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In The Link's portfolio, the 5 car parks with the most parking spaces each offers more than 1,000 car parking slots.
Details are listed in the table below.

領匯最多泊車位的五個停車場 The 5 car parks with the largest number of parking spaces

領匯與租戶簽定合約後,會向租戶收取包括租金、冷氣費及管理費在內的3個月按金;除非個別租戶商譽極好,才允許以銀行擔保支付有關按金,否則一般都以現金支付。收取按金的目的,是要確保租戶遵守及履行租約列明的責任。當舊租約期滿後,有關的按金會自動轉到新租約;假於租戶不續租,有關按金(不涉及利息),將於租約期滿並舖位交吉,以及清還所有未繳付費用的60 天內退回。

After the signing of tenancy contract, The Link will collect a deposit, usually in cash, from the tenant. The amount covers 3 months of rent, the air-conditioning fee and the management fee. The objective is to ensure that tenants abide by the terms and conditions stipulated in the contract.

編輯委員會  Editorial Board

製作:HKET, The Link, www.thelinkreit.com

領展 Link 製作:HKET, The Link, www.thelinkreit.com