彩園廣場 融入自然美學設計 打造閒適購物樂 Choi Yuen Plaza Renovated A Touch of Nature for Leisure Shopping
把建築美學應用到商場設計上,是一門生活藝術。領匯旗下投資1.62億港元的上水彩園廣場資產提升工程已經 完成。項目將有機建築概念作為商場翻新的藍本,設計匠心獨運,以曲線美配搭木色物料設計,再引入柔和的 自然光,打造出閒適購物樂。翻新後商場的獨特設計凝聚人氣,引入各式各樣的商舖,以便照顧區內居民需要。
The HK$162 million refurbishment of Choi Yuen Plaza in Sheung Shui has been completed. Adopting the principles of organic architecture, the renovation has made for a relaxing environment that includes a footbridge with timber roof, decking and benches with streamlined design, all surrounded by luscious greenery.
The outdoor podium garden features eco-friendly facilities made of timber and surrounded by abundant luscious green scenery which set the distinct tone of organic architecture. This helps it stand out as a relaxing oasis in the crowded city.

商戶• 心聲 Tenants' Voice
The Cable Car Restaurant,
Ms Cheung (established tenant)
After the renovation, there has been a
markedincrease in the number of local and
Mainlandvisitors. The spending has been strong
as well.
Owners of OSA, Mr Ng and his son (pictured)
(established tenant)
我們在彩園廣場開店約3年,為家族經營,分別開設兩間中式及西式包點店。剛搬進來時,商店的種類及人流較少。但翻新後,看到商場店舖重新規劃,增加了不同類型店舖,除超市、食肆外,更增設售賣珠寶、電器等的商舖,帶動更 多邨外人士到商場購物光顧,週末及假期倍添熱鬧。
As a part of the renovation, the trade-mix of the plaza has been enhanced to include a complex array of shops. The new trade-mix attracts more visitors from other districts, especially during weekends and holidays.
SaSa (new tenant)
彩園廣場有行人天橋連接港鐵站,方便自由行客人。商場空間大,令商場內的貨品種類更加豐富。另外,商場開始引入更多在港具知名度的零售品牌,提升了商場吸引力,相信能有效吸引更多內 地自由行旅客到訪。
With the MTR foot bridge connection, Choi Yuen Plaza is a convenient destination for Mainland visitors. The broadened selection of renowned retail brands also attracts more Mainland visitors to the Plaza.
纜車餐廳章小姐(舊商戶) The Cable Car Restaurant, Ms Cheung (established tenant) 由於翻新前已在彩園廣場營業,因此有不少熟客,翻新後更是人流如鯽。由於行業商戶組合種類增多,無論是內地自由行客或本地的街坊客都明顯增加,消費氣氛不俗。 After the renovation, there has been a marked increase in the number of local and Mainland visitors. The spending has been strong as well. OSA店主吳氏父子(圖為吳子)(舊商戶) Owners of OSA, Mr Ng and his son (pictured) (established tenant) 我們在彩園廣場開店約3年,為家族經營,分別開設兩間中式及西式包點店。剛搬進來時,商店的種類及人流較少。但翻新後,看到商場店舖重新規劃,增加了不同類型店舖,除超市、食肆外,更增設售賣珠寶、電器等的商舖,帶動更多邨外人士到商場購物光顧,週末及假期倍添熱鬧。 As a part of the renovation, the trade-mix of the plaza has been enhanced to include a complex array of shops. The new trade-mix attracts more visitors from other districts, especially during weekends and holidays.
建築與生活息息相關,與社區為鄰的彩園廣場將自然美學帶進商場,為顧客帶來悠閒舒適感。彩園廣場翻新工程由創智建築師有限公司(AGC Design Ltd)負責設計。該公司指出:「彩園廣場融合了商場最新設計趨勢,無論在天花、地面紋理等均引用大量曲線,令顧客視野更舒適開揚,另採用大量自然色調建材,並引入自然光增添商場活力。」




多元化商戶行業組合 顧客選擇豐富


In an echo to the meaning of the Chinese character "Choi", rainbow-coloured LED lights have been installed across the ceiling of the atrium. As a new symbol of the plaza, the special lighting instills a touch of energy and style into the venue.

With its unique design, the revamped plaza has become a popular destination for shoppers and residents. A wide range of stores that deal in, among other things, jewellery and fashion have just opened in the Plaza.

