九龍東商業項目 動土儀式
Kowloon East Commercial Complex
Groundbreaking Ceremony
At the groundbreaking ceremony in October, CEO George Hongchoy and Managing Director of Nan Fung Group, Donald Choi, joined the project team and consultants to kick off the foundation works for the Kowloon East commercial complex project. It marks a major milestone in Link's first property development project and first office investment in Hong Kong.
Located in Kowloon East, a district that is quickly transforming into Hong Kong's new Central Business District under the 'Energizing Kowloon East' initiative, the site will be developed into a Grade-A commercial complex which will be held for long-term investment.
Targeting to achieve Platinum rating for both LEED and BEAM Plus as evidence of our environmental consciousness, this landmark complex will offer expansive harbour views and a retail podium.
The project is a major move in Link's quest to expand its portfolio and diversify its business. Slated for completion by June 2020, it complements Link's existing portfolio and enables us to capture the opportunities generated by Hong Kong's economic growth.
全新大型旗艦 黃大仙中心
日常所需 貼身照顧
Revitalised Temple Mall
Embraces Cultural Heritage
美食商戶組合網羅中、西、日、泰等菜式,當中更包括多間首次進駐黃大仙區的著名食肆如一品螞蟻、上海廳1930 by上海婆婆、連續5年榮獲米芝蓮推介的食肆靠得住粥麵小館等。
Temple Mall, a new regional centre formed by merging the former Wong Tai Sin Plaza and Lung Cheung Plaza, opened in November to provide shoppers with more choices and variety. Key features include increasing the number of shops from 90 to 110, the addition of popular retail brands that appeal to young shoppers, and health and personal care brands as well as services that cater to people's daily needs.
The Mall has also become a hub for great food, serving Chinese, Western, Japanese, Thai and other cuisines. It has attracted many popular restaurant brands to open outlets in the district for the first time, such as Ant One, Shanghaiteng 1930 by Shanghai Po Po and the famous Trusty Congee King, recommended in the Michelin Guide for five years in a row.
Temple Mall integrated elements of Wong Tai Sin district's distinctive cultural heritage. The logo design features an artistic rendering of Wong Tai Sin Temple's iconic Chinese elements, showcasing the traditional in a contemporary setting.
Temple Mall recently launched the Christmas Chill Out promotional campaign to raise awareness of personal mental health through a fun-filled game zone designed to release stress.
十載同行 共誌佳績
Marking a Rewarding Decade
Link's IPO in 2005 marked a major milestone in Hong Kong's financial and real estate markets. Through the years it has developed into Asia's largest REIT by market capitalisation. It transformed the local REIT market's landscape and unlocked the market forces to change the way the retail centres are run and bring new life to Hong Kong's retail sector. Though the pathway to success was not free from challenges, thanks to the commitment of partners to Link's vision, consumers are now able to enjoy far wider retail choices, tenants have more business opportunities and Link is in a solid position to grow its business strategically for the long term.
To honour its stakeholders and all those who have supported its work to serve the communities together, Link hosted its tenth anniversary celebration party on 25 November 2015.
a.& b.
Dragon dance kicks off the party
Link is where it is today because of the significant contribution made by a number of organisations and stakeholders, represented at the party by Carlson Tong, Chairman of Securities & Futures Commission; Matthew Cheung, Secretary for Labour and Welfare ; Florence Hui, Under Secretary for Home Affairs; Michael Suen, former Secretary for Housing, Planning & Lands; Dr York Chow, Chairman of Equal Opportunities Commission and Paul Chow, former Chief Executive of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited. They are joined by Nicholas Sallnow-Smith, Chairman of Link; George Hongchoy, Chief Executive Officer; Andy Cheung, Chief Financial Officer; Paul Cheng, former Chairman, and Board members in a toast.
