抱負 - 成為世界級的房地產投資及管理機構,服務社群並提升其生活質素。使命 - 履行下列承諾與持份者共建關係,優質服務、物有所值、結伴社區、合作無間、共同創造、持續發展。信念 - 以互相尊重追求卓越恪守誠信及團隊精神,管理及運作業務。



領匯抱負、使命及信念 (VMV) —

領匯守則 —

領匯管理準則 —




We Value - Customer Focus, Respect & Accommodating, Listening, Team Spirit, Professionalism, Take Ownership, Being Proactive, Strive for Excellence. We Disdain - Dishonesty, Passing The Buck, Finger Pointing, Bad Mouthing, Spreading False Rumors, Bullying, Any Form of Discrimination.
Dear Readers,

On a daily basis, The Link faces multiple challenges both internally and externally. In the real world, there is often no clear right or wrong answer. Therefore a set of guiding principles is essential for our managers and employees – these principles are what they can turn to in difficult times.

In July 2010, more than 40 senior managers and department heads went offsite to confer for two days, during which a number of proposals were put forward that later became the following:

The Link VMV (Vision, Mission and Values) Statement -
A one-page poster clearly presenting our VMV

The Link Code of Conduct -
A one-page poster listing behaviours we admire and behaviours we disdain

The Link Management Standards -
A one-page guideline for our managers

These are "simple to read, not-so-simple to execute" principles that provide guidance for our staff when they deal with difficult situations. If any of our managers find themselves in a difficult position, and are unsure about their next step, they can look at our VMV, or any of these statements, and ask themselves: "Is my decision in line with The Link VMV?" If it is, that is the direction they should take.

In today's world, with complex regulations and varying expectations from multiple stakeholders, we should always keep in mind those principles that reflect proper basic values. By living out these principles, we can be confident of a clear conscience at all times. A crucial part of our vision is "improving the lives of those around us." This is a tall order, but if we live up to this vision, The Link will surface as a reputable member of the Hong Kong community and an Employer of Choice.

The most profound teachings are usually said in a few words, but require a lifetime to deliver. I urge all of our people to live up to our values: Respect, Excellence, Integrity & Teamwork. By doing so, The Link will always be heading in the right direction. Perseverance and commitment to our VMV will take The Link to a level beyond that which any financial plan can deliver. Together with our stakeholders and communities, we will build a better Hong Kong.
George Hongchoy
Executive Director and CEO
March 2012

領展 Link