展現新世紀 摩登街市
經營模式 全面實踐環保循環概念
Tai Yuen Market
Modern Operation of the Fresh Market in the New Millennium
All-Round Approach to Environmental Protection and Recycling
All-Round Approach to Environmental Protection and Recycling
與時並進,傳統鮮活街市亦要趕上社會及經濟發展步伐。領匯於2010年展開首個鮮活街市優化項目 – 大埔大元街市優化工程已全部完成。優化後的大元街市展現了21世紀鮮活街市的嶄新設計及營運模式,實踐一條龍環保概念,全新開揚佈局,多元化商戶進駐,為區內居民帶來生活新體驗,還成功吸納年輕一代新客源。大元街市更憑此優化工程獲頒亞洲管理學會主辦的「亞洲企業社會責任卓越環保大獎2011」,印證工程的成功,也成為傳統鮮活街市的新典範。領匯會參照改造大元街市的寶貴經驗,作為提升其他街市的設計基礎及藍本 – 愛民街市便會引入部分摩登街市新概念,預計於本年第三季竣工。
Launched in 2010, The Link’s first fresh market enhancement project - Tai Yuen Market - has been completed. The revamped Tai Yuen Market exemplifies the innovative approach to fresh market operations in the 21st century, which practices the through-train eco-friendly approach. The enhanced market creates a new lifestyle experience for local residents while also attracting younger consumers. This Revitalisation of Tai Yuen Market Project won the Environment Excellence Award of the Asian CSR Awards 2011 organised by the Asian Institute of Management. This testifies to the project's success, which serves as the new model of revitalisation for the traditional fresh market.

The Link’s Chairman Nicholas Sallnow-Smith (middle), Chief Executive Officer George Hongchoy (2nd right), Chief Executive Officer of Octopus Cards Limited Sunny Cheung (right), Chief Financial Officer Andy Cheung (2nd left), Chairman of Association of Tai Yuen Tenants Association Chu Chun Bor officiated at the opening ceremony of Tai Yuen Market.歐洲街市取經 英國建築師設計
Inspirations from European Markets
Designed by British Architect
Designed by British Architect
為了是項優化項目,領匯聘請英國建築師為大元街市重新設計佈局,並於2010年中前往歐洲考察,了解外國鮮活街市的設計及營運模式,將適用於香港的概念融入大元街市工程中,令街市環境更開放及衞生整潔;並同時引入多元化的商戶組合。項目完成後,還引入四大嶄新概念(見 p.3),不但留住街坊舊客,還吸納更多年輕一族及外籍僱傭等新客源,令傳統鮮活街市可以持續發展。
The Link owns close to 100 fresh markets and it is the largest sole proprietor of fresh markets in Hong Kong. In 2010, the company began the 2-year, HK$ 95 million revitalisation project of the 30-year-old Tai Yuen Market. It is now completed to offer new shopping experience to all.
為了是項優化項目,領匯聘請英國建築師為大元街市重新設計佈局,並於2010年中前往歐洲考察,了解外國鮮活街市的設計及營運模式,將適用於香港的概念融入大元街市工程中,令街市環境更開放及衞生整潔;並同時引入多元化的商戶組合。項目完成後,還引入四大嶄新概念(見 p.3),不但留住街坊舊客,還吸納更多年輕一族及外籍僱傭等新客源,令傳統鮮活街市可以持續發展。
The Link owns close to 100 fresh markets and it is the largest sole proprietor of fresh markets in Hong Kong. In 2010, the company began the 2-year, HK$ 95 million revitalisation project of the 30-year-old Tai Yuen Market. It is now completed to offer new shopping experience to all.

