完善溝通橋樑 建立和諧社區 物業管理及營運部 分區關係經理 Property Management & Operations Department - Divisional Relationship Managers Effective Communication Channels to Build Harmonious Communities
(右至左)領匯高級分區關係經理蘇康寧、分區關係經理陳少琼、楊恩頌及蔡少明擁資深物業管理經驗,擔當「和事老」角色,作為公司內外溝通橋樑,促進公司與社區大眾的和諧。(Right to left) Senior Divisional Relationship Manager So Hong Ling, Divisional Relationship Managers Cecilia Chan, David Yang and William Choi possess extensive experience in property management, as they play the role of "mediator" in both internal and external communication for the company, building harmonious relationships between The Link and the communities.
(Right to left) Senior Divisional Relationship Manager So Hong Ling, Divisional Relationship Managers Cecilia Chan, David Yang and William Choi possess extensive experience in property management, as they play the role of "mediator" in both internal and external communication for the company, building harmonious relationships between The Link and the communities.


楊恩頌將這個崗位比喻為消防處的「防火組」隊員:「我們全力協助商場經理及其團隊在危機未萌芽前先作部署,迅速採取行動,例如商場進行資產優化工程前,我們與物業管理團隊會向商戶、居民和地區人士耐心闡釋工程的理念及對整個社區帶來的正面效果,讓他們理解及認同我們的 工作,盡量減少地區阻力,讓工程能順利展開。」

多聚會溝通 爭拗自然少





As The Link's various stakeholders have diverse interests and concerns, divisional relationship managers provide important channels for mediating in disputes, rallying community support, building harmonious communities and providing beneficial solutions for all parties. These managers oversee internal and external communications and deliver news and information about the company, in order to give a clearer view on the company's policies and philosophy to stakeholders, which include district councillors, political parties, community representatives, tenants and residents. They are also responsible for collecting stakeholders' opinions on The Link, and passing that information on to the relevant departments and management teams for follow-up actions.

Beyond a thorough understanding of the company's business strategies, an outstanding divisional relationship manager must have strong sensitivity towards crisis situations. They must also build extensive district networks, foster excellent communication skills and EQ and have experience in property management.
Meetings and Communication to Minimise Disputes

All the four divisional relationship managers left the Housing Authority and joined The Link as it became a newly listed entity. While attending to public interest, the managers also had the challenging task of achieving balance between all parties in the broader attempt to build harmonious communities. As they have witnessed the transformation of public housing shopping centres over the years, the managers have a fuller understanding of how things work best. They exchange information on a regular basis, which allows for consistency in handling all matters and maintaining the company's image.
難忘經歷逐個數 Memorable Experience

「服務沒有最好,只有更好」 神秘顧客計劃 近九成商場評核優良 "There is no such thing as best service. But service can al waysbe improved further." About 90% malls Graded "Good" in Mystery Shopper Programme
分區4 ( 富泰商場、建生商場、蝴蝶廣場 )
Silver Award: Cluster 4 (Fu Tai Shopping Centre,
Kin Sang Shopping Centre, Butterfly Plaza)
分區4 ( 富泰商場、建生商場、蝴蝶廣場 ) Silver Award: Cluster 4 (Fu Tai Shopping Centre, Kin Sang Shopping Centre, Butterfly Plaza)
分區2 ( 天盛商場、天慈商場、天澤商場 )
Bronze Award: Cluster 2 (Tin Shing Shopping Centre,
Tin Tsz Shopping Centre, Tin Chak Shopping Centre)
分區2 ( 天盛商場、天慈商場、天澤商場 ) Bronze Award: Cluster 2 (Tin Shing Shopping Centre, Tin Tsz Shopping Centre, Tin Chak Shopping Centre)
Merit Award
Cluster 1: (Wan Tau Tong Shopping Centre, Tai Wo Plaza, Fu Heng Shopping Centre)

Cluster 11: (Chuk Yuen Plaza, Fung Tak Shopping Centre, Tsz Wan Shan Shopping Centre)
最佳商場管理大獎 Best Managed Shopping Centre Awards
金獎 Gold Award:
寶達商場 Po Tat Shopping Centre
銀獎 Silver Award:
天盛商場 Tin Shing Shopping Centre
銅獎 Bronze Award:
富泰商場 Fu Tai Shopping Centre
Merit Award
Chuk Yuen Plaza, Sau Mau Ping Shopping Centre
卓越服務人員大獎 Best Service Ambassador

