商場網絡 推廣藝術欣賞 豐富社區生活 Promoting Art Appreciation Enriching Life of the Community 設置於良景廣場及天瑞商場的藝術裝置「迎月」及「追月」。 'Moon Welcome' and 'Moon Seek' being exhibited at Leung King Plaza and Tin Shui Shopping Centre.
領匯旗下龐大商場網絡是社區匯聚點,為藝術欣賞提供廣闊的推廣平台。這個秋季,領匯特別夥拍不同團體推出藝術主題活動,把古今藝術創作帶入商場,令看 似高不可攀的藝術文化於社區普及起來,同時為商場吸引區內外顧客。
This autumn, The Link utilized its extensive network and introduced unique art culture to local residents through partnership with different organizat ions in launching ar trelated events. These events not only revitalize the community atmosphere but also draw more customers to different malls.

領匯聯同香港設計大使首度伙拍潮流藝術家Michael Lau,於商場展示以月亮為主題的潮流藝術裝置。 The Link has collaborated with Hong Kong Ambassadors of Design and Mr. Michael Lau for the first time in the campaign with 'Moon' as the theme.
Bringing Arts to the Community Offering a Culturally Enriching Experience

為帶給市民一個結合潮流創意與傳統節日元素的中秋佳節,我們首度伙拍本地潮流藝術家Michael Lau,透過DETOUR 2012特別呈獻Project Moon創意藝術三重奏,設計出三組名為「迎月Moon Welcome 」、「賞月Moon Watch」、「追月Moon Seek 」的藝術裝置。設計師把傳統人與月的角色完全扭轉,以月賞人的新角度設計藝術,具創意又富趣味。三組裝置分別於屯門良景廣場、樂富廣場及天瑞商場首度曝光,吸引 大批市民前來拍照,並以全新角度領略賞月的文化習俗。

Creative Arts has long been perceived as something unique from the bustling city life and most people can barely spare time for art appreciation nowadays. In order to bring arts closer to the community and show how it can be incorporated to our daily lives, The Link has collaborated with Mr. Michael Lau, the renowned contemporary street artist in bringing creative arts and culture to the community for the first time through DETOUR 2012. Through fun and creativity, the series of installation-'Moon Welcome', 'Moon Watch' and 'Moon Seek'-challenge the convention by reversing the roles of the Moon and human. The three figures are displayed in Leung King Plaza , Lok Fu Plaza and Tin Shui Shopping Centre respectively. The events have successfully revitalized the shopping environment and drawn new customers to the malls.

領匯舉辦一系列免費中國工藝坊,市民學習親手製作傳統紙燈籠、新潮環保小燈、蛋殼蠟燭及賞月凳子。 A series of free art workshops were held by The Link. Participants get to explore their creativity while making eco-friendly lanterns, chairs and candles.
免費藝術工作坊 傳承民間工藝
Free Eco-friendly workshop inheriting folk art and craft
此外,我們更於中秋期間,聯同本港多個藝術團體,於旗下商場開辦一系列創意環保工作坊,免費學習具當代藝術創意的傳統工藝,並透過香港兆基創意書院及中小學招募參加者,反應十分熱烈。一系列工作坊由紮作工藝師傅陳澧祥、設計團體KaCaMa Design Lab、The Cave Creative Workshop、等安排,參加者利用環保物料親手製作應節工藝品包括傳統紙紮燈籠、新潮環保小燈、蛋殼蠟燭及賞月凳子等。學生及一家大小可傳承民間工藝文化之餘,亦學習到將廢物變為藝術品,發揮無限創意。


Incorporating tradition folk arts and contemporary creative arts, The Link has held a series of free creative art workshops for the community with various art groups. Participants get to make their own paper lanterns, such as eco-friendly lamps, eggshell candles and wooden chairs with recycled materials from HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity, traditional craft master - Mr. Paul Chan, KaCaMa Design Lab and the Cave Creative Workshop. The events were well-received with enthusiasm from nearby primary and secondary schools.

The mascot of the event will also be touring around The Link’s shopping malls and at city centres such as Causeway Bay, Mong Kok and Tsim Sha Tsui. Traditional piglet cakes will be distributed during the tour as a festive treat to everyone.

'Moon Welcome' and 'Moon Seek' being exhibited at Leung King Plaza and Tin Shui Shopping Centre.
領匯聯同香港設計大使首度伙拍潮流藝術家Michael Lau,於商場展示以月亮為主題的潮流藝術裝置。
The Link has collaborated with Hong Kong Ambassadors of Design and Mr. Michael Lau for the first time in the campaign with 'Moon' as the theme.
A series of free art workshops were held by The Link. Participants get to explore their creativity while making eco-friendly lanterns, chairs and candles.

