ISSUE 011 季刊 | Spring 2014 Edition

未雨綢繆 瞻前顧後

Legal and Company Secretary Department –

Professional Support for Forward-
looking Business Management


作為公司法律部門的主管,Ricky 經常就本港房託市場與業內人士保持聯絡,並跟證監會交流意見。在行政總裁的領導下,Ricky 積極參與推動本港房託市場架構的轉變,而金融發展局近期亦提出相類改革建議。他亦有於專業團體舉辦的活動擔任講者,分享領匯的經驗。

Ricky 指出法律部的目標就如醫生的工作,不單要醫治疾病,亦須及早診斷疾病深層成因,給予病人保持健康的知識和心得,避免病況惡化。

公司最近提出建議擴大投資策略地域,並於特別大會上尋求基金單位持有人批准,乃由Ricky 與他的團隊擔綱。他說,部門發展趨向專業化及多元化,故此鼓勵同事進修增值,累積法律相關的廣泛知識,對公司及個人均有益處。

Ricky 近三十年的專業生涯,曾任職多間大型機構,加入領匯亦為他帶來新挑戰及工作滿足感。「公眾持股達100%擁有,並無大股東參與管理,管理團隊不但面對極高的要求,對於每項決策亦更為謹慎。」Ricky 樂見公司近幾年業務取得長足發展、且不斷提升企業管治及風險管理水平。

Recently named a winner of the Asian Company Secretary Award by Corporate Governance Asia, Ricky Chan, Director of Legal and Company Secretary, heads the Legal and Company Secretary Department, which plays a critical role in legal and compliance matters and supports forward-looking initiatives with regard to the development of the real estate industry.

Through his role as head of the legal function of The Link, Ricky has regularly liaised with fellow industry practitioners and exchanged views with the Securities and Futures Commission on issues concerning the Hong Kong REIT market. Led by the CEO, Ricky has actively participated in the drive for change to the existing REIT regime in Hong Kong, a move also advocated by the Hong Kong Government's Financial Services Development Council. He has also spoken at events organised by professional bodies to share The Link's experience.

Ricky compares the work objective of The Link's Legal Department to that of a physician practice that not only works to cure an illness, but also draws attention to the "dos-and-don'ts" of good health to forestall illness through early diagnosis of the causes before it gets worse.

At The Link's recent Extraordinary General Meeting, Ricky and his company secretarial team took the lead role in proposing the geographic expansion mandate for unitholders' approval. Given his department's needs for more diversified professional skills, Ricky encourages his team to seize training opportunities and acquire broader knowledge of the legal field, which is beneficial to the company as well as to the career development of individual employees.

Following a 30-year professional career that has included serving in a number of sizeable organisations, Ricky finds the work at The Link challenging yet satisfying, saying, "The fact that The Link has 100% free float with no major unitholder participating in its management means that its management team is held to very high performance standards and must exercise even greater care in making decisions." He is delighted to see the quantum leap The Link has made in driving its business, and the very high standard of corporate governance and risk management efforts The Link has been championing over the years.

Ricky 作為運動愛好者,時常鼓勵同事參與專業機構的活動及義務工作,藉以紓緩工作壓力。對於同事投入時間及精神參與公司推出的慈善及社區參與計劃,服務有需要人士,他深表讚賞。
Ricky is a sports lover, and he urges colleagues to participate in external associations and voluntary services, which are good ways to relief work stress. He pays special tribute to his colleagues who devote time and energy to The Link's charity and community engagement programmes that serve the needy.

同事也 「實習」
The Link Launches Job Shadowing Programme at Fresh Markets
The Link Launches Job Shadowing
Programme at Fresh Markets



To strengthen partnerships with tenants, The Link recently launched a job shadowing programme encouraging its staff members to work in fresh market stalls for one day. This unique initiative enables staff from The Link to spend a day in someone else's shoes so they can better understand the needs of tenants.

Myron Ng, Assistant General Manager of Fresh Market Asset Management, took on the first job shadowing assignment at Hau Tak Market, where he helped one of the fishmongers by completing tasks that included everything from touting to scaling and chopping fish. Myron said that the job shadowing experience was invaluable as it not only allowed him to observe the day-to-day challenges inside the stall and the fresh market, but it also enabled him to speak directly with shoppers to learn more about their behaviour and needs. Tenants and customers at Hau Tak Market welcomed Myron's participation and valued his help and his direct communication. Going forward, more market team staff members will be encouraged to participate in the programme and will help at different types of stalls in fresh markets across The Link's portfolio.

服務從    出發  勇奪傑出服務獎
Service from the Heart

於赤柱廣場任職管業服務員的姜麗珍(Betty),入行短短兩年多便獲上司肯定其出色表現,更於香港零售管理協會舉辦的「2013傑出服務獎」中獲得「基層級別:零售(服務)─ 商場管理組別」第一名。

Betty 獲上司推薦參賽,全因學習態度認真,對工作充滿熱誠,而且待客有道,笑容可掬。憑藉對顧客服務的專業獨到見解及良好表達技巧,令評判留下深刻印象,過關斬將,在這個備受業界推崇的比賽中奪標。

她認為,最好的顧客服務就是從心出發。談到最感動的一件事,Betty 憶起曾經協助為一位來自內地的女士找回走失的小孩,令家庭團聚,母子兩月後專程回到赤柱廣場親自道謝。


Betty Keung, Building Attendant at Stanley Plaza, who joined the property management industry only two years ago, was the winner of the "Junior Frontline Level of Retail (Services) – Property Management Category" at the 2013 Service & Courtesy Award organised by the Hong Kong Retail Management Association.

Her desire to learn, passion for work, wonderful hospitality and welcoming smile won the confidence of her supervisor, who nominated her for the award. Betty impressed the judges with her professional insights on customer service and good presentation skills, which resulted in her winning this highly regarded industry award.

For Betty, the best customer service comes from the heart. She was especially touched when a mother and her son from Mainland China returned to Stanley Plaza two months after their initial visit to personally thank her for helping them reunite after the son lost his way.

The Link is pleased that our strong frontline service performance has been recognised with this prestigious award, and we will continue to support our staff to further improve their skills as we work to attain higher standards of excellence across all our properties.

服務從心出發  勇奪傑出服務獎
Service from the Heart
Staff Promotions
  • 方敏賢 Fong Man Yin Fanny
    Senior Marketing Manager
  • 林謙而 Lam Him Yee Joyce
    Senior Marketing Manager
  • 呂仲民 Lui Chung Man
    Assistant Technical Manager
  • 蕭嘉駿 Siu Ka Chun Jovi
    Assistant Marketing Manager
  • 黃可欣 Wong Ho Yan Karen
    Marketing Manager
Administration Officer
Graduate Trainee
Senior Leasing Manager
Assistant Marketing Manager
Infrastructure Analyst
高級租務主任 / 租務主任
Senior Leasing Officer /
Leasing Officer (Retail)
Assistant Portfolio Manager
Interior Designer
Assistant Property Officer
Management Trainee
Senior Marketing Officer (Event)
Assistant Tenancy
Administration Officer
Project Officer
(Project & Planning)
高級物業主任 / 物業主任
Senior Property Officer / Property Officer
Building Supervisor
Senior Analyst - Investor Relations
暑期實習生 Summer Trainee 規管助理 Compliance Assistant 高級企業傳訊主任(半年合約) Senior Corporate Communications Officer (6-month Contract)
高級工程及保養主任 /
Senior Maintenance Officer / Maintenance Officer (Building Works / Building Services)