商場中庭天花添置了象徵彩園的「彩」虹色LED 燈飾,令場內散發時尚氣息,亦成為商場的標誌。Rainbow-coloured LED lights, symbolising the meaning of 'Choi', has been installed across the ceiling of the atriumas the new symbol of the Plaza. 商場中庭天花添置了象徵彩園的「彩」虹色LED 燈飾,令場內散發時尚氣息,亦成為商場的標誌。
Rainbow-coloured LED lights, symbolising the meaning of "Choi", has been installed across the ceiling of the atrium as the new symbol of the Plaza.

首次進駐領匯商場的Esprit 特賣場,產品款式眾多,為顧客提供更多價格大眾化而質量高的選擇。 Making its debut in The Link's shopping centres, the Esprit Outlet offers a wide array of choices for fashion lovers at discounted prices.
首次進駐領匯商場的Esprit 特賣場,產品款式眾多,為顧客提供更多價格大眾化而質量高的選擇。
Making its debut in The Link's shopping centres, the Esprit Outlet offers a wide array of choices for fashion lovers at discounted prices.

流線型的木製蛋形裝飾牆身高達兩層,貫徹商場的設計主調。 The two-storey high, egg-shaped architectural decoration features a streamlined design.

The two-storey high, egg-shaped architectural decoration features a streamlined design.

彩雲商場展開優化 商場綠意盎然 Refurbishing of Choi Wan Commercial Complex for Leisure and Green Shopping 彩雲商場的資產提升工程,注入不少綠化元素。The enhancement works of Choi Wan Commercial Complex feature many eco-friendly elements.
The enhancement works of Choi Wan Commercial Complex feature many eco-friendly elements.

Having serviced the local community for over 30 years, Choi Wan Commercial Complex is now ready for a much needed facelift. The 14-month asset enhancement project will commence in the third quarter this year in three stages. The layout and the arrangement of shops will be redesigned to bring in a more diverse combination of retail outlets and restaurants. The property currently has only one single directional escalator. Seven additional escalators, barrier-free access facilities and other ancillary facilities will be installed. The enhancement of the complex is expected to draw footfall and boost the business of tenants.

When planning the enhancement works, including an upgrade of the surrounding areas and its architecture, The Link has worked out a detailed conservation plan for a Chinese Banyan tree older than 35 years old that is part of the Register of Old and Valuable Trees. Considerable effort is being made to nurture the tree, as it is an integral part of the community.

領匯連續五年凍結管理費 不斷提升服務為商戶增值 The Link Freezes Management Fee for the Fifth Year in a Row. Enhancing Service and Adding Value for Tenants

領匯連續五年凍結管理費 不斷提升服務為商戶增值 The Link Freezes Management Fee for the Fifth Year in a Row Enhancing Service and Adding Value for Tenants. 隨着通脹升溫,商戶營運開支及物業管理服務的成本亦不斷上升。但作為商戶的重要業務夥伴,領匯再度凍結截至2013年3月底止的管理費,令收費維持於五年前的低水平,與租戶一起迎接挑戰。


The Link is going to freeze the management fee for the current financial year ending March 2013. In keeping the management fee at its original level for the past five years, The Link continues to support and aid its tenants in meeting their business challenges.

The Link has strived to provide value-added services through a wide range of new initiatives. They include the renewals of the property management support service and housekeeping service contracts, the provision of free shop-front cleaning and point-to-point waste collection services. The Mystery Shopper Programme has also helped to improve the service performance of frontline teams.

行政總裁 獲邀出席會計師公會講座 CEO speaks at HKICPA Management Seminar
行政總裁獲邀出席會計師公會講座 CEO speaks at HKICPA Management Seminar 交流能集思廣益,聚集社會專才分享經驗,激發思維,齊齊增值。領匯行政總裁王國龍獲香港會計師公會的Goldies Group邀請主持「變更管理」(Change Management )為題的講座,與該會的資深會員交流分享。

講座於9月17日假香港會所舉行,這是Goldies Group主席周光暉上任後的第一個活動。王先生分享了領匯於資產提升方面的挑戰和機遇,內容包括可持續發展的議題,並設問答環節,以加強互動性。

Goldies Group由該會約40名資深會員組成,定期在香港會所舉行早餐會,邀請名人學者主持與商業及教育主題有關的講座,輕鬆交流以刺激思維、擴闊視野,更有助建立人際網絡,成為商界或同業的重要交流平台。

On September 17, The Link CEO George Hongchoy spoke at the "Change Management" seminar held by the Goldies Group of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants as a guest speaker.
He shared his insights into the challenges and opportunities of asset enhancement and sustainable development.