領匯矚目呈獻 「領匯歌劇館」 為市民帶來 視覺盛宴 Lok Fu Plaza Proudly Presents - The Link Popup Opera


Art appreciation should never be limited by national boundaries and generation. To introduce a brand new experience to our shoppers, The Link has partnered with the Foundation for the Arts and Music in Asia Ltd. (FAMA) to introduce world class opera to the community in September. Inside a 6-meter tent set up at Lok Fu Plaza (Zone A Food Square), we are pleased to present the famous Traviata story, as moderated by renowned stage performer, Ms. Louisa So.

In order to introduce the concept of art
appreciation to all walks of life, we have
invited students from primary to tertiary
schools and charity groups to come and
enjoy the opera for free. The public could
also get free tickets from 27 September to
14 October at Lok Fu Plaza.
2012 年9 月27 日– 10 月14 日
27th Sep, 2012 – 14th Oct, 2012
樂富廣場(Zone A)
Lok Fu Plaza ( Zone A)
2013 年1 月
Jan, 2013
Sau Mau Ping Shopping Centre
2013 年2 月
Feb, 2013
樂富廣場(Zone A)
Lok Fu Plaza ( Zone A)
領匯歌劇館時間表 The time schedule of The Link Popup Opera 領匯矚目呈獻 「領匯歌劇館」 為市民帶來 視覺盛宴 Lok Fu Plaza Proudly Presents - The Link Popup Opera
The time schedule of The Link Popup Opera

樂富廣場「猛鬼馬戲團」 近萬呎超大型免費主題鬼屋 領匯萬聖節與市民分享「驚」喜 Scary Halloween Surprises at Lok Fu Plaza
Haunted Circus
樂富廣場繼去年萬聖節活動取得空前成功, 今年再接再厲, 於B區露天平台設置面積近萬呎的「樂富廣場猛鬼馬戲團」, 活動規模比上年大數倍,加上位處交通樞紐的九龍中心位置,入場費用全免之餘,成功闖關更有機會獨享一萬元免找數簽賬額, 讓市民在萬聖節期間大玩特玩。


由於電子媒體是年輕新一代經常使用的溝通平台,為了接觸年輕客群,「樂富廣場猛鬼馬戲團」的推廣特別採用更多網上渠道,如Yahoo, Apple Online及
Facebook 打卡,更可獲雙重抽獎機會,
有機會贏取大新領匯HAPPY VISA卡
Building on the success of last year's Halloween promotion, Lok Fu Plaza is proudly presenting another wave of surprises-nearly 10,000sf. Haunted Circus!

Our Haunted Circus features 8 terrifying themed zones, daring visitors to meet our haunting ghosts and scary figures. Shoppers with spending over HK$200 at designated malls could enjoy the Fast Pass Package.

To reach the younger generation extens ively, the promotion has tapped into various popular online platforms, such as Yahoo, Apple Online and TVB.com. Shoppers can easily use their mobile phones to check-in on Facebook and get a chance to win HK$10,000 spending credits with Dah Sing The Link Happy Visa Card.

樂富廣場新學季年度大型推廣 廣納學生客源 Year-round student privileges at Lok Fu Plaza plus the hottest gifts in monthly lucky draws
活動早前向一班參與大學迎新營的學生派發宣傳單張 Promotion leaflets reaching students during university orientation camps 除了有萬聖節「驚」喜推廣,踏入九月新學年之始,樂富廣場再度為學生度身訂造推廣活動,為全港學生打氣。自9月1日起至明年8月,向全港所有全日制學生呈獻「樂富廣場學生我最大」學生優惠獎賞活動,包括「每月學生大抽獎」及「全年學生消費優惠」,學生只須向顧客服務台出示有效全日制學生證,即享場內超過25個商戶優惠,為莘莘學子送上無限消費驚喜。

為有效接觸學生客群,我們夥拍潮流雜誌,於大專院校迎新營向新生派發「樂富廣場 學生我最大」宣傳單張及紀念品,向目標大專生客群進行重點推廣。同時,更首度於樂富廣場舉辦UStar大專校花校草大選之商場拉票大格鬥,屆時將吸引一眾入圍校花校草及大批學生支持者出席活動。


With the onset of the new academic year, Lok Fu Plaza has launched a programme tailor-made for students. From 1 September 2012 to August 2013, a series of promotions including the 'Monthly Lucky Draw for Students' and 'Privileges for Students All-Year-Round' will be launched to benefit full-time students, offering luring surprises ranging from exclusive student offers at designated tenants to free travel packages and latest technology gadgets.

