成立 斜坡及樹木管理組
悉心照料樹木 樹木登記名冊 助系統管理
Slope and Tree Management Team
Improving the landscaping Setting up a Tree Registry
不說不知,領匯物業範圍內合共種植超過 5,840 棵樹木,園林總面積近 88,800 平方米,仿如一個維園般大小。為了更有系統管理轄下的樹木,領匯去年 8 月成立「斜坡及樹木管理組」,現隸屬物業管理及營運部,悉心照料樹木,並成立「樹木登記名冊」。
Over 5,840 trees have been planted at the properties in The Link’s portfolio and the total gardening area is close to 88,800 square metres, equal to the size of Victoria Park. Last August, in order to enhance the efficiency of tree management, the Slope and Tree Management Team, under the Property Management & Operations Department, was formed to take good care of trees and set up the tree registry.
不說不知,領匯物業範圍內合共種植超過 5,840 棵樹木,園林總面積近 88,800 平方米,仿如一個維園般大小。為了更有系統管理轄下的樹木,領匯去年 8 月成立「斜坡及樹木管理組」,現隸屬物業管理及營運部,悉心照料樹木,並成立「樹木登記名冊」。
Over 5,840 trees have been planted at the properties in The Link’s portfolio and the total gardening area is close to 88,800 square metres, equal to the size of Victoria Park. Last August, in order to enhance the efficiency of tree management, the Slope and Tree Management Team, under the Property Management & Operations Department, was formed to take good care of trees and set up the tree registry.
To further promote the importance of tree management and conservation, a "Conserving Trees and Slopes" seminar was held for The Link’s staff. 陳健明(左)及馬寶珊(右)主持「愛護樹木及斜坡」研討會,讓同事更了解管理斜坡及樹木的重要性。
To further promote the importance of tree management and conservation, a "Conserving Trees and Slopes" seminar was held for The Link’s staff.](images/201205s-chapter-02.jpg)
樹木生長於不適當的位置 Inappropriate Planting of Trees
Trees planted under flyovers cannot receive sufficient sunlight. 種植於天橋底的樹木無法得到陽光照射。
Trees planted under flyovers cannot receive sufficient sunlight.](images/201205s-chapter-03.jpg)
Trees planted under flyovers cannot receive sufficient sunlight.![樹木並非人工合適地種植(例如經雀鳥或自然傳播)。
Tree is not planted normally. 樹木並非人工合適地種植(例如經雀鳥或自然傳播)。
Tree is not planted normally.](images/201205s-chapter-04.jpg)
Tree is not planted normally.![領匯環保篇 The Link's Environmental Protection Initiatives 領匯環保篇 The Link's Environmental Protection Initiatives](images/201205s-chapter-01.jpg)
The Link's Environmental Protection Initiatives.
樹木的定義? | |
一般定義 | 大及單主幹的植物心 |
生態學定義 | 植物成熟周期時,超過 5 米高 |
樹藝學定義 | 持續生長並具區隔化作用(即受傷後能自行修補的植物) |
政府定義 | 於泥面上 1.3 米,主幹直徑超過 95 毫米 |
領匯助理項目經理陳健明及高級項目主任馬寶珊,於 4 月 11 日為領匯員工舉辦「愛護樹木及斜坡」研討會,吸引超過 70 位來自各部門的同事出席。
![領匯管理助理項目經理陳健明表示,領匯會定期檢查維修斜坡及擋土牆,確保安全穩定。Chan Kin-ming, Assistant Project Manager said The Link will ensure the safety of slope and retaining wall by regular maintainence. 領匯管理助理項目經理陳健明表示,領匯會定期檢查維修斜坡及擋土牆,確保安全穩定。 Chan Kin-ming, Assistant Project Manager said The Link will ensure the safety of slope and retaining wall by regular maintainence.](images/201205s-chapter-05.jpg)
Chan Kin-ming, Assistant Project Manager said The Link will ensure the safety of slope and retaining wall by regular maintainence.
