領匯見習管理人員培訓計劃 多元培訓作育接班人 The Link's Management Trainee Programme Diverse Training for Future Leaders
良好的企業文化,需要靠員工不斷創建及承傳,領匯一向重視發掘及培育人才,以配合未來業務發展所需,亦為社會注入有才能及有潛 質的新血。本年已是第三年推出的「見習管理人員培訓計劃」,先後聘請了12位見習管理人員,透過多元培訓、實習及師徒制度,讓新一 代的商場管理人才裝備自己,投入領匯的大家庭,同時貢獻社會。他們現時全數在領匯不同的部門工作,其中剛完成兩年培訓的四位生 力軍,在實習期間深入社區,了解領匯旗下物業的一磚一瓦,接觸社會上不同階層的人士,擴闊個人視野,同時亦學懂待人接物之道, 為未來的事業發展打下強心針。


吳志航(Calvin)則提到在物管部實習時,學到溝通的重要。領匯的物業組合龐大,物管工作牽涉大量前線顧客服務員、保安、清潔、維修技工等的 配合,他說每項工作細節的流程均要簡單清晰,才能上情下達,提升整體效率。而除了工作,在領匯多姿多采的工餘生活,亦令他感受深刻,例 如擔任公司活動司儀、參加員工歌唱比賽、籌辦義工活動等,令他的實習生涯充滿歡樂的回憶。

代表公司參與公益金競技籌款活動。 Trainees attending The Community Chest Sports Corporate Challenge on behalf of The Link.
重視全面培訓 尊重事業發展意願
Comprehensive Training to Meet Individual Aspirations



( 由左至右) Calvin、Tony 及Jeni 在周年晚宴歌唱比賽以鬼馬造型及表現奪得冠軍。 (From left to right) Calvin, Tony and Jeni were the winners of singing contest at the annual dinner party.
Talent development is always a priority at The Link . It nurtures professional talents for the company and for the society at large. The Link's "Management Trainee Programme" is now in its third year. Through comprehensive training, job rotation and mentorship, the programme grooms the next generation of leaders in shopping centre management, who will also contribute to the community. Among the 12 trainees employed so far, four of them have completed the two-year programme recently. They have developed a thorough understanding of The Link's properties and have been given valuable exposure to different segments of society. The experience has broadened their vision and interpersonal skills, as the aspiring talents embark on their future career development.

( 由左至右) Calvin、Tony 及Jeni 在周年晚宴歌唱比賽以鬼馬造型及表現奪得冠軍。
(From left to right) Calvin, Tony and Jeni were the winners of singing contest at the annual dinner party.
Trainees attending The Community Chest Sports Corporate Challenge on behalf of The Link.

我們的抱負Our Mission ( 由左至右) 領匯首屆見習管理人員吳志航、甯靜儀、譚頌賢及陳賢馳已完成兩年的培訓,繼續追尋自己在事業發展上的夢想。 (From left to right) The first batch of graduates of The Link's Management Trainee Programme, Calvin Ng, Jeni Ning, Ivy Tam and Tony Chan, embark on their exciting careers.
吳志航 - 租務部
Calvin Ng - Leasing
"I have many opportunities to meet people from different walks of life in the course of working at Leasing Department. I hope to gain more life experience and become an expert in real estate in the future."

甯靜儀 - 物業管理部
Jeni Ning - Property Management
"I hope to develop an effective model for shopping centre management, which will benefit the communities in Hong Kong and beyond."

譚頌賢 - 物業管理部
Ivy Tam - Property Management
"I hope to develop a set of standardised and systematic procedures for different workflows of property management which can help the company to expand its portfolio overseas."

陳賢馳 - 企業財務部
Tony Chan - Corporate Finance
"Shopping centre management is a complex subject, and real estate investment trust is an interesting discipline, too. I hope to develop my career in the industry as an expert in real estate or property investment."

( 由左至右) 領匯首屆見習管理人員吳志航、甯靜儀、譚頌賢及陳賢馳已完成兩年的培訓,繼續追尋自己在事業發展上的夢想。
(From left to right) The first batch of graduates of The Link's Management Trainee Programme, Calvin Ng, Jeni Ning, Ivy Tam and Tony Chan, embark on their exciting careers.
For further information about the programme, please visit The Link's corporate website.

