September 2018 Edition 2018年9月號

Eyewitness to Link’s
Legendary Growth:
Interview with Chief
Strategy Officer Eric Yau

Link’s unique corporate strategy has played a key role in its phenomenal growth. As Chief Strategy Officer, a newly-created role in Link, Eric Yau is charged with overseeing the development and execution of corporate strategic initiatives, as well as all functions covering external affairs. A long-serving senior executive who joined Link in 2010, Eric’s wealth of experience and skills in investment banking and corporate management stand him in good stead, as he helps chart the company’s strategic direction and maintain strong relationships with external stakeholders.

Link’s Legendary Growth Path

An eyewitness to Link's remarkable transformation, Eric’s history with the company began in 2003 when he worked as a banker advising the Housing Authority for Link’s IPO. Assisting in setting Link’s business direction and corporate structure, he recalled, “Link changed overnight from a government agency to a sizable investor-owned company upon listing. It was a mammoth undertaking to transform the team and assets especially in Link’s early years. Thanks to our forward-looking management approach, we have had great success in enhancing operational efficiency and portfolio quality in our 13-year history.”

Building on this outstanding track record calls for visionary leadership and an innovative mindset. Eric said, “One key aspect of my role is to consider where we want to be in the next five to ten years, and help formulate development plans to take us there.” In order to effectively carry out his role, Eric stays up to speed on the ever-changing business landscape and challenges by distilling insights from diverse information sources, including news reports, investor commentaries and research articles.

Breaking through the Barriers

Highlighting the importance of strategic evolution, he noted, “While asset management and asset enhancement are the two key business drivers that have served us well since our founding, in recent few years we have achieved breakthroughs in business diversification and greatly enhanced our portfolio by entering new geographical markets and new asset classes, and by expanding our role in the property life cycle through property development. Looking ahead, while mainland China is a key source of growth in the short term, it is important to keep an international outlook as part of our longer-term planning.”

Link needs to remain an agile, adaptive, closely-knit team to rise up to the challenges ahead, noted Eric. In mainland China, where e-tailing is a growing threat, we are adapting by enhancing experiential elements at our properties. In Hong Kong, given the evolving retail landscape, we have turned T.O.P into a lifestyle hub that offers a complete ‘New Retail’ experience by melding on-line and off-line shopping with technology.”

Link’s strong investor following is a major endorsement of our development path. Eric said, “Investors believe in Link because we have strong corporate governance, high transparency and frequent communication which are critical to fostering greater understanding. Unlike many of our peers in Hong Kong, we are not family owned, so our investors are really our owners. We see keeping our investors well-informed about our business development as an imperative, not a choice.”

“It has been an amazing experience for all of us who are part of this journey. It is encouraging to see our team getting better year by year, taking Link ever closer to its vision of being a world-class real estate investor and manager, serving and improving the lives of those around us. Backed by our highly-skilled team and strong financial position, we are now more equipped than ever to explore new directions and continue Link’s remarkable growth story,” he said.

領展獨特的企業策略對於提升業務表現至關重要。丘兆祺(Eric)出任領展新設的首席策略總監一職,負責制訂公司策略和實施長遠發展計劃,並監督外部事務相關職能。Eric 在2010年加入領展,於投資銀行和企業管理方面歷練豐富,以其廣博知識及經驗,協助公司制定策略方向,並強化與外部持份者的關係。




突破障礙 拓展新機



Eyewitness to Link’s Legendary Growth: 
Interview with Chief Strategy Officer Eric Yau


他說:「公司發展迅速,對於我們有份參與其中的,都會感到這是一個奇妙的歷程。最令人鼓舞的是看到團隊不斷進步,讓領展向著抱負邁進 ─ 成為世界級的房地產投資及管理機構,提升社群生活質素。領展團隊專業能幹,財務強健,將有利於我們探索新發展方向,延續驕人的增長故事。」

People Are Link’s Advantage

Eric noted that Link’s people ─ our staff and Board members – are our unique advantage, and pointed to the strong interaction between the Board and the management. “Our Board members’ generosity in sharing insights is matched by management’s willingness to provide information. Our strategic planning and decision-making have greatly benefited from this constructive, productive two-way communication.”

“I often think about the response of an Independent Non-Executive Director to my question of why he joined Link,” recounted Eric.“He said being a director of Link was an intellectually challenging exercise. Given that we are a company where challenges and opportunities closely intertwine, this struck me as a particularly intriguing comment.”

People Are Link’s Advantage