The Link has collaborated with different university groups in order to reach more youngsters efficiently. Students who spend over HK$50 or above in Lok Fu Plaza will get the chance to win valuable prizes such as laptops and cameras sponsored by partners in the monthly lucky draw.
Promotion leaflets reaching students during university orientation camps

「廚藝交流體驗團」 讓顧客感受嶄新 街市購物新體驗 多樣化的推廣活動 為愛民及大元帶動人流 刺激消費 'Cooking with Celebrity Chefs & Sharing Culinary Wisdom' Brand New Shopping Experience in Fresh Markets

Fresh markets are one of the local characteristics of Hong Kong. To preserve this local culture while enhancing the shopping environment, The Link has completed the asset enhancement initiatives for several fresh markets under its portfolio. Notable highlights include various marketing campaigns for Tai Yuen Fresh Market and Oi Man Fresh Market. A series of creative promotional events have been launched at the two revitalized markets, successfully boosting market footfall and spending.
大元街市夏日獻禮 多重推廣活動激人氣 星級名廚主理「廚藝交流體驗團」 讓客戶體驗街市新煮意 Summer Fever at Tai Yuen Market Waves of Promotions Boosting Fresh Market Traffic Celebrity Chefs Chairing Cooking Workshops and Sharing Tips 兩位名廚除了帶領一眾參加者於大元街市即場選購新鮮食材,更隨即在街市內的大廚教室親授烹調秘方及不同食材的嶄新配搭。 Two celebrity chefs passing tips of picking fresh ingredients and sharing 'secret recipes' of signature dishes to participants.
Two celebrity chefs passing tips of picking fresh ingredients and sharing 'secret recipes' of signature dishes to participants.
為了提升顧客購物慾,及為商戶帶來更多營業額,於暑假旺季,大元街市推出以「拍住大廚逛 街市」為主題的系列推廣消費活動,包括「廚藝交流體驗團」、「即玩即獎」、「泊車優惠」 及試飲試 食活動,目的增加人流提高商戶的盈利。充滿娛樂性的「即玩即獎」遊戲 十分受歡迎,顧客只須 在大元街市消費即可參加,每天均吸引超過200 名人士參與,反應熱烈。

Cooking with Celebrity Chefs to Explore New Pleasure
in Tai Yuen Market
為讓顧客感受一站式街市買餸新體驗,並善用大元街市獨有的開放式廚房 - 大廚教室,領匯特意為街市帶來新煮意,伙拍兩位星級大廚 - 旅遊食家紀曉華及飲食節目星級名廚張錦祥,首辦4場「廚藝交流體驗團」,讓顧客與名廚近距離交流煮食心得。

該體驗團採用了外國流行的逛街市(market tour)概念,讓參與人士與大廚同遊街市,大廚即場會與一眾參加者分享及傳授烹飪秘技,以及選擇新鮮食材的知識,此新穎推廣活動成功吸引鄰近私人屋苑的高收入家庭參與,如康樂園、帝茵苑等,顧客只需於街市累積消費滿500港元便可參加體驗團。

Renowned celebrity chefs Walter Kei and Ricky Cheung hosted four cooking workshops at Tai Yuen Market and shared their overseas experience and cooking tips. We applied the popular 'market tour' concept from overseas to host a guided tour in the market with the participants before cooking. The workshops had successfully attracted enthusiastic high-income households from Tai Po District. Shoppers spending HK$500 or above in Tai Yuen Market could join the workshops for free.

Exclusive Cooking Tips from Celebrity Chefs

The Link has partnered with Kenny Chan, the Head Chef of a five-star hotel, to do cooking demonstrations and free food-tasting in Tai Yuen Market. Housewives and nearby residents are welcomed to join the session, for exchanging cooking ideas and experience with the famous chef.

旅遊食家紀曉華及星級大廚張錦祥攜市民走進街市認識各種新鮮食材。 Walter Kei and Ricky Cheung introducing cooking ingredients and herbs that would spice up the dishes. 參加者留心聆聽名廚張錦祥指導。 Participants having fun while learning from the Celebrity Chef Ricky Cheung. 旅遊食家紀曉華及星級大廚張錦祥攜市民走進街市認識各種新鮮食材。 Walter Kei and Ricky Cheung introducing cooking ingredients and herbs that would spice up the dishes. 不少街坊得知五星級酒店主廚陳國強到場授技,便蜂湧至現場,反應熱烈。 Local residents gathering at Tai Yuen Market for the free cooking demonstration by Kenny Chan, Head Chef of a five-star hotel in Hong Kong.
Walter Kei and Ricky Cheung introducing cooking ingredients and herbs that would spice up the dishes.
Local residents gathering at Tai Yuen Market for the free cooking demonstration by Kenny Chan, Head Chef of a five-star hotel in Hong Kong.
Participants having fun while learning from the Celebrity Chef Ricky Cheung.
愛民街市 全新體驗Brand New Experience at Oi Man Market 歷史悠久的愛民廣場及愛民街市陸續完成優化工程,領匯乘勢推出「終極消費王」、「消費大激賞」及「的士車費回贈」等推廣活動。 Various marketing campaigns are launched after the facelift of Oi Man Market and Shopping Centre.


