ISSUE 015 季刊 | Spring 2015 Edition

競逐人才 心態定成敗
Building a Strong Team with a "Can-Do" Mindset


The motto that Albert lives by is "Giving one's best. Never give up." "Success or failure is determined by our perspectives," he said. "Clear sailing is not always possible in life. It is important to rise to adversity by staying positive and looking at the bright side." He manages his own daily pressures by playing ping pong and listening to music.

過去一年公司在各方面均有長足發展,隨著物業發展、內地投資等新業務範疇陸續落實,領匯的人力資源亦需作相應調整。曾於多家大型企業擔任要職的人力資源及行政總監Albert (楊成和),其跨地域、跨行業的管理經驗及樂觀積極的人生觀正好可以大派用場。



這正是領匯引人入勝之處 — 不斷攀登高峰,不斷尋求突破。


Albert認為,今天的員工,不再單純看金錢報酬,亦期望有均衡發展。「要贏取員工的心,人力資源策略需要著重與員工的互動及溝通。員工的意見和訴求必須重視,例如最新的關顧措施,Caring Room 及員工專享商戶優惠等,都是接納員工的建議後推出。」



The Link made great strides in a number of areas last year. The company's diversification into property development and investment in the Mainland has called for adjustments to its staff structure. Albert Yeung, Director (Human Resources & Administration), brings rich experience and a positive outlook to his role, having served in a number of multinational companies across various industries.

Albert considers challenge and opportunity as two sides of the same coin, with The Link's continuing changes as catalysts for staff development. Undertaking property development will allow The Link to bring in new talent while enriching the professional exposure of its staff. "Cross-border operations will provide overseas short-term postings through which employees can broaden their outlook and enrich their experience" said Albert. "Our recent inclusion in the Hang Seng Index has also no doubt raised our employer standing, putting us in an even stronger position to recruit talent."

"We are also developing a human resources policy for our Mainland operations to reflect our 'Vision, Mission, Values', while allowing for flexibility to accommodate the cultural differences between Mainland China and Hong Kong," Albert explained. Seminars have been organised to enhance staff knowledge of the Mainland market in areas such as property management, law and tax.

Albert believes that, nowadays, employees look beyond financial rewards, and value balanced development. "Human resources strategies need to address the broader needs of employees," said Albert. "Some of our recent initiatives, like the Caring Room and merchant offers for staff, are our responses to suggestions from employees. The Link has also organised the Long Service Awards, where we celebrate with both the awardees and their family members."

He also places strong emphasis on an open and tolerant team-based culture. "An all-star team is no guarantee of victory," he said. "We must learn to work well together and win as a team."

邁向上市十周年 周年晚宴謝員工
Showing Appreciation to Staff at the Annual Dinner



As The Link stepped into its tenth year of trade since its IPO, 900 staff members joined the annual dinner in January. The Link's Chairman Nicholas Sallnow-Smith presented the inaugural "Long Service Award" to 44 staff members who have each served the company for over 10 years. In his speech, he also pointed out the double meaning of "development", now that The Link is engaged in the property development business and entering a new phase of development as its operations mature.

The event's theme was "Building a Happy Community". CEO George Hongchoy likened The Link's first ten years to a baby growing quickly into a gifted young person, thanks to the care and attention of The Link's dedicated staff. He also introduced the Kwun Tong commercial site for which The Link had just placed a winning bid.

「The Link's Got Talent」 參賽同事表演合唱歌曲,眾人落力吶喊打氣,氣氛熱烈。
Staff members give entertaining performances on stage.

44 staff members are presented the inaugural "Long Service Award".

精益求精 領匯卓越大獎
Service Excellence Honoured through the
"Mystery Shopper Programme"



Launched in 2011, The Link's "Mystery Shopper Programme" aims to encourage healthy competition among frontline service teams.

The latest "Mystery Shopper" assessment round was enriched by adding a fresh market award category, and grouping the shopping centres into two new categories based on size. The Link's properties achieved an overall score of 85.2, which is 4.8 points higher than the benchmark. The winning teams from the latest two assessment rounds were presented with The Link Award at the Staff Town Hall and at the annual dinner.

「開心先鋒」 員工大會發放正能量
Happy Ambassadors Spread Fun at Staff Town Hall


As The Link approaches the tenth anniversary of its IPO, 108 staff members have formed a team of Happy Ambassadors to help spread positive energy. At a town hall meeting in November, they engaged all staff through group games and unveiled the company's new direction in branding. CEO George Hongchoy and CFO Andy Cheung also spoke to staff about The Link's exciting new developments.

All About Oysters


To promote work-life balance, Management Trainees organised two classes on oyster shucking in November and January. Both were well received by participants, who had the chance to learn about how to clean oysters, different types of oysters, and what drinks to pair with them.

全新Caring Room設備完善
Caring Room Caters to Mothers Needs

公司一直注重在職父母的需要,早於2011年起提供侍產假,最近亦因應同事於公司內聯網提出的建議,於兩個觀塘辦事處為在職媽媽設立Caring Room,配備雪櫃、微波爐等,務求提供一個設備完善、舒適及衞生的空間。

用過Caring Room的同事表示,感謝公司迅速回應同事建議,為在職媽媽提供高度私穩的空間,房內專用的雪櫃及消毒用品,衞生更有保障。

Acting on views expressed by staff, The Link set up a Caring Room in its Kwun Tong offices. Equipped with a refrigerator and microwave oven, this hygienic private lactation space was designed to meet the needs of working mothers. Users of this facility commended the company on its prompt response to staff's suggestions.