行政總裁獲邀出席會計師公會講座 CEO speaks at HKICPA Management Seminar 行政總裁獲邀出席會計師公會講座 CEO speaks at HKICPA Management Seminar

領匯房地產投資信託基金 前景穩健明朗 Promising Prospects for The Link REIT
隨著領匯的投資愈趨多元化,帶動領匯房地產投資信託基金(The Link REIT)前景持續穩健。多間投資銀行看好The Link REIT的前景,指領匯在不斷擴闊投資類別的同時,又致力於資產提升,改善商戶組合,是基金穩健明朗的主因。本地財經評論名家曾淵滄指出,眾多房地產投資信託基金中,領匯的股價屢創高位,表現出色,股息穩定,適合作長線投資。

As it diversifies the investment portfolio, The Link REIT is heading towards a promising future. Many investment banks foresee positive development of The Link REIT as the company makes continuous efforts to diversify its investment portfolio while enhancing its assets and tenant combinations at the same time. According to renowned local financial commentator Dr Chan Yan Chong, The Link REIT consistently outperforms other REITs in the market. It is an ideal option for long-term investment as the stock hovers at high price levels and yields stable dividends.
Disclaimer: The comments on The Link REIT quoted in this article are those of the individuals or organisations concerned. The past performance of The Link REIT is not necessarily indicative of its future performance and that the actual results may differ from the comments herein. This article does not constitute an offer or invitation to purchase or subscribe for any units of The Link REIT, and shall not be relied upon in connection with any investment decision.

與業界精英分享「重新定位」成功之道 'Repositioning' for Success Seminar
領匯行政總裁王國龍將「重新定位」的計劃及實戰經驗向與會者分享。 The Link CEO George Hongchoy shared his experience of the repositioning of The Link with seminar participants.
參與重新定位研討會的嘉賓講者包括領匯行政總裁王國龍(左二)、港鐵公司總建築設計及項目策劃經理黃煜新(右一)以及新世界發展企業策略總監許明禮(右二)。 Guest speakers at the repositioning seminars included The Link CEO George Hongchoy (second left), Wong Yuk Sun, Chief Architectural & Project Manager, MTR Corporation (first right) and Albert Hui, Director, Corporate Strategy of New World Development (second right).
領匯行政總裁王國龍將「重新定位」的計劃及 實戰經驗向與會者分享。
The Link CEO George Hongchoy shared his experience of the repositioning of The Link with seminar participants.
Guest speakers at the repositioning seminars included The Link CEO George Hongchoy (second left), Wong Yuk Sun, Chief Architectural & Project Manager, MTR Corporation (first right) and Albert Hui, Director, Corporate Strategy of New World Development (second right).
分享成功經驗,讓業界齊齊得益,領匯行政總裁王國龍獲邀參與了由國際購物中心協會(ICSC) 主辦,以「為何重新定位」為題的講座。


此演講是名為「ICSC 重新定位及重建系列」的香港考察團及研討會中的一部分,有關演講於7月舉行。當日的與會者包括本港及海外零售商、投資者、地產發展商及政府人員等,涵蓋層面廣泛。

The Link CEO George Hongchoy was a guest speaker at the "Why Reposition Your Business" seminar run by International Council of Shopping Centers in July. He spoke about The Link's success in keeping abreast of market trends through the continued enhancement of its facilities and services, and the repositioning and re-planning of its shopping centres and fresh markets to the benefit of local communities.

「大新領匯Happy Visa卡」推出一年 發卡數目逾兩萬張 Dah Sing The Link Happy Visa Card Over 20,000 Cards Issued in One Year 「大新領匯Happy Visa卡」推出一年 發卡數目逾兩萬張 Dah Sing The Link Happy Visa Card Over 20,000 Cards Issued in One Year 「大新領匯Happy Visa卡」推出一年 發卡數目逾兩萬張 Dah Sing The Link Happy Visa Card Over 20,000 Cards Issued in One Year 「大新領匯Happy Visa卡」推出一年 發卡數目逾兩萬張 Dah Sing The Link Happy Visa Card Over 20,000 Cards Issued in One Year

領匯致力提升服務,推出一年的「大新領匯Happy Visa卡」(「Happy卡」),讓顧客憑消費換領多項獎賞,亦助商戶帶來更多客源,成功達至雙贏。現時Happy卡已簽發超過兩萬張,Happy卡將繼續以高額回贈及獎賞吸客,大力擴闊客源。




The Dah Sing The Link Happy Visa Card ("Happy Card") has been well-received by customers and merchants since its launch a year ago. Happy Card offers amazing rewards for shoppers, stimulates spending and generates business opportunities for merchants. Over 20,000 Happy Cards have been issued in the past year. Happy Card will continue to offer fabulous cash rebates and rewards in order to attract new customers.