相關網址 / Reference link :

重視培育新生代 理大學生藉「 校企協作教育」 計劃 成為暑期實習生 Grooming New Generations With Poly U Through Work-Integrated Education
領匯行政總裁王國龍向暑期實習生介紹華貴街市的各種新意念。 George HongChoy, CEO of The Link, introduced various innovative ideas of Wah Kwai Market to the interns. 年輕人是未來的社會棟樑,領匯亦一直致力於人才培訓,特別在培育新一代方面投放資源。除了已第三年舉辦的「見習管理人員培訓計劃」,每年亦會聘請20至30名暑期實習生,今年更加入了香港理工大學「校企協作教育」計劃的實習生一同參與培訓。




理工大學建築及房地產學系行政員(學生事務及服務)劉珮琪表示,實習計劃鼓勵同學獲取實際工作經驗,同學在專業知識運用、解決問 題能力、溝通技巧、領導能力、以及團隊精神方面,都能達到一定的學習效果。

暑期實習生介紹自己的實習生涯。 The interns gave presentations on their experiences at The Link. The Link values training for a new generations of talent. Apart from launching its Management Training Programme for the third year, The Link also employs about 20 to 30 summer interns every year. In addition, this year The Link has joined the Work-integrated Education scheme of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University by offering internship opportunities to students from Department of Building and Real Estate from PolyU. The Programme not only provides university students with practical work experience but also allows us to learn more about how the younger generation thinks.

George HongChoy, CEO of The Link, introduced various innovative ideas of Wah Kwai Market to the interns.
The interns gave presentations on their experiences at The Link.

員工意見調查 Staff Survey

The Link has just finished the annual Vision, Mission and Values staff survey. All staff members were invited to give self-rating on the implementation of different indicators of the VMV. Over 500 staff have completed the questionnaire. The result shows that the ratings of "Respect", "Excellence", "Integrity" and "Teamwork" have all increased and external customer service has shown the largest increase of 8% compared with last year's rating.


The Link has just finished the annual Vision, Mission and Values staff survey. All staff members were invited to give self-rating on the implementation of different indicators of the VMV. Over 500 staff have completed the questionnaire. The result shows that the ratings of 'Respect', 'Excellence', 'Integrity' and 'Teamwork' have all increased and external customer service has shown the largest increase of 8% compared with last year's rating.

三分一員工參與 「企業員工購股計劃」 One Third Of The Staff Have Taken Part In The Employee Unit Purchase Plan
三分一員工參與 「企業員工購股計劃」 One Third Of The Staff Have Taken Part In The Employee Unit Purchase Plan 領匯自7月推出的「企業員工購股計劃」,至今已有逾310位員工報名參加,反應理想,多達三分一的合資格同事即將可一同分享公司的業務成果。此計劃是本港地產界首推予全體基層及管理級別員工的認股計劃,資助合資格員工於公開市場購買領匯基金單位,旨在為員工提供多一份退休保障,並同時獎勵表現優秀及長期服務員工,提升他們的歸屬感。

Since The Link's launch of the Employee Unit Purchase Plan in July, over 310 staff members have already signed up for the Plan. More than one third of our eligible colleagues can share the fruitful business results of The Link by joining this plan.
庫務及投資部 Zoey
"Our company has many more properties with great potential. Their values can be boosted through Asset Enhancement. I have strong confidence about the prospects and business growth of our company."
Zoey of Treasury and Investment Department

"With the stable stock price of our company, the Plan can be
seen as a long term and sound savings scheme."
Steven of Business & IT Solutions Department
庫務及投資部 Zoey
'Our company has many more properties with great potential. Their values can be boosted through Asset Enhancement. I have strong confidence about the prospects and business growth of our company.'
Zoey of Treasury and Investment Department 「公司股價穩定,計劃亦不失為一個長遠而穩健的
'With the stable stock price of our company, the Plan can be
seen as a long term and sound savings scheme.'
Steven of Business & IT Solutions Department
Disclaimer: The comments on The Link REIT quoted in this article are those of the individuals or organisations concerned. The past performance of The Link REIT is not necessarily indicative of its future performance and that the actual results may differ from the comments herein. This article does not constitute an offer or invitation to purchase or subscribe for any units of The Link REIT, and shall not be relied upon in connection with any investment decision.