Chairman Nicholas Sallnow-Smith thanks Link's partners and stakeholders for their contributions and support through the years
Florence Hui, Under Secretary for Home Affairs (left); with Board members May Tan (middle) and Poh Lee Tan (right)
Carlson Tong, Chairman of Securities & Futures Commission (middle) with Paul Cheng, former Chairman of Link (right) and Patrick Fung, former Board member of Link (left)
Close to 800 guests join Link's tenth anniversary celebration party
Representatives of "Link First Generation University Student Scholarship" awardees receive a HK$2 million cheque from George Hongchoy, CEO of Link and Matthew Cheung, Secretary for Labour and Welfare
Scholars of "Link First Generation University Student Scholarship" thank Link for its donation, which helps them fulfill their aspirations for higher learning
The young duo from "Cha Duk Chang in 3 Generations", a social service project sponsored by Link Together Initiatives, gives a Cantonese Opera performance in English
Nicholas Sallnow-Smith, Chairman of Link; George Hongchoy, Chief Executive Officer; Matthew Cheung, Secretary for Labour and Welfare; Florence Hui, Under Secretary for Home Affairs, mark the launch of seven social service projects and 37 Neighbourhood Fund projects sponsored by Link Together Initiatives in the 2015/16 funding year
A multimedia corridor at the venue entrance offers guests a quick look at Link's major milestones in the past decade
派對電影夜 歡慶十周年
Fun-filled 10th Anniversary Staff Party
公司十歲生日,特別籌備大型員工開心派對,留下難忘回憶。節目以魔術表演掀開序幕,大師級的表演技驚四座,壓軸一幕竟將行政總裁George變出場。大會安排了「為食本『領』」得獎食肆的美味出品招待同事,還播出蔣志光演繹「搞鬼」新作、Temple Mall主題曲「Temple Bell」,並安排電影夜,讓同事與摯愛看好戲,極盡視、聽、味覺享受。
Happy 10th Anniversary to Link! The anniversary staff party kicked off with the amazing sleight of hand by a master magician that climaxed with CEO George's surprising magical entrance to the party. It was a multi-sensory fun fair, featuring Ram Chiang's performance of 'Temple Bell', the theme song for Link's newly renovated Temple Mall, snacks offered by the award-winning Link Good Food festival restaurants as well as a movie night that presented the latest flicks for all to enjoy.
Close to 1,000 staff members in company jackets form a giant '10' to mark a decade of success
A strong customer focus is what drives our service. The best performing team of the mystery shopper assessment is honoured with a Link Award
Staff savour BBQ pork and egg tarts from the Link Good Food award-winning eateries
Staff members use the Park & Dine app to search for the answer to a quiz offering cash prizes
會上播出蔣志光於Temple Mall演繹「Temple Bell」,配合聖誕推廣活動主角Tuzki的勁舞,歡樂氣氛滿溢
Tuzki dances to the beat of Ram Chiang's video performance of 'Temple Bell', the theme song for Link's newly renovated Temple Mall
十年回顧 並肩作戰
Growing with Link
To mark Link's tenth anniversary, three staff members who have served Link for the past decade shared their sense of belonging with the company.
群策群力 挑戰不可能
Achieving "Mission Impossible"
公司強調團隊精神,對項目推展尤為重要,十年以來曾參與多個商場提升工作的項目經理Jack Yiu指出,自己一直堅守這些原則,跟同事及工程承辦商合作無間,務求迅速解難,讓工程進展順利。
Having participated in a number of asset enhancement projects, Project Manager Jack Yiu said he holds dear to the value of teamwork when working with colleagues and contractors, with a view to resolving issues quickly and ensuring works proceed smoothly.
"Asset enhancement of the fresh markets has become a new growth area of Link in recent years. In upgrading the Tin Shing Market, we have to compress the works schedule to make up for the delay caused by technical issues and open the market earlier for the public. Though this was seen as a 'mission impossible', we finally pulled it off by pulling together."
推展商場優化 擴闊視野
Expanding Personal Horizons
through Mall Enhancement
身為物業組合經理的Kenneth Chan表示,公司十年迅速發展,讓他有機會多方面增進專業知識及技巧,了解資產提升工作,擴闊視野,處事待人亦變得更細心及積極。公司著重可持續發展,致力提升服務水平,兩者都有賴於物業營運中落實,令他感到任重道遠。
Portfolio Manager Kenneth Chan said the company's fast-paced growth has enabled him to enhance his professional knowledge and skills. He has become more meticulous and positive and is grateful for Link's support of various sustainability initiatives, which his team help to implement in the property's daily operations.
"I was honoured to have participated in Stanley Plaza's asset enhancement. I had to ensure the enhancement strategy was followed through down to the smallest details. The result was a hugely popular community retail centre," said Kenneth.