相關網址 / Reference link :
參與計劃一年、樂富廣場「開心商戶」C & G 店主殷小姐稱, 因Happy 卡有3 倍現金回贈及其他優惠,自推出以來便吸引不少顧客使用。
A 'Happy Merchant' in Lok Fu Plaza for the past year, owner of C & G Miss Yan said that many customers shopped with their Happy Card for its 3X Cash Rebate and other fabulous rewards. 「大新領匯Happy Visa卡」推出一年 發卡數目逾兩萬張 Dah Sing The Link Happy Visa Card Over 20,000 Cards Issued in One Year 「大新領匯Happy Visa卡」推出一年 發卡數目逾兩萬張 Dah Sing The Link Happy Visa Card Over 20,000 Cards Issued in One Year
參與計劃一年、樂富廣場「開心商戶」C & G 店主殷小姐稱, 因Happy 卡有3 倍現金回贈及其他優惠,自推出以來便吸引不少顧客使用。
A "Happy Merchant" in Lok Fu Plaza for the past year, owner of C & G Miss Yan said that many customers shopped with their Happy Card for its 3X Cash Rebate and other fabulous rewards.

領匯獲頒財資雜誌投資獎 The Link won The Triple A Investment Awards
The Link won The Triple A Investment Awards

領匯今年首次參與《財資雜誌》主辦的 The Asset Triple A Investment Awards 2012,
更獲頒發Property Investor of the Year Award。 《財資雜誌》在亞洲的企業領導及
金融決策精英中一直發揮著重要的影響作用,其主辦的The Asset Triple A Awards

The Link won the Property Investor of the Year Award at its first entry to The Asset Triple A Investment Awards 2012 held by The Asset Magazine this year. The Asset Magazine has been serving the elite community of leading corporate and financial decision makers in Asia. The Asset Triple A Awards recognize excellence in the industry.
領匯揚威國內榮獲中國最佳公共關係案例大獎 The Link won China Golden Awards for Excellence in Public Relations
Andrew Cheung, Corporate Communications Manager (first left) received the award on behalf of the company in Beijing.
The Link won China Golden Awards for Excellence
in Public Relations


In July, The Link won Silver Awards in the category of "Community Relations" with the "Eco-Terrace" community programme and Nomination Award in the category of "Culture & Sports" with the "Bring Art to the Community" project in the Tenth China Golden Awards for Excellence in Public Relations. The awards recognized The Link's excellent performance in planning and implementing these projects.
赤柱廣場「犬隻服從班」入選健力士世界紀錄 'World Largest Dog Obedience Class' at Stanley Plaza won the Guinness World Record
Hilda Wong, Head of Marketing (left) and the activity partner, Michael Wong, Deputy Director, Community Development, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Hong Kong). Andrew Cheung, Corporate Communications Manager (first left) received the award on behalf of the company in Beijing.
"World Largest Dog Obedience Class" at Stanley Plaza
won the Guinness World Record


In June, "World Largest Dog Obedience Class" at Stanley Plaza won a Guinness World Record. This is a world record of dog obedience class with the largest number of dogs participating and is the first world record in Hong Kong related to dogs. Under the coaching of professional dog trainers, 354 dogs learnt to complete two commands.
2011年報再奪國際大獎 ARC Awards Annual Report 2011 won another international award ARC Awards
ARC Awards Annual Report 2011 won another international
award ARC Awards

International award ARC Awards 繼早前連獲多項設計大獎後,領匯2011年報於8月份
又奪得ARC Awards International 2012攝影組別銅獎。該獎項表彰能清晰有效,並具

Following the various recognitions received, The Link keeps its momentum and its Annual Report 2011 won the Bronze Award of ARC Awards International 2012 in the Photography Category. The awards recognize annual reports based on their creativity, clarity and effectiveness of financial data expression and presentation of corporate information. The award is renowned for its independence and transparency and is sought after by entries globally.

領展 Link