ISSUE 015 季刊 | Spring 2015 Edition


Massive infrastructural development in New Territories West, together with spending habits moving towards non-luxury segment, fuelled the growth of Tuen Mun's mid-market retail sector. With the completion of a HK$477 million asset enhancement project, The Link has made H.A.N.D.S into a one-stop shopping destination for the latest trendy goods by merging the former Yau Oi Commercial Centre and On Ting Commercial Complex. Including this flagship centre in Tuen Mun, The Link has already completed six enhancement projects in New Territories West.

美食薈萃 ・ 魅力綻放
Hangout of Choice Featuring International Cuisines


H.A.N.D.S以「流動」為設計主題,針對年輕家庭及青年人,因此除了提供日常必需品,亦引入多家時尚服飾及配飾品牌,為社區注入活力。當中包括年輕設計師主理的HKID Gallery、本地時裝設計師任銘輝首間專門店112 mountainyam及DJ少爺占創立的本地時裝品牌MeeH,打造香港獨有本土潮流集中地。



Located atop On Ting Light Rail station, H.A.N.D.S adopts mid-tier positioning with significant improvements in circulation and accessibility. The number of tenants has increased to nearly 170, and the catchment area has been extended to Sham Tseng and Tsuen Wan. With over 1,000 car park bays, it caters to the needs of shoppers coming by car as well.

With "fluidity" as the design theme, H.A.N.D.S features trend-setting fashion and accessories shops, appealing to youngsters and young families. Among retailers of locally designed products are HKID Gallery, 112 mountainyam and MeeH.

Offering Chinese, Singaporean, Italian and South-East Asian cuisines, the centre's diverse range of eateries includes Hong Kong's first Classic Show Room restaurant branch, the nostalgic Café 1950 and South-East Asian restaurant Killiney.

The new design features a one-mall concept that unifies the various parts of the property, and turns it into five distinct zones, identifiable by each of the five letters - H.A.N.D.S - and bright colours. Small tenants have a strong presence at H.A.N.D.S, accounting for half the shops. The fresh market has also been upgraded for a more hygienic, convenient shopping environment.

創意品牌 ・ 時尚概念
A One-Stop Shopping Concept

商場名稱H.A.N.D.S代表「Have A Nice Day Shopping」的閒適購物概念,各式商舖照顧生活所需,打造新世代的一站式購物熱點。


Creating an exciting new vibe in the neighbourhood, the centre new name stands for "Have A Nice Day Shopping", offering a one-stop shopping concept featuring both trendy lifestyle and daily necessities.

The centre's logo features a conversation bubble that signals the interactive relationship with customers, while a hand-shaped icon points to a passionate service team extending a warm welcome.

環保花園 ・ 天然採光
Family-Oriented, Eco-Friendly


The centre has added family-friendly facilities, such as open-air public spaces, a children's playground and a rooftop eco-garden. Energy-efficient systems for air-conditioning and LED lighting were also installed to reduce the centre's carbon footprint.

運動SHOW H.A.N.D.S 匯集社區愛心能量
Turning Calories into Meal Boxes for the Needy
through "Let's Exercise @ H.A.N.D.S"

配合商場完成優化重新開幕,H.A.N.D.S特別舉辦「運動SHOW H.A.N.D.S匯集百萬能量」活動,展現朝氣勃勃的新形象,發放社區動力。為期兩個月的活動期間,H.A.N.D.S及指定的領匯商場設置慈善運動基地,讓大眾一同參與運動。參與者更可獲贈H.A.N.D.S愛心手帶,憑手帶到指定H.A.N.D.S運動商店可獲贈購物優惠!活動所累積的109萬卡路里能量轉化為近二萬個愛心飯盒,由領匯義工團隊於3月元宵節,聯同惜食堂捐贈予本地有需要的社群。

To celebrate the centre's opening, The Link set up sport stations at H.A.N.D.S and other selected shopping centres for two months. Participants were given H.A.N.D.S wristbands as offer tokens at the shopping centre. Total 1.09 million calories burned by visitors at the stations were accumulated and turned into approximately 20,000 meal boxes. The meal boxes were distributed by The Link's volunteer team in partnership with Food Angel to serve local underprivileged groups.