突破自我 獨當一面
Rising to the Challenge Improving Oneself
高級物業主任Miu Lo 指出,最讓她感受深刻的,是歷年合作的上司,都十分關心及體恤下屬,樂於提供協助及支援。
Senior Property Officer Miu Lo was most impressed by the caring supervisors she has worked with, who were always willing to offer support and assistance to their subordinates.
"In the early years, Link switched to the direct management model and I was tasked with the operation of a shopping centre, including leading frontline staff and handling issues. In retrospect, these experiences enhanced my skills and facilitated my personal growth. Being presented with a gold award at the Link award ceremony for the team's strong performance in mystery shopper assessment has motivated me to do my work even better".
審慎推展多元化策略 把握增長機遇
Capturing Multiple Growth Opportunities
through Prudent Diversification
Link has just posted another strong set of interim results, marking ten straight years of continuous growth. Despite the challenges facing the Hong Kong economy, Link's net property income grew 11.2% during the six months ended 30 September, while interim distribution per unit rose 10.5%, underscoring the resilience of Link's asset portfolio.
Chairman Nicholas Sallnow-Smith said, "Our two new acquisitions in Mainland China complement our expanded investment and development activities in Hong Kong, enabling us to take advantage of opportunities across a property's life cycle and in different industry sectors. The asset enhancement programme continues to be the mainstay of our performance. As evidenced in our strong financial results, our services and properties are adding value through serving the communities of which our assets form a part."
CEO George Hongchoy said, "As we cautiously diversify our portfolio to manage geographic and asset-class risk exposure, we are focusing on locations that will have long-term demand. Hong Kong remains our priority, complemented by a prudent investment scope in Mainland China, where we seek to acquire properties in tier-one cities. Our allocation into office and Mainland will each not exceed 12.5% of our total portfolio value."
During the period under review, asset enhancement works for Tsing Yi Commercial Complex and Temple Mall North were completed. The latter has undergone an extensive upgrade to capitalise on the enhanced connectivity and synergy of Link's property cluster in the Wong Tai Sin district.
Acquired in April and August respectively, EC Mall and Corporate Avenue 1 & 2 have started to contribute revenue during the period under review. EC Mall has reached full occupancy, and achieved a composite reversion rate of 33.7%.
Choi Ming Market Reopens after Renovation
New Shanghai Office Opens
Link's new Shanghai office in Corporate Avenue 1 & 2, our first commercial complex acquisition in Shanghai, opened in late November. Link's China asset management team is now based in this premium Grade-A office at Huaihai Middle Road CBD. They will provide key management services for Corporate Avenue 1 & 2 and support Link's investment team in conducting market research and identifying new opportunities.
1,800 Food Lovers
Vote for Favourite
Delicacies at
'Link Good Food'
The winners of the Link Good Food contest are out! At the contest's final round judging at Lok Fu Plaza, over 1,800 members of the public sampled the delicacies offered by the finalists and cast their votes to determine the winners for the ten popular food categories, including egg tart, Chinese BBQ, pineapple bun and Hong Kong-style milk tea.
BC Lo, Director of Corporate Communications and External Relations, said that the F&B trade enjoys a strong presence in Link's property portfolio, accounting for over 30% of Link's tenants. The Link Good Food campaign acts as a platform for eatery operators to learn from each other while promoting local delicacies, underlying Link's commitment to linking people to a brighter future.
Mr Wong from Hung Kee Chinese BBQ Meat, Gold winner, commented that the event offers a rare opportunity to share their experience with other operators and allows the public to share in the delights of food and drink.
The finalists at the Lok Fu Plaza were selected from over 100 eateries nominated by 4,500 members of the public.
