours.
CEO George Hongchoy (left) presented a souvenir to Irene at her farewell party on 24 January.
CEO George Hongchoy (left) presented a souvenir to Irene at her farewell party on 24 January.
“The Art of War emphasised ‘soldiers’, referring to talent. Regardless of the career level, as long as we know how to get the right people to do the right thing and to share their personal experiences and passion with others, we can cultivate talent for the company without wasting effort.”
Irene Fisher, Principal of The Link Staff Academy
Irene Fisher, Principal of The Link Staff Academy

Media Training Workshops


To help staff members sharpen their media communications techniques, The Link’s Corporate Communications Department organised a series of media training workshops spanning 5 months from October 2012 to February 2013 for over 200 frontline colleagues. Experienced media practitioners, CW Li and Dr CK Lo as well as corporate communications staff from the company were invited to speak at the workshops.

公餘活動設施多元化	增加員工歸屬感 
Developing Diversified Activities and 
Facilities to Build a Sense of Belonging
The spacious work life balance centre allows staff to relax after busy work. 員工更可於卡拉OK房或其他活動房間舉辦生日派對。
Staff can book function rooms to hold birthday parties. 員工加油站備有不同健身器材,讓員工可強身健體。
Gymnasium is available to ensure fitness of staff. 加油站備有不同類型的設備供員工使用。
Different kinds of facilities are available at the centre.
A committed staff is the most important asset of an enterprise. It is therefore important that employees enjoy their lives at work and harbour a sense of belonging and inclusion. With that, The Link has provided a wide range of extracurricular activities and facilities for its staff, which, in the long run, serves to fully unleash their potential.

In 2011, The Link launched the Work-Life Balance Centre to provide staff with a relaxing place to mingle after a busy day of work. Staff can book the karaoke room and other function rooms to hold personal events, including birthday parties.

In order to allow all staff to enjoy non-working hours with their friends and families, starting from February 2013, each staff member can bring a maximum of four friends and family members to enjoy the facilities on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
The spacious work life balance centre allows staff to relax after busy work.
Staff can book function rooms to hold birthday parties.
Gymnasium is available to ensure fitness of staff.
Different kinds of facilities are available at the centre.





單車長征 為社區踏出愛
Pedalling for the Community
除了關心員工的生活質素外,領匯亦積極鼓勵其團隊回饋社會。1月13日,一班領匯同事組隊參與「滙豐博愛單車百萬行2013」,完成約10公里的路程,為博愛醫院籌募善款, 也為宣揚綠色生活出一分力。

Not only does The Link believe in enhancing employees’ quality of living, but it also believes in the importance of giving back to society. In January, a group of employees from The Link participated in the HSBC Pok Oi Cycle for Millions 2013 to raise funds for Pok Oi Hospital’s social services and to promote green living.

Art Jamming 溫馨親子樂!
Splashes of Paint and Joy at Family Art Jamming Workshop!
為了進一步提升員工公餘的生活質素,領匯於去年12月於葵芳員工加油站特別舉辦首個員工親子活動,讓員工帶同其親屬免費參與Art Jamming繪畫活動,共渡輕鬆愉快的週日。是次活動反應熱烈,名額迅速爆滿。活動當天,公司為參加者準備了基本畫具及用品,亦請來導師即場指導及帶領,10多位參與同事跟接近30名家人發揮無限創意,繪出一幅幅窩心的畫作。

To boost employees’ quality of life outside of work, The Link organised the company’s first family-friendly staff activity at the Staff Work-Life Balance Centre in Kwai Fong, inviting employees and their family members to enjoy an afternoon of free art jamming. All the parents and children created heartwarming and masterful works of art together, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves at the fun-filled workshop.

Celebrating Lunar New Year with Michelin Chef and The Link’s Management Trainees 陳國強師傅
Chef Chan 
Kwok Keung 風生水起(撈起)
Japanese Sashimi with Thai Sauce 
Stewed Sea Cucumber, 
Fish Maw & Dried Oyster 陳師傅與一眾見習管理人員炮製美味賀年菜。
Chef Chan and our Management Trainees prepare the celebratory dishes. 吳紫嫣
Jennifer 周嘉樂
Rocky 郭志磊
Leo 黃炳建
Japanese Sashimi with Thai Sauce

材料 Ingredients:

Salmon, Hamachi, Chika 120g, 1 Thai Mango, Pomelo 80g, 2 Cucumbers, 1/2 Green Papaya, 1 pack of Organic Vegetables, Fried Garlic 50g
Stewed Sea Cucumber,
Fish Maw & Dried Oyster

材料 Ingredients:

海參400g、花膠200g、金蠔 8隻、花菇8隻、蓮藕200g、 髮菜80g
Sea Cucumber 400g, Fish Maw 200g, 8 Dried Oysters, 8 Shiitake Mushrooms, Lotus Root 200g, Black Moss 80g
To celebrate the Lunar New Year, Michelin Star Chef Chan Kwok Keung demonstrated 2 celebratory dishes at the Master Chef Kitchen at Tai Yuen Market. The 2012 Management Trainees have also shared their feelings about working at The Link.
Chef Chan and our Management Trainees prepare the celebratory dishes.

Master Chef Kitchen Chief Consultant and head chef of Michelin one star restaurant Dong Lai Shun, Chef Chan Kwok Keung has 24 years of culinary experience with expertise in Beijing and Huaiyang cuisine. His masterful skills and unlimited creativity have earned him more than a dozen local and international awards and recognitions, such as TVB’s Apprentice Chef Champion.
調味料 Sauce:
柚子汁4湯匙、日本芝麻醬6湯匙、麻油1湯匙、青檸汁 2湯匙、醬油1湯匙、辣椒蒜茸汁2湯匙
Pomelo Juice 4 tbsps, Japanese Sesame Dressing 6 tbsps, Sesame Oil 1 tbsp, Lime Juice 2 tbsps, Soy Sauce 1 tbsp, Pepper & Garlic Dressing 2 tbsps

做法 Steps:
魚生切片,蔬果全切粗條,把材料整齊放在大碟上並灑上 炸蒜調味料即成。
Cut sashimi into slices and vegetables into strips. Place all ingredients onto a plate and put on fried garlic and sauce.
調味料 Sauce:
上湯120g、蠔油1湯匙、生抽1/2湯匙、老抽1湯匙、 糖1茶匙
Chicken Stock 120ml, Oyster Sauce 1 tbsp, Soy Sauce 1∕2 tbsp, Dark Soy Sauce 1 tbsp, Sugar 1 tsp

做法 Steps:
把海參、花膠及蓮藕切長方形飛水備用,燒鑊落油加蠔油、 冬菇及金蠔炒伴後,加其他材料和調味料大火煮至收汁即成。
Cut the sea cucumbers, fish maw and lotus root into small pieces. Parboil ingredients and drain. Add oyster sauce, shiitake mushrooms and dried oysters to frying pan and sauté. Finally add other ingredients and sauce to finish.
吳紫嫣 Jennifer Ng
領匯是一所不斷求進的企業,可以在領匯工作,我感到非常幸福,因為公司重視栽培員工,並增加資源。The Link is a company that is always striving for improvement. I am so proud to work at The Link because it invests resources in growing its staff.

周嘉樂 Rocky Chau
我本身正在考測量師牌,公司無論於工作上或學業上給我的支持都非常大。 The company has given me a lot of support both on the work and academic aspects while I prepare for the surveyor license.
郭志磊 Leo Guo
於領匯工作,我有很多機會接觸到公司裡的中高層人員,令我的視野大大擴闊。 I am given a lot of opportunities to be in touch with the middle and senior management at The Link, thus widening my exposure at work.

黃炳建 Solomon Wong
於領匯工作,感覺上就像幫香港把脈,不知不覺對這個城市了解多了,走路時亦多留意身邊的事物。 I feel I understand the city more after working at The Link. I started to pay more attention to things around me.
  • 時刻保持警覺,別忘記自己曾經艱苦過的日子。
  • 享受工作,擁抱未來的挑戰。
  • 信任與尊重是需要時間和努力去營造的。
  • 在工作中,你要肯定地達致的,只有你最高的專業精神。
  • 千萬別用政治手段或一些小伎倆,你只需要做好自己的工作和本份,你的表演自然可發揮到「演說」的作用,讓人打從心底對你相信與欣賞。
The Link’s Tips to our Management Trainees
  • Don’t forget the bad times during the good times.
  • To enjoy work, you have to embrace the challenges as they come along.
  • It takes time and effort to build trust and respect.
  • At work, the only thing you have to conform to is professionalism.
  • Don’t try to outsmart your boss by manipulation and political moves. Chances are that they know exactly what you are up to.
領展 Link