飲食顧問紀曉華及米芝蓮兩星餐廳Bo Innovation大廚特別以嶄新烹飪主意 — 特色分子料理即場試食,讓嘉賓及商戶體驗最新飲食趨勢。
Renowned gourmet Walter Kei and Michelin Star Chef from Bo Innovation introduced new cooking initiatives – molecular cuisine dishes, for guests and tenants to appreciate the latest trend in cooking.
Tenants of Tai Yuen Market attended the opening ceremony and witnessed the fresh market embarking on a new era.
大元街市 四大嶄新概念
Tai Yuen Market 4 major Innovative Concepts
Tai Yuen Market 4 major Innovative Concepts
The First-ever "Master Chef Kitchen" in a Fresh Market
邀請名廚陳國強主理烹飪課堂,教授街坊煮出美味兼富營養的健康菜式,街坊可就地取材,在街市購買新鮮食材後,在廚藝學院學習最新概念,即買即煮。Renowned chef Kenny Chan gives healthy recipe cooking classes. Local residents can shop in the fresh market and then join him for some cooking fun.
Introduction of Octopus Facilities
for Easy Transactions
Introduction of Octopus Facilities
for Easy Transactions
Sunny Cheung, CEO of Octopus, said "Electronic payment is getting popular these days. Introducing Octopus to Tai Yuen Market can help enhance tenants' competitiveness while drawing more younger customers and boosting tenants' overall businesses."
Sunny Cheung, CEO of Octopus, said "Electronic payment is getting popular these days. Introducing Octopus to Tai Yuen Market can help enhance tenants' competitiveness while drawing more younger customers and boosting tenants' overall businesses."
廚餘堆肥 天台增闢有機農圃
Leftover Food Recycled as Fertilizers for Rooftop Farm
Leftover Food Recycled as Fertilizers for Rooftop Farm
Leftover food from the market is collected and recycled as organic fertiliser for farming. The produce from this farming is then put up for sale at the fresh market, and is also used as teaching materials for the "Master Chef Kitchen".
Leftover food from the market is collected and recycled as organic fertiliser for farming. The produce from this farming is then put up for sale at the fresh market, and is also used as teaching materials for the "Master Chef Kitchen".
Service Ambassadors
Service Ambassadors
White creating new employment opportunities for the community, Service Ambassadors also provide special tips form customes' daily food shopping.
White creating new employment opportunities for the community, Service Ambassadors also provide special tips form customes' daily food shopping.

領匯特別編製 «摩登街市‧大元街市新世代» 一書,介紹鮮活街市在本港的起源和發展,並透視大元街市優化工程的創新設計意念,以及展現街市商販的不同故事。
To introduce the history and development of fresh markets in Hong Kong, the new book "New Generation of Market - Tai Yuen Market" incorporates a display of the different stories of the various tenants of this market.
The revitalised Tai Yuen Market not only established itself as the new model for the modern fresh market, but also received the Environment Excellence Award of the Asian CSR Awards 2011, organised by the Asian Institute of Management. This success has garnered international recognition. While creating new employment opportunities for the community, Service Ambassadors also provide special tips for customers' daily food shopping.

獨特活化概念 奪亞洲環保獎
Unique Revitalisation Concept Receives Environment Excellence Award
摩登街市環境舒適 貨種更多元
Enhanced Environment and Product Variety
Attracting Younger Consumer Base
Attracting Younger Consumer Base

