潮人熱撐帶動消費氣氛 電玩主角 人氣巨星 接捧登場@樂富廣場 Wii Game and Pop Stars Mania Trendsters Frenzy TO BOOST SPENDING AT SHOPPING CENTRE
為迎接暑假第一擊,台灣人氣歌手羅志祥6月親臨樂富廣場舉行簽唱會,是羅志祥最新專輯「有我在」之首個香港宣傳活動,商場更特別舉辦『領匯 x羅志祥「有我在」最新專輯換領活動』,吸引大批顧客於商場消費換領專輯及簽唱會入場証,為商戶帶來可觀的營業額。



Taiwanese pop singer Show Luo held a mini-concert-cum-autograph event at Lok Fu Plaza in June. To promote the event, the plaza presented "The Link x Show Luo "Good Show" Album Redemption." It attracted numerous customers to shop at the plaza for redemption of the album and tickets to the event, which created substantial business increase for the tenants. On the day of the event, Show Luo sang his new hit song "Happiness" to spread the message of his new album, "Feel the Love" to the community.
是次簽唱會為羅志祥最新專輯「有我在」之首個香港宣傳活動, 吸引大批中港台傳媒到場採訪。The event attracted a lot of reporters from Hong Kong, China and Taiwan for interview.
是次簽唱會為羅志祥最新專輯「有我在」之首個香港宣傳活動, 吸引大批中港台傳媒到場採訪。
The event attracted a lot of reporters from Hong Kong, China and Taiwan for interview.
領匯隆重呈獻亞洲舞王羅志祥「有我在」簽唱會,吸引近萬歌迷熱爆樂富廣場。The Link presents the Show Luo's event, attracting close to 10,000 fans to the Plaza.
The Link presents the Show Luo's event, attracting close to 10,000 fans to the Plaza.
羅志祥逐一為粉絲們簽名,感謝他們的支持。Show Luo sign autographs for fans, thanking them for their ongoing support.
羅志祥逐一為粉絲們簽名,感謝他們的支持。Show Luo sign autographs for fans, thanking them for their ongoing support.
Show Luo signed autographs for fans, thanking them for their ongoing support.

我們先在旗下14個商場打響頭炮,打造運動熱身場地,設置多個倫敦奧運主題的"Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games"電玩遊戲,讓各區市民免費一展身心。同場亦加設最新的「瑪利歐派對 9」中文版遊戲全港率先試玩,聚結潮人同好。

全港首個大型運動主題電玩賽將於8月三個星期日於領匯旗下6個商場舉行,參加者並會經歷多場比賽爭奪全港冠軍寶座。9月2日決賽日於樂富廣場誕生的冠軍電玩皇者更可獲得Samsung Galaxy SIII一部以及其他豐富獎品。


To capitalise on the excitement of the London Olympics, The Link will hold the largest in town Mario & Sonic themed Wii Game Competition at six of its shopping centres, on three Sundays in August. The event will drive the Olympic passion among the public, as visitors take part in sports-themed Wii games. The Final will be held on September 2 at Lok Fu Plaza. The activities cater to families by offering free entertainment and the chance to exercise their mind and body.

To generate publicity for the event, 14 of our shopping centres will be set up as sports venues, where shoppers can play Olympic themed Wii games from Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games for free. The new Mario Party 9 (Chinese Version) will also be available for free trial.

We will also launch the new Mario Limited Edition Premium Mugs (set of four) for redemption exclusively at 14 shopping centres.
主題電玩吸引大批市民試玩。Large crowds of people waited for free trial.
主題電玩吸引大批市民試玩。Large crowds of people waited for free trial.
Large crowds of people waited for free trial.

潮人熱撐帶動消費氣氛 電玩主角 人氣巨星 接捧登場@樂富廣場 Wii Game and Pop Stars Mania Trendsters Frenzy TO BOOST SPENDING AT SHOPPING C0ENTRE
Summer Jam 走向音樂大同

一連四個星期日的赤柱廣場「Sunday Summer Jam」音樂會,請來多隊本地與外國樂隊及各大專院校獻技。著名樂隊Azucar Latina、Quatro Ritmo、The Bollands等以歌會友,無論是澎湃的電子音樂、輕快的拉丁曲調,或是抒情的傳統民歌,都令樂迷陶醉,紛紛鼓掌拍和。本港6間大專院校更首次踏足赤柱廣場同台演出,令一眾年青觀眾熱血沸騰!
壓軸端午 赤柱廣場升温



The newly renovated Stanley Plaza has become a popular destination for visitors and their pets on holidays. Apart from hosting a series of concerts in June, Stanley Plaza sponsored the International Stanley Dragon Boat Championships. The tenants and the local community supported the festival events, which generated a great deal of publicity for Stanley.

Summer Jam for Musical Unions
On four consecutive Sundays in June, Stanley Plaza hosted "Sunday Summer Jam" featuring local and overseas bands and performers from the city's tertiary institutes. The event attracted many tourists, students and music lovers, who greatly enjoyed the shows. On the day of Dragon Boat Festival, "Sunday Summer Jam" presented seven bands and dance groups whose performance dazzled the audience. The day's summer rewards events drew a big crowd. Free shuttle bus service was provided between Admiralty and Stanley.
為六間大專院校學生提供表演平台,展示音樂才華。Performance platform for students to showcase music talent.
Performance platform for students to showcase music talent.
音樂會吸引大批市民及遊客欣賞。 Large crowds of residents and tourists at the concert.
四人樂隊Azucar Latina演唱多首拉丁樂曲,大部分歌曲以西班牙文演唱。
The four-man band Azucar Latina performing beautiful Latin music, with most songs in Spanish.