身為本港少數註冊樹藝師的馬寶珊提到,新成立的「斜坡及樹木管理組」的首要任務,是為領匯找出所有問題樹木,從而作出適當修護及管理,避免有樹木倒塌。其次是建立「樹木登記名冊」,方便長遠及有系統的樹木管理工作。他形容「樹木登記名冊」將羅列樹木的品種、胸徑、高度,樹冠的闊度,健康狀況,以及其生長的形態等等,而且每棵樹都將加入編號及位置等資料,又設立電話專線,好讓市民當發現樹木有潛在危險時,可直接通知斜坡及樹木管理組,以便盡快作出預防或保養工作,減低風險。 即使發現樹木有潛在危險,移除並非最妥善的管理方法,而且個別樹種罕有或具有歷史價值,輕率移除或會引起市民不滿,甚至負上法律責任。他提到,減低風險有多種方法,包括修剪、移植、加支撐或拉纜固定,以強化樹木的穩定性,或禁止使用「危樹」範圍。而移除只是最後的辦法。
Ma Po-shan, Senior Project Officer pointed out that the cutting down of trees would only be done as a last resort in order to minimise risk. 領匯管理高級項目主任馬寶珊表示,移除樹木只是減低風險的辦法。
Ma Po-shan, Senior Project Officer pointed out that the cutting down of trees would only be done as a last resort in order to minimise risk.](images/201205s-chapter-06.jpg)
Ma Po-shan, Senior Project Officer pointed out that the cutting down of trees would only be done as a last resort in order to minimise risk.
Ma Po-shan, Senior Project Officer pointed out that the cutting down of trees would only be done as a last resort in order to minimise risk.
1. 按香港政府現有資料,哪一個樹木品種屬香港最高的樹?
2. 如樹木需作支撐,應支撐樹幹較高,中間或較低哪一個位置呢?
3. 香港政府如何將樹木定義呢?
4. 泥土下的樹根是往下生長還是橫向生長呢?
5. 大部分的樹根於泥土下多少厘米生長呢?
On 11 April, Chan Kin-ming, Assistant Project Manager, and Ma Po-shan, Senior Project Officer hosted the “Conserving Trees and Slopes” seminar for the staff. A substantial number of staff members from various departments attended the seminar.
To ensure proper conservation of the trees at its properties, The Link signed a 2-year horticultural maintenance service contract on 1 April that detailed the scope of the contractor’s daily duties of landscaping.
On 11 April, Chan Kin-ming, Assistant Project Manager, and Ma Po-shan, Senior Project Officer hosted the “Conserving Trees and Slopes” seminar for the staff. A substantial number of staff members from various departments attended the seminar.
To ensure proper conservation of the trees at its properties, The Link signed a 2-year horticultural maintenance service contract on 1 April that detailed the scope of the contractor’s daily duties of landscaping.
![種植於赤柱廣場 (左) 及彩雲商場的樹木,繁盛茂密。
The bushy trees at Stanley Plaza (left) and Choi Wan Shopping Centre. 種植於赤柱廣場 (左) 及彩雲商場的樹木,繁盛茂密。
The bushy trees at Stanley Plaza (left) and Choi Wan Shopping Centre.](images/201205s-chapter-07.jpg)
The bushy trees at Stanley Plaza (left) and Choi Wan Shopping Centre.![全方位支持社區 持續發展
All-Round Support for Community Sustainability
全方位支持社區 持續發展
All-Round Support for Community Sustainability](images/201205s-chapter-08.jpg)
全方位支持社區 持續發展
All-Round Support for Community Sustainability
舊電腦轉贈傷健人士 支援就業及學習
Donation of Recycled Computers to the Rehabilitated
Support for Learning and Job Searches
其餘10台電腦則留於復康力量的培訓中心使用,讓傷健 人士學習市場調查及資料輸入等技巧,幫助他們再融入社會。馮光提到,該中心原有的電腦已使用超過6年了,系統並不穩定,新電腦裝有更新的文書處理軟件,運作更順暢,加上屏幕夠大,方便中年及視障人士使用。
香港明愛電腦回收計劃項目經理劉露強指,社區對翻新電腦需求殷切,是次捐贈活動中,領匯擔當牽頭角色,日後希望能吸引更多企業及熱心人士,加入舊電腦捐助行列,做善事之餘又合乎環保重用的目的。他提到,去年明愛把 領匯所捐贈的150台舊電腦分發給轄下長者中心,開設長者電腦學習班,取得很好的成效。
To promote environmental protection and to suppor t the employment searches of those who have received physical therapy and rehabilitation, The Link joined with Caritas Hong Kong to donate recycled computers to those in need. A total of 100 used computers with 17” screens and keyboards, were refurnished by Caritas and then donated to members of Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power to facilitate their learning and job searches. Up to now, The Link donated a total of 350 sets of computers to St James’ Settlement and Caritas, which distributed the computers to individuals and organisations in need.