颱風襲港 領匯前線為商戶解難接獲嘉許信 Letters from tenants Appreciating Frontline Staff's Help During Typhoon
粉嶺祥華商場的保安員在強颱風韋森特襲港期間, 為展銷商解困。 When powerful Typhoon Vicente struck Hong Kong, security guards at Cheung Wah Shopping Centre offered their help to the sales venue tenant. 無論天氣好壞,領匯商場員工依然緊守崗位,憑著靈活應變的工作態度,贏得多方商戶的讚許。強颱風「韋森特」於7月底襲港,天文台更發出13年來首個10號颶風信號,領匯各商場於8號風球懸掛時即啟動颱風當值機制,多名前線同事徹夜當值超過16小時,處理商場突發事件,直至8號風球於翌日早上除下。事後商場辦事處接獲了多封來自商戶的嘉許信。


In late July, Typhoon Vicente swept across Hong Kong. Upon the hoisting of Typhoon Signal No. 8, The Link immediately activated the typhoon duty roster. Frontline colleagues were assigned an overnight shift that lasted over 16 hours to handle any unexpected incidents happening in shopping centres during typhoon. Several letters of appreciation from tenants were received for the strong support and quick response our staff have rendered during the typhoon.
When powerful Typhoon Vicente struck Hong Kong, security guards at Cheung Wah Shopping Centre offered their help to the sales venue tenant.

辦專業講座助員工增值 Professional Seminars For Staff
領匯經常舉辦不同範疇的專業講座, 為同事增值。領匯精英學堂於8月舉辦了零售物業市況的主題講座,讓同事掌握零售業界的發展趨勢。



保安亦是物業管理的重要一環,領匯精英學堂8月中請來東九龍總區防止罪案辦公室舉行講座,透過德田街市的個 案研究,向物管同事講解街市安裝閉路電視系統時應注意的事項。

In August, two seminars were organised by The Link Staff Academy to help our colleagues in upgrading their professional skills and knowledge. One was conducted by guest speaker CK Lau, the International Director and Head of Valuation Advisory Services of Jones Lang LaSalle, concerning retail property market trends. The other seminar was a case study presentation by the Kowloon East Regional Crime Prevention Office on important issues relating to CCTV installation in fresh markets.

東九龍總區防止罪案辦公室講解街市安裝閉路電視系統應注意的事項。 The Kowloon East Regional Crime Prevention Office explains some important issues relat ing to CCTV installation. 同事們細心聆聽劉振江對租務市場的分析。 Our colleagues listened attentively to CK Lau's analysis of the leasing market.
Our colleagues listened attentively to CK Lau's analysis of the leasing market.
The Kowloon East Regional Crime Prevention Office explains some important issues relat ing to CCTV installation.

近百名員工參加 麻雀大賽 About One Hundred staff Joined The Mahjong Competition





In August, The Link held the Mahjong Competition at a Chinese restaurant in Hau Tak Shopping Centre, Tseung Kwan O. It was an occasion of fun and relaxation as well as an opportunity for staff members to socialise with each other. A total of about 100 contestants plus the spectating and cheering colleagues made it a lively dinner party.

(左)何宗泓 物業管理部: 「很開心能在是次比賽獲獎,最重要是感謝專程到場為我打氣的同事們。」 'So glad I've won in this contest. Most important of all, thank you to my colleagues who have come and cheered for me. (右)林錦威 物業管理部: 「很高興成為麻雀王,也很感謝Cluster 4 全體同事對我的支持。」 'Very excited about my having become Mahjong Champion. Also, I want to thank all my colleagues of Cluster 4 for their support. 近20枱麻雀齊齊啟動,氣氛熱烈! 20 tables of mahjong players are competing at the same time. What a stunning scene! 甩牌王鐘紹倫 物業管理部 甩牌王關耀祥 物業管理部
"So glad I've won in this contest. Most important of all, thank you to my colleagues who have come and cheered for me."
「很高興成為麻雀王,也很感謝Cluster 4 全體同事對我的支持。」
"Very excited about my having become Mahjong Champion. Also, I want to thank all my colleagues of Cluster 4 for their support."
晉身四強的員工開心合照。( 由左至右:林錦威、何宗泓、廖敏伊及潘力山) A happy photo of the quarter final contestants. 晉身16 強的員工,每人獲獎金600 元。( 由左至右:馮展鵬、張嘉穎、 鍾文傑、趙佩芝、林堅賜、陳劍偉、林麗珍、廖文鳳、關耀祥、黃賢生、麥潤深、馮文杰) Each contestant in the round of 16 was awarded a cash prize of HK$600.
晉身四強的員工開心合照。( 由左至右:林錦威、何宗泓、廖敏伊及潘力山)
A happy photo of the quarter final contestants.
晉身16 強的員工,每人獲獎金600 元。( 由左至右:馮展鵬、張嘉穎、 鍾文傑、趙佩芝、林堅賜、陳劍偉、林麗珍、廖文鳳、關耀祥、黃賢生、麥潤深、馮文杰)
Each contestant in the round of 16 was awarded a cash prize of HK$600.
20 tables of mahjong players are competing at the same time. What a stunning scene!