The Link’s revitalisation of fresh market seeks to preserve the traditional dining and lifestyle habits of the surrounding communities, but also to grow with and adapt to changing times.
The Link chose Tai Yuen Market in Tai Po as the starting point of its fresh market enhancement for three reasons: 1. The market had a vacancy of 50% at the time, showing tremendous potential for development; 2. The market’s floor area was not fully utilised and its operational efficiency could be raised through better layout planning; 3. Tai Yuen Market is surrounded by various public housing, ownership schemes housing and private housing estates, potentially bringing in high-spending consumers from younger families.
突破傳統街市框框 引入開放式設計
The Link’s revitalisation of fresh market seeks to preserve the traditional dining and lifestyle habits of the surrounding communities, but also to grow with and adapt to changing times.
The Link chose Tai Yuen Market in Tai Po as the starting point of its fresh market enhancement for three reasons: 1. The market had a vacancy of 50% at the time, showing tremendous potential for development; 2. The market’s floor area was not fully utilised and its operational efficiency could be raised through better layout planning; 3. Tai Yuen Market is surrounded by various public housing, ownership schemes housing and private housing estates, potentially bringing in high-spending consumers from younger families.
Open Design as a Departure from the Traditional Market Framework
The Link’s senior management visited a number of countries across Europe and studied the designs of local fresh markets. A British architect was invited to participate in the design. The innovative and irregular layout successfully enhances the continuity and accessibility of the market.大元街市優化工程 Tai Yuen Market Revitalisation Project | |
2008年 |
籌備提升工程及設計項目 Preparation of enhancement work and design |
2009年 |
邀請英國建築師重新設計項目,採曲線佈局 British architect invited to participate in redesign of open and irregular layout |
2010年 1月 |
設置臨時街市,讓商戶在工程期間照常營業 Temporary market opened for tenants to continue their business operation during construction works |
2010年 6月 |
舉行動土儀式,正式啟動提升工程 Ground-breaking ceremony to launch the enhancement works |
2010年 12月 |
第一期工程完成,舉行開幕禮 Opening ceremony of the market upon completion of the first stage of enhancement |
2011年 7月 |
第二期工程完成,引入更多元化零售商舖 Greater variety of retailers in the market upon completion of the second stage of enhancement |
2011年 10月 |
榮獲亞洲管理學會主辦2011年亞洲企業社會責任獎「卓越環保大獎」 Received the Environment Excellence Award of the Asian CSR Awards 2011 organized by the Asian Institute of Management |
2011年 11月 |
第三期工程完成,引入八達通電子付費設施 Introduction of Octopus electronic transaction facilities upon completion of the third stage of enhancement |
2012年 2月 |
「大元街市三十年」故事閣揭幕 Unveiling of “Thirty Years of Tai Yuen Market” Wall of Fame |
2012年 3月 |
廚藝學院啟用,推出烹飪課堂 Opening of cuisine training institute to introduce cooking classes |
2012年 4月 |
有機農莊開幕,體現「自給自足」可持續發展概念 Organic farm opened to exemplify the concepts of “self-sufficiency” and sustainable development |
2012年 5月 |
正式全面開幕 Officially opened |
引入多元化選擇 提供一站式購物
Greater Product Variety for One-Stop Shopping
By introducing a greater variety of retailers and service providers, the revamped market provides the convenience of one-stop shopping, as the addition of new tenants complements existing ones and broadens the customer base. The Link also organises various seminars, publishes and distributes tenants’ renovation guides, and promotes the "5S Methodology" to the tenants to help them improve their competitiveness.

◆ 商戶心聲 Tenant's Voice ◆
Chairman of Association of Tai Yuen Tenants Association Mr Chu Chun Bor: "With the installation of air-conditioning and improved lighting, 90% of tenants reported increases in their business. When local shoppers visit the market for the first time, they all say: 'How tidy!' "

◆ 市民心聲 Shopper's Voice ◆
Mrs Lam: "The environment is improved and it’s easy to bring my children along. The new cooked food shops offer many choices for neighborhood shoppers."

滿載兩代情懷 延續街市文化
Generations of Love in Tai Yuen Market
Tai Yuen Market has many examples of a familial legacy that moves from one generation to the next, for example, the only beef stall in the market, Hung Choi Butcher. The three children of Mr Mak, the stall’s owner, have helped out at the stall from their young ages. In particular, Mak’s two daughters have grown up to be outstanding butchers who exhibit keen precision with their blades. Shun Kee Fresh Fish is another family owned business that has continued through two generations. Another example is Wong Ka Lok, the second-generation owner of "The Pacific" aquarium. After the market's revitalization, he became its owner and renamed the store "Ka Lok Flower Reptile Aquarium".
Tai Yuen Market has many examples of a familial legacy that moves from one generation to the next, for example, the only beef stall in the market, Hung Choi Butcher. The three children of Mr Mak, the stall’s owner, have helped out at the stall from their young ages. In particular, Mak’s two daughters have grown up to be outstanding butchers who exhibit keen precision with their blades. Shun Kee Fresh Fish is another family owned business that has continued through two generations. Another example is Wong Ka Lok, the second-generation owner of "The Pacific" aquarium. After the market's revitalization, he became its owner and renamed the store "Ka Lok Flower Reptile Aquarium".