September 2018 Edition 2018年9月號

Young KOLs Happy Shopping at TKO Market
小KOLs TKO 「街市買餸我最叻」

Young KOLs Happy Shopping at TKO Market
小KOLs TKO「街市買餸我最叻」 Young KOLs Happy Shopping at TKO Market
小KOLs TKO「街市買餸我最叻」 Young KOLs Happy Shopping at TKO Market
小KOLs TKO「街市買餸我最叻」

A group of popular parenting bloggers and their young children visited TKO Market. Apart from testing their knowledge of fresh market during a grocery shopping competition, the young visitors and their parents got the chance to learn about Link’s fresh market enhancement initiatives.

一眾人氣親子博客帶同年幼子女親臨TKO 街市,參加「領展街市遊學團之小小KOL大作戰」,比試對食材的認識,並且了解領展於提升街市環境的工作。

Celebrities Share Cooking Fun at TKO Market
星級組合 TKO街市比拼廚藝

Celebrities Share Cooking Fun at TKO Market
星級組合 TKO街市

To highlight the new dining and shopping experience at TKO Market and TKO Gateway Food Lane, Link invited a number of popular TV celebrities to lead cooking demonstrations and play games with visitors.

為推廣TKO街市和TKO Gateway Food Lane的全新餐飲和購物體驗,領展邀得多位電視藝人到訪,並於現場一展廚藝,與顧客大玩遊戲。

Celebrities Share Cooking Fun at TKO Market
星級組合 TKO街市

Scrabble Blanket Cushion Redemption
商場換領限量版 Scrabble毛毯咕𠱸

In celebration of Scrabble’s 70th anniversary, Link offered a limited-edition 2-in-1 blanket cushion for redemption at four shopping centres, and hosted the “Scrabble Seventy Years Hong Kong Challenge” tournament at Lei Yue Mun Plaza.

為紀念Scrabble面世70周年,領展於四個商場推出限量版「2合1毛毯咕𠱸」換領活動,並於鯉魚門廣場舉行「SCRABBLE 70周年香港挑戰賽」。

Coolest “Frozen” Fun at Lok Fu Place
樂富廣場 動感冰夏

The cool summer promotion at Lok Fu Place enabled visitors to experience a refreshing “Summer Freeze” in a -20˚C Cool’gloo, as well as an exhilarating Ice Slide and huge Icebreaker Roller. The “Tip of the Iceberg” also offered selfie fans the chance to snap the coolest “frozen” shots.


Stanley Plaza Summer Colour Splash
赤柱廣場 夏日色彩派對

Stanley Plaza Summer Colour Splash
赤柱廣場夏日色彩派對 Stanley Plaza Summer Colour Splash
赤柱廣場夏日色彩派對 Stanley Plaza Summer Colour Splash

By offering the unique experience of summer sensations with a splash of art, music, fitness, wellness, pets, food, bazaar-shopping and eco-friendly fun, “Stanley Plaza Summer Colour Splash” made for a perfect weekend getaway for families and furry friends.


Experience Hong Kong Culture with
Modern Qipao Designs

Showcasing an exquisite qipao collection created by designer Pandora, Temple Mall’s “Tie the Blissful Knots” promotion provided shoppers with a one-of-a-kind experience. Visitors were able to borrow a qipao and take photos at special attractions around Temple Mall. Handmade blissful knots by artist Zoe Siu are also available for redemption during the campaign.

黃大仙中心的「祝福‧結緣」推廣活動,為顧客帶來獨一無二的旗袍體驗。顧客除可租借由專業旗袍設計師Pandora設計的旗袍,於商場內外特色景點拍照留念外,更可換領由藝術家Zoe Siu設計的手製「祝福如意結」。

Experience Hong Kong Culture with 
Modern Qipao Designs
Experience Hong Kong Culture with 
Modern Qipao Designs
Cool Splash at Sau Mau Ping Shopping Centre 

Cool Splash at Sau Mau
Ping Shopping Centre

The “Adventurous Jungle Splash” event at Sau Mau Ping Shopping Centre featured tonnes of cool summer fun, including a free gigantic inflatable water park, game booths and a family market.


The Marketing Events Awards

At the Marketing Events Awards 2018 organised by Marketing magazine, Link’s summer promotion “Scoop and Slam @ Lok Fu Place” won the Silver Award in the Best Mall Event category, while “Link Community Tour” was the Bronze Award winner in the category of Best Event - Targeted Community.

在Marketing 雜誌舉辦的「The Marketing Events Awards 2018」中,領展舉辦的夏日活動 -「樂富廣場雪糕大滿灌」獲頒「最佳商場活動」類別銀獎,而「領展社區遊樂團」則奪得「最佳營銷活動(目標社群) 」類別銅獎。

The Marketing Events Awards 

T Town Showcases Oceanic Wonders
T Town 夏日海底探奇

T Town Showcases Oceanic Wonders
T Town夏日海底探奇 T Town Showcases Oceanic Wonders
T Town夏日海底探奇 T Town Showcases Oceanic Wonders
T Town夏日海底探奇

With highlights including a “Deep Sea Kaleidoscope” mirror room and a “Fish Hunter” VR game, T Town’s “The Ocean” Voyage offered customers a cool new summer experience.

In collaboration with handcraft brands in Tin Shui Wai district, T Town also organised an event to promote local creativity through a flea market, handcraft workshop and live performances.