其餘10台電腦則留於復康力量的培訓中心使用,讓傷健 人士學習市場調查及資料輸入等技巧,幫助他們再融入社會。馮光提到,該中心原有的電腦已使用超過6年了,系統並不穩定,新電腦裝有更新的文書處理軟件,運作更順暢,加上屏幕夠大,方便中年及視障人士使用。
香港明愛電腦回收計劃項目經理劉露強指,社區對翻新電腦需求殷切,是次捐贈活動中,領匯擔當牽頭角色,日後希望能吸引更多企業及熱心人士,加入舊電腦捐助行列,做善事之餘又合乎環保重用的目的。他提到,去年明愛把 領匯所捐贈的150台舊電腦分發給轄下長者中心,開設長者電腦學習班,取得很好的成效。
To promote environmental protection and to suppor t the employment searches of those who have received physical therapy and rehabilitation, The Link joined with Caritas Hong Kong to donate recycled computers to those in need. A total of 100 used computers with 17” screens and keyboards, were refurnished by Caritas and then donated to members of Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power to facilitate their learning and job searches. Up to now, The Link donated a total of 350 sets of computers to St James’ Settlement and Caritas, which distributed the computers to individuals and organisations in need.
A donation ceremony was held at the Power Retail Centre, thesocial enterprise arm of Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power. It was attended by Lau Lu Keung, Project Manager of the Caritas Computer Recycling Project (second right), Peter Fung, Manager, Social Enterprise of Hong Kong Rehabilitation (right), KT Poon, Director (Corporate Communications) (third left) and Damien Wu, Head of Information Technology (third right). 電腦捐贈儀式假香港復康力量社會企業「活力復康用品中心」舉行。出席人士包括香港明愛電腦回收計劃項目經理劉露強(右二)、香港復康力量社會企業經理馮光(右一)、領匯企業傳訊總監潘啟廸(左三)及領匯資訊科技部主管胡達明(右三)等。
A donation ceremony was held at the Power Retail Centre, the social enterprise arm of Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power. It was attended by Lau Lu Keung, Project Manager of the Caritas Computer Recycling Project (second right), Peter Fung, Manager, Social Enterprise of Hong Kong Rehabilitation (right), KT Poon, Director (Corporate Communications) (third left) and Damien Wu, Head of Information Technology (third right).](images/201205s-chapter-09.jpg)
A donation ceremony was held at the Power Retail Centre, the social enterprise arm of Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power. It was attended by Lau Lu Keung, Project Manager of the Caritas Computer Recycling Project (second right), Peter Fung, Manager, Social Enterprise of Hong Kong Rehabilitation (right), KT Poon, Director (Corporate Communications) (third left) and Damien Wu, Head of Information Technology (third right).
A donation ceremony was held at the Power Retail Centre, the social enterprise arm of Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power. It was attended by Lau Lu Keung, Project Manager of the Caritas Computer Recycling Project (second right), Peter Fung, Manager, Social Enterprise of Hong Kong Rehabilitation (right), KT Poon, Director (Corporate Communications) (third left) and Damien Wu, Head of Information Technology (third right).
受助者心聲 Beneficiary's Words
![受助者心聲Beneficiary's Words 受助者心聲Beneficiary's Words](images/201205s-chapter-11.jpg)
![受聘於香港復康力量社會企業「活力復康用品中心」、現於中心擔任訪問員的傷健人士羅小姐:「參加了20節由香港復康力量舉辦的課程後,獲得相關知識,加上社企給予實習機會,令我更有信心再次融入社會。」One of the rehabilitated recipients, Ms Law, who has been hired by the Power Retail Centre reported positively on the programme by saying, "After joining 20 training sessions organised by the Centre, I’ve attained relevant work knowledge. The social enterprise also gives me an opportunity to gain practical experience, which makes memore confident about rejoining the workforce." 受聘於香港復康力量社會企業「活力復康用品中心」、現於中心擔任訪問員的傷健人士羅小姐:「參加了20節由香
港復康力量舉辦的課程後,獲得相關知識,加上社企給予實習機會,令我更有信心再次融入社會。」One of the rehabilitated recipients, Ms Law, who has been hired by the Power Retail Centre reported positively on the programme by saying, "After joining 20 training sessions organised by the Centre, I’ve attained
relevant work knowledge. The social enterprise also gives me an opportunity to gain practical experience, which makes memore confident about rejoining the workforce."](images/201205s-chapter-10.jpg)
One of the rehabilitated recipients, Ms Law, who has been hired by the
Power Retail Centre reported positively on the programme by saying, “After joining 20 training sessions organised by the Centre, I’ve attained
relevant work knowledge. The social enterprise also gives me an opportunity to gain practical experience, which makes me more confident about rejoining the workforce.”