The 13 frontline staff have won the Best Service Ambassador Award due to the excellent services they provide. Among the winners, Lau Shui Wan, who works at Kwong Fong Plaza, is the first employee of a cleaning service contractor who has won the award.
卓越服務人員大獎 Best Service Ambassador
頒獎禮首次找來多位前線物管、保安及清潔員工擔任司儀,展現員工多才多藝的一面。For the first time, the frontline staff of property management, security and cleaning services took up the role of M.C. for the ceremony, showing their multifaceted talents that went beyond their usual daily work routines.
For the first time, the frontline staff of property management, security and cleaning services took up the role of M.C. for the ceremony, showing their multifaceted talents that went beyond their usual daily work routines.
最動人服務時刻 九龍東、將軍澳及香港島分區的顧客服務經驗分享贏得最多歡呼聲, 成為頒獎禮上最動人服務個案。愛東商場一商戶負責人有一晚收舖時發現大門壞了, 無法上鎖,致電商場辦事處要求協助,但碰巧駐場技工正在休假。雖然如此,辦事處同事致電住在愛東邨的另一位技工明師傅,他雖然也正在休假,仍然義不容辭, 一口答應迅速趕往現場為該店維修大門, 令該舖當晚能如常上鎖, 獲商戶大力讚賞。The Most Touching Moments The customer service experiences shared by the Division of Eastern Kowloon, Tseung Kwan O and Hong Kong Island have won the most applause.
九龍東、將軍澳及香港島分區的顧客服務經驗分享贏得最多歡呼聲, 成為頒獎禮上最動人服務個案。愛東商場一商戶負責人有一晚收舖時發現大門壞了, 無法上鎖,致電商場辦事處要求協助,但碰巧駐場技工正在休假。雖然如此,辦事處同事致電住在愛東邨的另一位技工明師傅,他雖然也正在休假,仍然義不容辭, 一口答應迅速趕往現場為該店維修大門, 令該舖當晚能如常上鎖, 獲商戶大力讚賞。
The Most Touching Moments
The customer service experiences shared by the Division of Eastern Kowloon, Tseung Kwan O and Hong Kong Island have won the most applause.

領匯「企業員工購股計劃」共享豐碩成果 The Link's "Employee Unit Purchase Plan"


To recognise the contribution of the staff and to share the good results with the staff together, The Link has launched the "Employee Unit Purchase Plan", which will sponsor eligible employees who want to purchase units of The Link REIT in the open market. This serves as an additional option for saving or retirement protection for the staff.
The company has provided several briefings for the staff that explain the details of the plan.

領匯為前線員工提供培訓班,講述最新的服務指標、細則等,全面提升服務質素。 The Link provides training classes for its frontline staff. The training covers the latest service standards and terms, which serves to comprehensively enhance service standards.
The Link provides training classes for its frontline staff. The training covers the latest service standards and terms, which serves to comprehensively enhance service standards.
Training Classes for Frontline Staff to Meet New
Service Requirements


To help frontline staff adapt to new service standards and requirements of Property Management Support Service and Housekeeping Service Contracts, we have organised a total of 14 training classes for around 240 team members from the Property Management team. In addition, there were designated training classes for contractors' employees, which gave frontline staff a thorough understanding of the new service requirements, terms and procedure of assessment of contractors. This will facilitate the fulfillment of new contracts.
領匯精英學堂校長余小蓮(右)接受理大建築及房地產學系系主任沈岐平教授頒發感謝狀。 Principal of The Link Staff Academy, Ms Irene Fisher (right) receives certicate of appreciation from Professor Geoffrey Shen, Head of Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Principal of The Link Staff Academy, Ms Irene Fisher (right) receives certicate of appreciation from Professor Geoffrey Shen, Head of Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
The Link Joins PolyU's "Worked-Integrated Education" to Recruit Future Talent

領匯剛參與了香港理工大學的「校企協作教育」計劃,為該校的建築及房地產學系學生,提供工作實習機會。領匯精英學堂校長余小蓮說:「計劃令我們與本港大專院校建立更緊密的聯繫,亦加強了我們在招聘市場的競爭力,及早招攬表現優秀的學生,為公司未來的持續發展培養人才。領匯亦希望為培育未來社會棟樑,盡一分力。」 此外,領匯亦已與香港大學及香港城市大學訂立合作協議,為建築、測量及物業管理等相關範疇學系的學生提供工作實習機會。

The Link has recently joined the "Worked- Integrated Education" scheme by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, as the company offers internship opportunities for students from the Department of Building and Real Estate. We have also signed cooperation agreements with the University of Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong, providing internship opportunities for students majoring in architecture, surveying, property management and other related disciplines.
在量米遊戲中勝出的清婆婆幾乎百發百中,徒手取出指定份量的米,她笑說全靠多年做飯經驗「取勝」。 Ms. Ching won almost every game in the rice-measuring contest.
Ms. Ching won almost every game in the rice-measuring contest.
First Collaboration between The Link's Volunteers
and University Students


For the first time, The Link joined with the YMCAs of Chinese University of Hong Kong and Lingnan University to co-host the "Fun Day with the Elderly," a Sunday event that saw the participation of 70 elderly residents from Sheung Shui.
得獎保安員領取獎狀,接受嘉許。 The award winning security guards received their certificates and accompanying accolades.
The award winning security guards received their certificates and accompanying accolades.
14名停車場員工 獲最佳保安員獎
14 Car Park Security Guards Win Best Security Guard Awards


Car park security guard Yu Chung-wai from Cheung Wah Car Park received the highest honour of "The Top 10 Outstanding Security Guard Award" in the New Territories North Region Best Security Services Awards 2011, while the other 13 car park security guards were also awarded.
領展 Link