Awards & Recognitions

2014 香港工商業獎:顧客服務
2014 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Customer Service

2014 香港工商業獎:顧客服務
2014 Hong Kong Awards for Industries:
Customer Service


Distinguishing itself from other retail destinations through its excellent and innovative customer service, Lok Fu Market emerged as the first fresh market ever to win the "Customer Service Grand Award" at the 2014 Hong Kong Awards for Industries, recognising The Link's creative approach in "retailising" fresh market services.

香港設施管理學會卓越設施管理獎 2014
The HKIFM Excellence in Facility
Management Award 2014


In the "Excellence in Facility Management Award 2014", organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management, Lok Fu Plaza, Choi Yuen Plaza and Stanley Plaza won "Excellence in Facility Management Awards" in the Retail category, while Kwai Fong Plaza was presented with a Certificate of Merit in the same category.

Asian Corporate Secretary and Compliance Officer Recognition Awards 2014


Ricky Chan, Director (Legal) and Company Secretary of The Link, won the "2nd Asian Corporate Secretary and Compliance Officer Recognition Award", organised by Corporate Governance Asia.

最佳企業管治資料披露大獎 2014 - 白金獎
2014 Best Corporate Governance Disclosure Awards - Platinum Award


The Link's 2013/2014 Annual Report won the Platinum Award in the Non-Hang Seng Index (Large Market Capitalisation) category at the "2014 Best Corporate Governance Disclosure Awards", organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. This is the most established and prestigious award for corporate governance disclosure in Hong Kong.

中國地產獎 2014
China Property Awards 2014

中國地產獎2014旨在表揚出色的發展商及項目。領匯奪得「企業社會責任特別榮譽」獎項,而樂富街市則榮獲「最佳商業項目 ─ 高度讚賞」獎項。

At the China Property Awards 2014, which aims to highlight top quality developers, projects and services, The Link won the "Special Recognition in CSR" Award, while Lok Fu Market took a "Highly Commended" honour in the Best Commercial Development (Hong Kong and Macau) category.

「港股100強」 評選
Top 100 Hong Kong Listed Companies Selection


In the "Top 100 Hong Kong Listed Companies Selection" event jointly organised by Tencent and Finet Group, The Link made the list of "Top 100 – Comprehensive Strength".

Hong Kong and South East Asia Climate Leadership Awards


The Link obtained the "Best Year-On-Year Change for Hong Kong" Award at the 2014 CDP Hong Kong and South East Asia Climate Leadership Awards, reaffirming its effort in reducing carbon and energy impacts.

HKQAA CSR Index Plus


As a participant of HKQAA CSR Index Plus, The Link was presented the HKQAA CSR Plus Mark in recognition of its achievements in sustainability. The index is based on the same assessment methodology as the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index.

互動交流 分享經驗
Engaging Stakeholders

「董事會的前路 」 研討會
Weighing in at "The Board of the Future"

行政總裁王國龍及獨立非執行董事陳秀梅出席由Linklaters、高盛、安永及Egon Zehnder 舉辦、主題為「董事會的前路」的研討會,並就建立多元化董事會、更有效發揮其職能方面分享管理心得。


George Hongchoy, CEO and May Tan, Independent Non-Executive Director were guest panel speakers of "The Board of the Future" seminar organised by Linklaters, Goldman Sachs, Ernst & Young and Egon Zehnder, sharing their views on bringing more diversity to the board and enhancing its effectiveness.

George said that a Board's effectiveness owes much to its diversity, not just in gender and age, but also in expertise and skill sets. "Non-executive directors need to be active listeners," he said. "Setting a term limit for directors is desirable, as it will give more opportunities for new talents to join."

RICS HKIS Joint Valuation Conference


Relaxation of REIT Code was a highlight of the RICS HKIS Joint Valuation Conference 2014. During the conference, Hubert Chak, Director (Finance) spoke to participants about the challenges and opportunities presented by the Hong Kong REIT Code.