T Town「海洋號」活動引入「深海萬花筒」鏡面房間及「尋魚奇兵」VR 虛擬實境遊戲,讓顧客於夏日體驗涼快的奇幻海底世界。

T Town 早前亦舉辦「生活藝墟」結集多位天水圍區創意藝術者,透過遊藝會、工作坊及創意藝墟支持社區創意。

“Park & Dine” Raises Brand Awareness for Tenants

with Summer Crazy Offers

With more than 270,000 downloads, Link’s "Park & Dine" app, which provides a wide array of useful features for shopping and parking, has become a must-have for shoppers. Last year, the app partnered with 350 tenants to provide over 400 offers, recording over 30,000 offer redemptions. The app built on its success in raising tenants’ brand awareness by launching summer crazy offers through its e-coupon programme featuring signature offerings and hot deals from popular local eateries, including Swiss Café, Vietnam Café and Ngan Lung Restaurant, as well as TKO Gateway Food Lane’s F&B tenants. Tenants interested in the app’s promotional programme are welcome to contact the Customer Experience Management Department at 2175 1368.

領展「泊食易」提供購物及泊車資訊、遙距取票服務及電子優惠券,成為顧客的購物良伴,下載量已突破27萬。過去一年夥拍超過350商戶提供超過400個優惠,吸引超過3萬人次使用,有效提高商戶品牌關注度。今個暑假更夥拍多間地道食肆,包括瑞士咖啡室、越南咖啡室及銀龍茶餐廳等,為用戶帶來各種著數,更以電子優惠券方式作推廣商場招牌產品。另外又與剛開幕的TKO Gateway Food Lane 商戶合作,推出多個街頭立食優惠。「泊食易」將開放更多宣傳平台,歡迎有意合作之商戶致電 2175 1368,與客戶體驗管理部聯絡。

“Park & Dine” Raises Brand Awareness for Tenants 
with Summer Crazy Offers
「泊食易」夏日瘋狂著數 提高商戶關注度

Close Encounter with GNZ48 at Metropolitan Plaza
人氣女團GNZ48親臨西城 粉絲熱情高漲

Close Encounter with GNZ48 at Metropolitan Plaza
人氣女團GNZ48親臨西城 粉絲熱情高漲
Close Encounter with GNZ48 at Metropolitan Plaza
人氣女團GNZ48親臨西城 粉絲熱情高漲

Popular girl group GNZ48 took to the stage at Metropolitan Plaza for games and a singing performance, to the great delight of visitors. Even the scorching sun was no deterrent for the huge gathering of fans, who all got the chance to shake hands with their idols at the end of the show.


Metropolitan Plaza ─ the Place to Be for Movie Fans

Metropolitan Plaza ─  the Place to Be for Movie Fans
電影主創聚首 西城都薈星光閃閃


Boasting a multi-screen cinema complex, Metropolitan Plaza is a popular destination for entertainment and leisure in Guangzhou. The mall recently hosted a promotional event for the new movie “Reborn”. Leading actors Tomohisa Yamashita and Rhydian Vaughan, together with the film’s producer, shared their interesting experiences on the set, chatted and took a group photo with fans.

Metropolitan Plaza ─  the Place to Be for Movie Fans
電影主創聚首 西城都薈星光閃閃

Battling It out at EC Mall – “Fight For What”
街舞大賽「Fight For What」

展現活力、朝氣、正能量的北京歐美匯購物中心,連續七年舉辦全國性街舞大賽「Fight For What」,匯聚舞壇精英於京城一決高下。隨著賽事於國內職業街舞圈打響知名度,吸引越多年輕街舞愛好者參與其中,今年還邀得三名國際級比賽冠軍人馬坐鎮評判團。火爆現場氣氛引得觀眾齊聲叫好,賽事戰況亦透過網路發佈,於街舞活動當日即獲得點讚率35萬次,進一步提高歐美匯的知名度以及街舞賽事的影響力。

As a symbol of positive energy and vitality in the capital city of Beijing, EC Mall has become the battleground for top street dancers for seven years in a row by hosting the national street dance competition “Fight For What”. With its rising prestige among professional dancers in China, the competition appeals to a growing number of young dancers. Three international champions were on the judging panel of this year’s contest. The exciting street dance contests caused the live audience to erupt in cheers, while the online coverage enabled even more people to tune in. The online broadcast recorded 350,000 “likes” in a single day, further boosting the popularity of EC Mall and the standing of the competition.

Romance in the Air at EC Mall’s Comic-themed Event
歐美匯打造 動漫節網紅七夕盛宴

Romance in the Air at EC Mall’s Comic-themed Event 
歐美匯打造 動漫節網紅七夕盛宴

For the third year in a row, EC Mall organised an unconventional event marking the Beijing International Comics & Animation Festival. Themed around an adorable cartoon bear, the event offered shoppers a refreshing, romantic and interactive experience, including a charming gentleman holding up a “Free Hugs” sign, lovely macaron-coloured backdrops for taking selfies to draw “likes” from friends, as well as various gift redemption programmes.


Romance in the Air at EC Mall’s Comic-themed Event 
歐美匯打造 動漫節網紅七夕盛宴

Editorial Board


  • Claudio Cheung 張廣仁
  • Aubrey Ho 何柳鳳
  • Kassy Ho 何嘉善
  • Calvin Lee Kwan 關凱臨
  • Danny Lee 李應權
  • Fred Wong 王兼發
  • Eric Yau 丘兆祺

Produced by Corporate Communications Department  企業傳訊部編製