May 2018 Edition 2018年5月號

EC Mall Stages Stylish Runway Show
歐美匯新潮朋派 匯聚時尚

EC Mall Stages Stylish Runway Show
歐美匯新潮朋派 匯聚時尚

EC Mall staged a spring/summer fashion show together with some of its tenants, including fashion brands C&A, UNIQLO, MJstyle, Purcotton, ME & CITY, GELANO, MOFAN, JNBY, NEWLOOK, GXG, Levi's, SELECTED, 6IXTY8IGHT, imi's, and LAROSABELLE. Transforming the mall into a white-sand beach, the event featured high-spirited models showcasing a wide range of trendy apparel from these fashion brands, much to the delight of onlooking shoppers. The participating brands also provided a number of EC Mall-exclusive promotional offers for more happy surprises.

歐美匯購物中心攜手C&A, UNIQLO、MJstyle、Purcotton全棉時代、ME&CITY、GELANO、MOFAN、JNBY、NEWLOOK、GXG、Levi's、SELECTED、6IXTY8IGHT、imi's愛美麗、LAROSABELLE等服裝品牌商戶,共同打造「新潮朋派2018春夏FASHION SHOW」。商場化身碧海白沙的海濱,充滿陽光氣息的模特兒輪番演繹多家品牌風格迥異的時尚潮流服飾,吸引了眾多顧客駐足。各商號更配合時裝秀提供歐美匯獨享的促銷活動,帶來驚喜優惠。

Stanley Plaza Paws by the Sea 2018 Sets
New World Record for the “Largest Photo Album”


Stanley Plaza Paws by the Sea 2018 Sets
New World Record for the “Largest Photo Album” 
創下「最大相冊」世界紀錄 Stanley Plaza Paws by the Sea 2018 Sets
New World Record for the “Largest Photo Album” 

Over 650 dog owners and their doggies recently came together to attempt a new Guinness World Record for the “Largest Photo Album” measuring 30 square metres which captured their precious travel memories, marking the seventh world record that has been successfully set at Stanley Plaza. The event was held in conjunction with Stanley Plaza’s annual “Paws by the Sea” event, making it Hong Kong’s first seaside travel and camping experience. The event also showcased a unique and dog-friendly campervan, which was the brainchild of renowned Canadian product designer Judson Beaumont, as well as chic doggie carriers created by him in collaboration with local University design students.

赤柱廣場年度大型海濱狗狗嘉年華今年以「狗狗歎世界」為主題,並再次創下新世界紀錄!逾六百名愛犬人士及其愛狗以30平方米的「最大相冊」成功挑戰健力士世界紀錄榮譽商場更被打造成全港首個狗狗海濱旅遊體驗營,讓狗狗與主人有更多節目共享好時光。活動亦展出由加拿大知名產品設計師Judson Beaumont設計的「狗狗專用露營車」,以及由本地大學設計系學生與他攜手創作的狗狗旅遊座駕。

Link Tenant Academy
Sheds New Light on Efficient Retailing
商戶學堂 傳授高效營運之道

Link Tenant Academy Sheds New Light on Efficient Retailing 
商戶學堂 傳授高效營運之道 Link Tenant Academy Sheds New Light on Efficient Retailing 
商戶學堂 傳授高效營運之道

Enhancing operational efficiency is crucial for successful retailing. At a recent Link Tenant Academy seminar, Vincent Lau, General Manager of Shiu Heung Yuen Bakery, shared his company’s experience in growing a retail business. Ricky Ng, Executive Director of Tiptop Consultants, also spoke about increasing business efficiency through the use of fishbone diagrams. To complete this informative line-up, Dr. Kenny Tang, Chairman of The Hong Kong Institute of Financial Analysts and Professional Commentators, offered his take on the outlook for the retail sector.