ICSC IDEA Exchange Seminar


Speaking at the IDEA Exchange Seminar organised by International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), Gary Fok, Director (Asset Management - China) shared The Link's experience in creating value through asset enhancement, citing cases of Stanley Plaza and H.A.N.D.S.

Supporting Green Building Initiatives



As a supporter of the Green Building Product Labelling Scheme organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) to promote the greater use of green building products, The Link was represented by Brian Chuang, General Manager – Project & Planning, at the scheme's launching ceremony.

The Link is also a member of steering committee and supporting organisation of HKGBC's "Green Tenancy Driver for Office Buildings", which aims to encourage the adoption of green tenancy among office buildings. Together with Brian, Dr Calvin Lee Kwan, General Manager – Sustainability, attended launch event of this green initiative.

知專設計學院學生 創意街市設計
Fresh Markets through the Eyes of Youth

知專設計學院學生 創意街市設計
Fresh Markets through the Eyes of Youth

Conference on Governance, Risk & Compliance
for Internal Audit 2015


To foster creativity among members of the younger generation, The Link organised, for the second year, the fresh market design competition with the Hong Kong Design Institute for its third-year Higher Diploma students. As members of the judging panel, Sammy Chan, Head of Fresh Market Asset Management and Myron Ng, Assistant General Manager – Fresh Market Asset Management, commended participants for their thoughtful, innovative ideas, which will help turn fresh markets into popular destinations.



As a panel speaker of the Conference on Governance, Risk & Compliance for Internal Audit, Henry Lo, Head of Internal Audit, discussed the increasingly complex roles that internal audit play in an organisation, and offered his ideas on maximising an organisation's internal audit resources.

During a company visit, Henry shared with internal auditors from Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Company The Link's "three lines of defense" system in internal control and risk management, as well as its internal audit practices.

建立投資者關係 ・ 有賴雙向溝通
Two-way Communication Key to Successful Investor Relations



The recent inclusion of The Link REIT in the Hang Seng Index, the benchmark for the Hong Kong stock market, marks a new milestone for The Link REIT. Not only will this enhance awareness of REITs in the investment community, but it will also expand The Link REIT's investor base, as some index funds, charities and endowment funds can invest only in index constituent stocks. This will further help to promote the development of the REIT market by enhancing public awareness of REITs.

To gain the confidence of a broad base of investors, the key is to maintain effective two-way communication. Hubert Chak, Director of Finance, said, "Nowadays, investors require a company not only to provide attractive returns, but also to operate with strong corporate governance. Transparency is a key attribute of good corporate governance. The Link REIT proactively engages with unitholders and other stakeholders through effective channels to articulate the business objectives and progress of The Link REIT and to collect their views and suggestions."


During the financial year ended 31 March 2014, The Link REIT has held discussions with over 450 individual investment managers and analysts at meetings and on conference calls, including participating at 12 investors' conference/ corporate days and eight roadshows in Asia, Australia, Europe and the United States. The Link REIT has also arranged 33 property visits for interested parties.

Corporate Visits

Shenzhen Government Officials at Lok Fu Plaza


Representatives from Shenzhen Housing and Construction Bureau, Shenzhen Residential Leasing Management and Service Center, Shenzhen Residential Housing Management Service Center paid a visit to Lok Fu Plaza and Market to understand more about their daily operations.

Korea Retailers at H.A.N.D.S


More than 30 market stall operators and retailers from Korea visited H.A.N.D.S, where they were introduced to the centre's asset enhancement project.

Shenzhen University's Students at Head Office


MBA students from Shenzhen University visited The Link's head office and were given a presentation on The Link's business strategy and future directions by Senior Manager Luna Fong of the Investor Relations Department.

Baptist University's Students at Lok Fu Plaza


Students from the associate degree programme of Hong Kong Baptist University's College of International Education visited Lok Fu Plaza and Market to learn more about property management operations.