舊瓶換豉油 齊愛惜地球
Bottle Recycling for Free Soy Sauce and Environmental Protection
巿民只要帶同用完調味醬料的玻璃瓶到場內收集處,便可換領李錦記250毫升無防腐劑豉油連食譜。回收活動當日,我們會安排大廚示範烹飪健康美味菜式,提高市民對飲食健康的意識。此外,小朋友亦可參加兒童烹飪大賽及攤位 遊戲,屆時綠領行動更會主持環保講座,增加環保意識。舊瓶換豉油 齊愛惜地球 Bottle Recycling for Free Soy Sauce and Environmental Protection The Link joins with Lee Kum Kee and Greeners Action to organise a glass bottle recycling campaign on every Saturday and Sunday from 13 May to 3 June. Shoppers can redeem soy sauce and recipes for recycling glass sauce bottles. The campaign aims to enhance awareness of environmental protection and to encourage the public to be eco-friendly consumers. ![]() ![]() ![]() 領匯夥拍李錦記及綠領行動合辦回收活動,市民可用舊玻璃瓶換豉油及食譜。
The Link joins hands with Kee Kum Kee and Greeners Action to organise a glass bottle recycling campaign. Shoppers can redeem soy sauce and recipes for recycling glass sauce bottles. |
Hilda Wong, Head of Mar keting (left), Joanna Chow,
representative of the Hong Kong Rabbit Society (right) and Terrance Choi, a renowned 3D illustrator entered the Bunny Playground for a ride through fantastic illusions. 領匯市場策劃及推廣主管黃端華(左)聯同香港兔友協會代表周小姐(右)及錯視藝術插畫師蔡耀東走進「奇幻兔樂園」,置身於疑幻似真的錯視空間。
Hilda Wong, Head of Mar keting (left), Joanna Chow,
representative of the Hong Kong Rabbit Society (right) and Terrance Choi, a renowned 3D illustrator entered the Bunny Playground for a ride through fantastic illusions.](images/201205s-chapter-17.jpg)
Hilda Wong, Head of Mar keting (left), Joanna Chow,
representative of the Hong Kong Rabbit Society (right) and Terrance Choi, a renowned 3D illustrator entered the Bunny Playground for a ride through fantastic illusions.![壓軸活動「奇幻兔華麗花生show」共有17組小兔以別出心裁的「童話人物」造型登場,競逐獎項。
The Easter Bunny Fashion Show drew enthusiastic participation from rabbit owners, who dressed up their pet rabbits in order to compete for the grand prizes. 壓軸活動「奇幻兔華麗花生show」共有17組小兔以別出心裁的「童話人物」造型登場,競逐獎項。
The Easter Bunny Fashion Show drew enthusiastic participation from rabbit owners, who dressed up their pet rabbits in order to compete for the grand prizes.](images/201205s-chapter-18.jpg)
The Easter Bunny Fashion Show drew enthusiastic participation from rabbit owners, who dressed up their pet rabbits in order to compete for the grand prizes.![「Easter 奇幻兔樂園」愛護被棄養小兔
3D Easter Fantastic Funny Land Protection for Abandoned Rabbits 「Easter 奇幻兔樂園」愛護被棄養小兔
3D Easter Fantastic Funny Land Protection for Abandoned Rabbits](images/201205s-chapter-16.jpg)
「Easter 奇幻兔樂園」
3D Easter Fantastic Funny Land Protection for Abandoned Rabbits
剛過去的復活節,樂富廣場幻化成「Easter 奇幻兔樂園」,並有 錯視藝術慈善拍攝活動及慈善義賣攤位,為「香港兔友協會」募 捐,救助被遺棄的小兔,吸引大批善心人士參與,為兔友籌款。
香港兔友協會代表周小姐表示,飼養兔仔要具愛心及耐心,小兔 因不懂人類語言不能表達自身的健康狀況,加上牠們天性愛咬東 西,家居飼養要多加關注。此外,兔仔並非雜食動物,餵飼方面 更要特別留意,不可隨便給予食物。在日常護理方面,主人亦要 經常為牠們梳毛及剪甲,因此較貓狗難養,構成主人放棄繼續飼 養的因由。