響應「Fun Fun 紅日」 Staff Dressing In Red Joining Red Decor Day
領匯員工齊齊變身紅衣俠 ,為公益出力。 The Link's staff became red heroes together to support charity work. 領匯重視上下一心,為社區公益出力,並連續第二年參與由香港紅十字會主辦的「Fun Fun 紅日」。今年8月17日,領匯旗下逾160位員工參與「Fun Fun 紅日」,在颱風「啟德」遠去後,齊齊穿上紅衣,貼上活動貼紙,身體力行變身紅衣俠,將善心傳遍公司。


The Link's staff supported charity work with concerted efforts. For the second consecutive year, we joined the Red Décor Day (RDD) organised by the Hong Kong Red Cross (HKRC). On 17 August, over 160 staff members of The Link participated in the Red Décor Day by dressing in red and putting on the RDD sticker. The Link raised over HK15,000 for HKRC.

領匯員工齊心行善, 共籌得超過15,000 港元善款。 The Link's staff acted in one heart and raised over HK$15,000 fo r HKRC.

領匯員工齊齊變身紅衣俠 ,為公益出力。
The Link's staff became red heroes together to support charity work.
領匯員工齊心行善, 共籌得超過15,000 港元善款。
The Link's staff acted in one heart and raised over HK$15,000 fo r HKRC.

領匯租務、物管部喬遷 領匯租務、物管部喬遷 Efficiency Enhanced Through Relocation Of Leasing and Property Management Departments
為進一步提升員工的工作效率,領匯租務部正式由富昌商場搬往觀塘創紀之城一期,與總部Landmark East寫字樓相隔只有約五分鐘步程。另外,內部審計部亦遷至創紀之城一期辦公,而物業管理部亦進駐LandmarkEast寫字樓23樓。

To further enhance staff efficiency at work, Leasing Department and Internal Audit Department have been relocated to Millennium City Phase 1, while Property Management Department has also been moved to the 23rd floor of Landmark East.

租務部主管江寶欣( 左二) 連同人力資源總監林國泰( 右一)、企業傳訊總監潘啟廸( 左一) 及物業管理及營運主管胡志平一起主持切燒豬儀式,慶祝租務部喬遷之喜。 Peionie Kong (second left), Head of Leasing, Tony Lam, Director of Human Resources (first right), KT Poon, Director of Corporate Communications (first left), Gordon Wu, Head of Property Management and Operations jointly officiated the ceremony in celebration of the office relocation. 物業管理及營運主管胡志平聯同部門內的管理人員主持部門新辦事處開幕儀式。 Head of Property Management and Operations Gordon Wu and other management staff from the Department at the office Opening Ceremony.
Head of Property Management and Operations Gordon Wu and other management staff from the Department at the office Opening Ceremony.
租務部主管江寶欣( 左二) 連同人力資源總監林國泰( 右一)、企業傳訊總監潘啟廸( 左一) 及物業管理及營運主管胡志平一起主持切燒豬儀式,慶祝租務部喬遷之喜。
Peionie Kong (second left), Head of Leasing, Tony Lam, Director of Human Resources (first right), KT Poon, Director of Corporate Communications (first left), Gordon Wu, Head of Property Management and Operations jointly officiated the ceremony in celebration of the office relocation.

領展 Link