Oi Man Market has long been serving customers from Oi Man Estate for the past decades. In order to attract more people from its original catchment and other districts, The Link has launched a series of promotional events in the market, such as 'Ultimate Top Spender Programme' and 'Taxi Fee Rebate Redemption'. Coupons, leaflets and flyers were distributed to the residents of Ho Man Tin and Kowloon Tong through direct mail.





Increase Awareness of Oi Man Market
Upon revitalization, Oi Man Market is offering an elevated shopping experience to its visitors. A series of promotional events have been held from July to October to increase awareness of Oi Man Market, which include the 'Super Spending Rewards', 'Ultimate Top Spender Programme' and the 'Taxi Fee Rebate Redemption'. The programmes have successfully drawn footfalls from other districts and created new business opportunities for tenants at Oi Man Market.

Being one of the key fresh food outlets in Ho Man Tin, Oi Man has become the new focal point for the neighborhood for cooking ingredients. Also, to attract customers from other districts, The Link has launched the 'Taxi Fee Rebate Programme' to help build their shopping habits at Oi Man Market.

Our 'Ultimate Top Spender Programme' has induced waves of shopping fever in the fresh markets under The Link's portfolio. With 'Continual Innovation' as the key message, the programme is the first of its kind among local fresh markets that has successfully encouraged spending and repeated visits to the fresh market, while increasing tenants' turnover in a short period of time.

The series of promotional events have brought Oi Man Market closer to the public. Beyond the preservation of traditional fresh markets, Oi Man Market is presenting new elements and unique shopping experience to its visitors, while offering new business opportunities to its tenants at the same time.
翻新後的愛民街市 New image of Oi Man Market after renovation. 愛民街市的推廣活動浪接浪,場內消費氣氛大增。 The series of promotional events have encouraged spending in Oi Man Market. 愛民街市的推廣活動浪接浪,場內消費氣氛大增。 The series of promotional events have encouraged spending in Oi Man Market.
New image of Oi Man Market after renovation.
The series of promotional events have encouraged spending in Oi Man Market.
Various marketing campaigns are launched after the facelift of Oi Man Market and Shopping Centre.

領匯善用不同宣傳渠道 廣納大元街市新客源 Proactive Approach to Expand Customer Base
直投郵件周邊顧客深入了解大元街市的全新改變。 Direct mail to give an overview of the revitalised Tai Yuen Market. 領匯一直致力提升顧客的購物環境,自提升大元街市後,除了與商戶一起為顧客推出更佳的服務外,為了令嶄新打造的大元街市更加「入屋」及廣納更多新顧客,領匯以不同宣傳渠道接觸目標客群,如鄰近高消費一族,因此透過直投郵件至大埔墟及大學站附近的屋苑,更於太和港鐵站推出燈箱廣告,以及在太和火車站及大埔墟派發宣傳單張,務求接觸不同層面的客群,讓他們有機會了解大元街市全新的改變。

Apart from offering better software together with our tenants, The Link has been actively utilizing different marketing channels to reach its target customers such as direct mail and light-box advertising, allowing them to have an overview of our revitalised market.

Direct mail to give an overview of the revitalised Tai Yuen Market.
網址 / website: www.taiyuenmarket.com

領匯特為街市商戶開辦商戶學堂 藉此提升競爭力New Workshops tailor made for fresh market operators
From September to November, The Link Tenant Academy has organised a series of seminars and workshops in Oi Man Market, Cheung Fat Market and Tsz Wan Shan Market. The events include the "Latest Cooking Trends" seminar by Walter Kei, who talks about the latest trends in food and dining and the changing shopping behaviour of consumers. The Link has also invited two industry professionals to share their insights on retail display. The talks are titled "Facelift for Small Tenants - Revitalisation of Old Market" and "Improved Space Utilisation - Fresh Market". The events aim to give our tenants an overview on today's management models of fresh markets and to capitalise their own potential, as they hone their competitiveness and explore further business opportunities.

為了協助一眾商戶提高其競爭能力,領匯已計劃於9月至11月期間於愛民、長發及慈雲山街市舉辦一系列的商戶學堂,當中邀得旅遊食家紀曉華為商戶講述「街市潮流飲食新動向」,讓商戶了解現時最新飲食潮流及消費者的購物模式。此外,領匯邀請兩位專業人士,為商戶講述店舖陳列,主題包括「小商戶新形象 舊街市新力量」及「善用空間利潤來—街市篇」,藉著不同主題讓商戶了解現今的營商手法及發掘其潛能,為他們帶來更多機遇及提升競爭力。

領展 Link