剛過去的復活節,樂富廣場幻化成「Easter 奇幻兔樂園」,並有 錯視藝術慈善拍攝活動及慈善義賣攤位,為「香港兔友協會」募 捐,救助被遺棄的小兔,吸引大批善心人士參與,為兔友籌款。
香港兔友協會代表周小姐表示,飼養兔仔要具愛心及耐心,小兔 因不懂人類語言不能表達自身的健康狀況,加上牠們天性愛咬東 西,家居飼養要多加關注。此外,兔仔並非雜食動物,餵飼方面 更要特別留意,不可隨便給予食物。在日常護理方面,主人亦要 經常為牠們梳毛及剪甲,因此較貓狗難養,構成主人放棄繼續飼 養的因由。
This Easter, Lok Fu Plaza hosted The Link’s 3D Easter Fantastic Funny Land including a 3D photography competition and charity garage sale in support of the Hong Kong Rabbit Society’s effort in saving abandoned rabbits. The Link also launched the first-ever outdoor Bunny Playground at Lok Fu Plaza so that the public can experience the special magic of rabbits.
It takes love and patience to keep pet rabbits. Compared to keeping dogs and cats, taking care of rabbits requires more attention to the finer details. Many owners give up for this reason, which leads to the growing number of abandoned rabbits.
It takes love and patience to keep pet rabbits. Compared to keeping dogs and cats, taking care of rabbits requires more attention to the finer details. Many owners give up for this reason, which leads to the growing number of abandoned rabbits.
優化環境 提升購物體驗
Improved Environment for
Enhanced Shopping Experience
Enhanced Shopping Experience
In February and March, The Link installed new long benches, outdoor furniture and plants in 11 of its shopping centres to enhance the consumers’ shopping experience.
In February and March, The Link installed new long benches, outdoor furniture and plants in 11 of its shopping centres to enhance the consumers’ shopping experience.
In February and March, The Link installed new long benches, outdoor furniture and plants in 11 of its shopping centres to enhance the consumers’ shopping
experience. 領匯於今年2月至3月期間,為旗下11個商場,包括慈雲山中心、小西灣廣場、瀝源廣場、富東廣場、天耀廣場、德田廣場、興華廣場、太和廣場、長發廣場、蝴蝶廣場及竹園廣場等,加設長凳、戶外傢具及植物盆栽等,令商場環境更美觀舒適,購物環境亦提升了不少。
In February and March, The Link installed new long benches, outdoor furniture and plants in 11 of its shopping centres to enhance the consumers’ shopping
![首個商場與 YMCA「玩具銀行」合作 慈善玩具收集大行動兔 將歡樂帶給基層兒童 Partnering with YMCA HK "Toy Bank" The First Shopping Centre Hosts Toy Donation Programme for Underprivileged Children 首個商場與 YMCA「玩具銀行」合作 慈善玩具收集大行動兔 將歡樂帶給基層兒童 Partnering with YMCA HK "Toy Bank" The First Shopping Centre Hosts Toy Donation Programme for Underprivileged Children](images/201205s-chapter-20.jpg)
是次活動為香港基督教青年會「玩 具銀行」共籌募近1,500件玩具,並會經該會轉贈予本港基層家庭兒 童,讓所有兒童一起分享快樂,宣揚「分享就是祝福」的訊息。
是次活動為香港基督教青年會「玩 具銀行」共籌募近1,500件玩具,並會經該會轉贈予本港基層家庭兒 童,讓所有兒童一起分享快樂,宣揚「分享就是祝福」的訊息。
The Link par tnered with YMCA HK "Toy Bank" to host the Toy Donation Programme at Lung Cheung Plaza in Wong Tai Sin for 11days star ting from 24 April. A total of 1,500 pieces of toys were collected which will be donated to underprivileged children.