Stanley Plaza's Pet's Day Out in Full Swing
 Pet owners and their dogs painted the town in another wave of  WEEKEND FUN
一聲指令,狗仔跟隨大步走。A dog makes great strides at trainer's command.
A dog makes great strides at trainer's command.
領匯獲頒健力士世界紀錄証書。圖為領匯市場策劃及推廣主管黃端華 (左)及活動合作夥伴香港愛護動物協會社區發展部副總監王灝鳴。 The Link receives the Guinness World Record certificate. Pictured are Hilda Wong, Head of Marketing of The Link (left) and Michael Wong, Deputy Director, Community Development, SPCA (HK).
領匯獲頒健力士世界紀錄証書。圖為領匯市場策劃及推廣主管黃端華 (左)及活動合作夥伴香港愛護動物協會社區發展部副總監王灝鳴。
The Link receives the Guinness World Record certificate. Pictured are Hilda Wong, Head of Marketing of The Link (left) and Michael Wong, Deputy Director, Community Development, SPCA (HK).
響應倫敦奧運 一寵狗狗運動會吸引狗主帶同愛犬蒞臨赤柱廣場奪標
International Sporting Event for Pets
Top Athletic Dogs Compete at Stanley Plaza Olympets Event
適逢四年一度的奧運盛事,赤柱廣場先以一個別開生面的狗狗運動作前哨戰,隆重呈獻寵物界盛事「赤柱廣場 x Olympets一寵狗狗運動會2012」,吸引眾狗主帶同狗仔到場參與。




In anticipation of Olympic frenzy, Stanley Plaza was transformed into the Olympets stadium. In partnership with Olympets, Stanley Plaza hosted on July 8 the "Olympets 2012", in order to promote the sporting spirit and endearing way human bond with their pets.
Breaking Guinness World Record with 354 Dogs
去年12月舉辦的「海濱寵物嘉年華」,成功打破健力士世界紀錄,354隻活潑狗仔於赤柱廣場內齊齊受訓,一同完成「Finishing Right」及「Marching」兩組指令。有關證書已放置於赤柱廣場,讓公眾一同見證此項記錄。為善最樂,該嘉年華活動籌得的所有款項,會全數撥捐香港愛護動物協會。赤柱廣場下半年還會推出更多至潮狗隻活動,讓狗主與狗仔一起參與。

Last December, 354 dogs took part in an obedience class at Stanley Plaza as part of "Paws by the Sea", a pet carnival. This broke the previous Guinness World Record. In the second half of the year, Stanley Plaza will launch more trendy activities for dogs.
小狗與主人參與「赤柱廣場 x Olympets」。
Dogs and their owners gather at "Stanley Plaza Olympets".
小狗與主人參與「赤柱廣場 x Olympets」。
Dogs and their owners gather at "Stanley Plaza x Olympets".
最新一期赤柱廣場雜誌  一家大細暑假遊赤柱 The latest issue of Stanley Plaza Magazine - Comprehensive Guide for Family Excursions around Stanley



The latest issue of Stanley Plaza Magazine introduces you to a wide array of family and children-oriented products and many other items.

The Link has launched a Stanley Plaza special summer parking promotion. From now until August 31, customers who spend HK$400 or more after 6pm at Stanley Plaza will enjoy up to four hours' complimentary parking. New promotional vouchers from tenants have also been launched.

過百名顧客參加美酒盛宴夜 提高商戶知名度
Over 100 Customers at Our Wine Pairing Dinner Enhancing Tenant's Reputation


續推廣消費獎賞活動 吸人流推消費
過百顧客參與「美酒盛宴夜」,率先品嚐crossover菜式 。Over 100 Customers at the Wine Pairing Dinner for a taste of crossover dishes.
過百顧客參與「美酒盛宴夜」,率先品嚐crossover菜式 。
Over 100 Customers at the Wine Pairing Dinner for a taste of crossover dishes.
活動吸引年輕消費族支持。 Support from young consumers for the events.
Support from young consumers for the events.
The renowned gourmet traveller, Walter Kei, teamed up with the Head Chef of King's Fortune Seafood Restaurant for the first time in Siu Sai Wan Plaza and hosted a wine pairing dinner in July. Tickets of the dinner were available for redemption upon spending and it made a big hit in the city! Over a hundred customers joined the dinner and gladly indulged themselves in the new experience of tasting creative Cantonese dishes and a variety of fine wines. The dinner has inspired the restaurant with new business ideas and has enhanced our tenant's reputation through creating new signature dishes for sale.

Lucky Draw and Free Creative Recipes to Attract Visitors and Encourage Spending
To introduce the culture of fine dining to the community, creative recipes designed by Walter Kei will be distributed for free from July to September at Siu Sai Wan Plaza and Market. Recipe folders and lucky draw tickets are also available for redemption to encourage further spending in our shopping centre.
Serial Summer Weekend Rewards
Benefiting Our Tenants and Customers

Say "Hello" to our coming summer weekend rewards programme! Starting from 21 July, a selection of prizes will be available for redemption in our 32 designated shopping centres at different intervals. The programme is tailored-made to surprise our customers and generate more business opportunities for our tenants.

領展 Link