劉森記麵家 (深水埗)
Lau Sum Kee Noodle Ka (Sham Shui Po)
雲吞生麵食 (九龍城)
Wonton Shing Noodle (Kowloon City)
復興香港仔魚蛋王 (樂富)
Fook Hing Catering Ltd (Lok Fu)
阿一豆花 (深水埗)
One Bean Curd (Sham Shui Po)
珍豆漿豆腐花專門店 (灣仔)
Jane Bean Juice (Wan Chai)
斗來香 (筲箕灣)
Dau Lai Heung (Shau Kei Wan)
Snacks King (Shau Kei Wan)
有咸有甜 (樂富)
Yummy Yummy Café (Lok Fu)
大圍小食 (大圍)
Tai Wai Snacks (Tai Wai)
雄記燒臘滷味小食 (樂富)
Hung Kee Chinese BBQ Meat (Lok Fu)
興記海鮮燒鵝飯店 (屯門)
Hing Kee Restaurant (Tuen Mun)
全盛燒臘茶餐廳 (九龍城)
Chuen Shing Chinese BBQ Restaurant
(Kowloon City)
長發美食城 (青衣)
Cheung Fat Food City (Tsing Yi)
小食皇 (筲箕灣)
Snacks King (Shau Kei Wan)
炸魚肉 (鴨脷洲)
Fried Fish (Ap Lei Chau)
巴黎冰室 (尖沙咀)
Paris Ice House (Tsim Sha Tsui)
龍豐冰室 (大坑)
Lung Fung Café (Tai Hang)
星座冰室 (尖沙咀)
Star Café (Tsim Sha Tsui)
蛋撻王 (樂富)
King Bakery (Lok Fu)
南豐餐廳 (沙田)
Nam Fung Restaurant
怡景群記爽腩店 (西灣河)
Eking Beef Noodle Company (Sai Wan Ho)
嘉香汕頭粉麵家 (沙田)
Ka Heung Shan Tau Noodle Shop (Sha Tin)
坤記麵家 (藍田)
Kwan Kee Noodle (Lam Tin)
星座冰室 (尖沙咀)
Star Café (Tsim Sha Tsui)
香港風情 (觀塘)
Hong Kong Style Restaurant (Kwun Tong)
金記冰室 (西營盤)
Kam Kee Café (Sai Ying Pun)
祥興咖啡室 (跑馬地)
Cheung Hing Coffee Shop (Happy Valley)
金翠寳海鮮餐廳小廚 (沙田)
Kam Tsui Bo Restaurant (Shatin)
Awards & Recognitions
DHL/SCMP Hong Kong Business
Awards 2015
CEO George Hongchoy was named the Business Person of the Year at Hong Kong Business Awards 2015 organised by DHL and South China Morning Post. The award credits him with guiding the transformation of Link into a premier global REIT industry player and contributing to the growth of Hong Kong's REIT industry.
George commented that the prestigious award not only serves as a recognition of the team's efforts, but also motivates them to continue to embrace challenges and create meaningful changes both within the company and in the communities Link operates in, fulfilling Link's aspiration to 'Link people to a brighter future'. The team has truly come a long way as a company over the past decade, and he is confident the best is yet to come.
The Asset Corporate Awards 2015
Link won the Gold Award in The Asset Corporate Awards 2015, while CEO George Hongchoy was named as the Best CEO (Property/Real Estate). Link's IR team and Link Together Initiatives won Best IR Team and Best Initiative in Social Responsibility respectively.
2015 Asia Pacific Community Support Award
"Link Together Initiatives", Link's flagship charity and community engagement programme, has garnered the Asia Pacific Community Support Award organised by ICSC Foundation. A cash prize of US$5,000 was contributed by ICSC Foundation to support Music Children Foundation, a beneficiary organisation of the Initiatives.
China Property Awards 2015
H.A.N.D.S在由全國工商聯房地產商會香港分會及Ensign Media合辦的中國物業卓越大獎中,成為最佳商業項目(香港及澳門)的優勝項目。
H.A.N.D.S was named the winner of the Best Retail Development (Hong Kong and Macau) in China Property Awards 2015 co-organised by China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong Chapter and Ensign Media.
Hong Kong Green Awards 2015
At Hong Kong Green Awards 2015 organised by Green Council, Link won the Corporate Green Governance Award - Corporate Vision, recognising its commitment to protecting the environment and working towards a sustainable Hong Kong through corporate policies.
2015 HKMA Best Annual Reports Awards
Link's Annual Report 2014/2015 won the Bronze Award (General Category) of the Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) Best Annual Reports Awards.
2015 Hong Kong Awards for Industries:
Innovation and Creativity
Link was named the winner of 2015 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Innovation and Creativity Award for its revitalisation of traditional fresh markets. The Award aims to promote a culture of innovation & creativity amongst business sectors. The winning entries should be able to demonstrate the unique features of their creative concepts, their emphasis towards innovation, as well as the commercial viability and impact of their new businesses.