首個商場與 YMCA「玩具銀行」合作
Partnering with YMCA HK "Toy Bank"
The First Shopping Centre Hosts Toy Donation Programme for Underprivileged Children
The First Shopping Centre Hosts Toy Donation Programme for Underprivileged Children
![均衡飲食 讓孩子吃得健康有營
Balanced Diet for Children’s Health 均衡飲食 讓孩子吃得健康有營
Balanced Diet for Children’s Health](images/201205s-chapter-21.jpg)
Balanced Diet for
Children’s Health
Children’s Health
On 9 April, The Link joined with People’s Food Bank of St James' Settlement, Pfizer Nutrition and Hong Kong Nutrition Association to launch the 6-month “Nutri - Add” Family Programme at Lei Yue Mun Plaza. At the opening ceremony, the findings of a survey on food nutrition among low-income families were announced. Thirty member families from People’s Food Bank were invited to join the event to learn more about formulating nutritious diets for their children.
Thirty families joined the “Nutri - Add” Family Programme at Lei Yue Mun Plaza, to learn about choosing low cost, quality and nutritious food for their children.
![均衡飲食 讓孩子吃得健康有營
Balanced Diet for Children’s Healt](images/201205s-chapter-22.jpg)
250個基層家庭食物營養調查結果 | |
超過八成兒童 | 欠缺攝取足夠的五穀、蔬果、魚和肉類 |
過半數兒童 | 欠缺進食足夠奶品類食物 |
八成兒童 | 欠缺飲用足夠的流質飲品 |
黃大仙中心 獲「良好級」空氣認證
Wong Tai Sin Plaza Awarded The Indoor Air Quality Certificate (Good Class)
A clean indoor air environment can contribute to a pleasant shopping experience. Maintaining good indoor quality requires close cooperation of different parties, good communication wi th tenant s before and during construction wor ks, helping them minimize impact on indoor air quality. Besides, the repairs and maintenance of air cooling facility should be taken into consideration in the design stage of shopping centre. Lung Cheung Plaza, Yu Tsui Shopping Centre, Fu Cheung Shopping Centre and Tai Wo Plaza also have attained this qualification before.
Ronald Leung and Carol Lok
shared the indoor air management
tips at the EPD's seminar. 梁寶基及駱敏儀於環保署研討會
Ronald Leung and Carol Lok
shared the indoor air management
tips at the EPD's seminar.](images/201205s-chapter-23.jpg)
Ronald Leung and Carol Lok shared the indoor air management tips at the EPD's seminar.![領匯第四批物業提升
The 4th Batch of Properties Announced for BFA Upgrades 領匯第四批物業提升「暢通無阻通道」設施
The 4th Batch of Properties Announced for BFA Upgrades](images/201205s-chapter-24.jpg)
The 4th Batch of Properties
Announced for BFA Upgrades
The Link is pleased to announce the four th batch of properties, which includes a total of 15 properties where the upgrading of barrier free access (BFA) facilities will commence over the next six months. This adds to a total of 64 proper ties for such enhancements since the announcement of the Total Improvement of BFA Upgrades Programme early last year. To date, according to the Best Practicable Principle, 14 properties have completed the basic BFA upgrades.
The Link is pleased to announce the four th batch of properties, which includes a total of 15 properties where the upgrading of barrier free access (BFA) facilities will commence over the next six months. This adds to a total of 64 proper ties for such enhancements since the announcement of the Total Improvement of BFA Upgrades Programme early last year. To date, according to the Best Practicable Principle, 14 properties have completed the basic BFA upgrades.
第四批設施物業名單 | ||||
新界區 | 山景商場、葵盛東商場、石籬商場一期、石籬商場二期、長發廣場、長亨商場、太平邨商舖及停車場 | |||
九龍區 | 李鄭屋商場、高怡邨商舖及停車場、欣明苑商舖及停車場、秀茂坪邨第三期商舖及停車場、寶林商場、和明苑商舖及停車場、順天邨商舖及停車場 | |||
香港島 | 峰華邨商舖及停車場 |