高效營運是零售行業致勝之道。商戶學堂以「做好管理 有效營運」為題主辦講座,由紹香園總經理柳程偉跟商戶分享業務營運心得,而天高管理執行董事伍康球則講解利用魚骨圖提升營運效率的方法。香港股票分析師協會主席鄧聲興博士則暢談香港零售業前景。

Photo Exhibition Captures Happy Moments
at Butterfly Market 蝴蝶街市 攝影展 留著開心時刻

Photo Exhibition Captures Happy Moments 
at Butterfly Market 蝴蝶街市攝影展 留著開心時刻

To celebrate the first anniversary of its post-renovation launch, Butterfly Market organised an eye-catching photo exhibition about life and interaction. Through photos from award-winning post-80s' photographer Jeremy Cheung, the exhibition offered a new and inspirational perspective to appreciate moments of happiness between shoppers and tenants at the fresh market.

Photo Exhibition Captures Happy Moments 
at Butterfly Market 蝴蝶街市攝影展 留著開心時刻 蝴蝶街市為慶祝以嶄新面貌開業一周年,特別舉辦香港首個以街市為主題的「樂 ‧ 活 ‧ 街市」攝影展覽,由本地80後獲獎攝影師張俊謙親自操刀拍下街市各種開心互動時刻,以嶄新手法讓大家認識街市日常一面。

Easter Fun at Tin Tsz Shopping Centre
天慈商場 繽紛復活節

The Easter promotional programme at Tin Tsz Shopping Centre treated shoppers to a series of fun games that also offered them a chance to win fabulous prizes.


Easter Fun at Tin Tsz Shopping Centre 
天慈商場 繽紛復活節

Tsui Ping North Shopping Circuit
Highlights New Choices with Games
全新翠屏(北)商場 有獎遊戲迎多元化選擇

Tsui Ping North Shopping Circuit 
Highlights New Choices with Games 
全新翠屏(北)商場 有獎遊戲迎多元化選擇

To mark the completion of its asset enhancement, Tsui Ping North Shopping Circuit organised a fun-filled “Food Hunt” game for shoppers, and collaborated with tenants to offer tempting new promotional offers.


Tsui Ping North Shopping Circuit 
Highlights New Choices with Games 
全新翠屏(北)商場 有獎遊戲迎多元化選擇

HKIM Market Leadership Award

HKIM Market Leadership Award

In recognition of its marketing excellence, Link won the Enterprise Market Leadership Award and Triple Crown Award at the Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM) Market Leadership Award ceremony.


Metro Awards for Brand Excellence

Link was the winner in the “Value Creation for Tenants” category at the Metro Awards for Brand Excellence, organised by Metro Daily and Metro Prosperity. Over the years, Link has helped tenants stay abreast of market trends through the Link Tenant Academy.

領展一直透過領展商戶學堂,協助商戶緊貼市場變化。為表彰對商戶的支援,領展獲《都市日報》及《都市盛世》頒發「都市卓越品牌大獎 ─ 卓越商戶增值平台」。

Metro Awards for Brand Excellence 

Park & Dine Provides Convenience
with E-Parking and E-Coupon Services
「泊食易」推新猷 更多方便 更多著數

Link's Park & Dine app has made new strides in simplifying the daily lives of users with its latest service enhancements. The app’s new e-parking service reduces all key parking-related tasks to just a few smartphone swipes. To encourage wider use of this new service, a 4-hour free parking e-coupon and an Octopus parking fee rebate have been launched. In the coming few months, the e-parking service will be extended to more car parks, with additional parking offers to be provided through the Park & Dine platform.

In addition, the app’s e-coupon function enables users to search for attractive offers across Hong Kong, helping them save more during their shopping trips. With discounts as high as 50% off selected items, the app showcases over 100 offers from retailers and eateries that include Sinomax, Giordano, Victoria Harbour Roasted Goose Seafood Restaurant and Popular.



Park & Dine Provides Convenience 
with E-Parking and E-Coupon Services
「泊食易」推新猷 更多方便 更多著數

Editorial Board


  • Claudio Cheung 張廣仁
  • Aubrey Ho 何柳鳳
  • Kassy Ho 何嘉善
  • Calvin Lee Kwan 關凱臨
  • Danny Lee 李應權
  • Fred Wong 王兼發
  • Eric Yau 丘兆祺

Produced by Corporate Communications Department  企業傳訊部編製