員工晉升 Staff promotion list
下列同事剛獲晉升到新的工作崗位,在此恭喜他們,並祝他 們在新崗位工作愉快!

莊浩銓 高級工程及保養經理
陳樹邦 工程及保養經理
余葆雯 工程及保養經理
陳富傑 助理工程及保養經理
鍾啟龍 助理工程及保養經理

人才招聘 Vacancies
行政助理 助理租務經理 助理物業組合經理 高級管業服務長
文員 工程監督 客戶服務大使 繪圖員
合約繪圖員 人力資源主任 租務助理 市場策劃及推廣經理
研究及規劃主任 研究分析員 高級管業服務員/管業服務員
高級企業傳訊主任 高級租務主任/
租務主任 (零售)
合約技術助理 合約技術文員  

相關網址 / Reference link : http://www.thelinkreit.com/EN/aboutus/Career/Pages/CareerOpportunities.aspx

領匯冷知識 The Link Trivia

韋森特襲港 領匯員工盡心善後 Clean-up in the Aftermath of Typhoon Vicente
Throughout the typhoon season, The Link exercises thorough precautions against typhoons in order to minimise potential damage. When Typhoon Vicente hit Hong Kong in July this year, The Link received a total of 310 requests for assistance. In response, The Link staff conducted an extensive clean-up operation to relieve the concerns of our tenants.

領匯 是由誰擁有的? Who owns The Link REIT?

The Link REIT was listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
on 25 November 2005, as part of a divestment exercise
by Hong Kong Housing Authority. It is the first REIT
listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and its
units have been traded under the stock code
"823". The Link's unitholders include retirement
funds, charities, university endowment and
private individual investors.
領匯 是由誰擁有的? Who owns The Link REIT?

員工加油站開健體班 反應熱烈 加推新課程 New Lifestyle Classes at Work Life Balance Centre
領匯的葵芳員工加油站,在8月底至9月期間,首輪開辦了共 16堂瑜伽班及拳擊舞蹈班,課程大受員工歡迎,其中6堂 在一星期內已滿額,部分課程的報名人數更超額3倍, 員工加油站將會繼續推出各類消閒課程,供同事參加。同事十分滿意課程內容,期間得到專業導師的耐心教導,有關日常飲食、保健、減肥等疑難得到解答,帶動同事多做運動,同事亦期待新課程的推出。

Starting at the end of August, the first round of 16 yoga, boxing and dance classes have been held at The Link's Work Life Balance Centre in Kwai Fong. The classes were extremely popular among staff members. In the future, the centre will offer other lifestyle classes.

瑜伽班 Hatha Yoga 學員在導師帶領下練習Shavasana – 大休息動作, 放鬆身心。 With the instructor's guidance, participants practiced the Shavasana pose to achieve deep relaxation. 拳擊舞蹈班 Kickercise 學員正利用網球拋向對方, 協助對方學習「閃避」。 Tennis ball game of reflex training for participants.
瑜伽班 Hatha Yoga
學員在導師帶領下練習Shavasana – 大休息動作, 放鬆身心。
With the instructor's guidance, participants practiced the Shavasana pose to achieve deep relaxation.
拳擊舞蹈班 Kickercise
學員正利用網球拋向對方, 協助對方學習「閃避」。
Tennis ball game of reflex training for participants.

中學生眼中的大元街市 Tai Yuen Market for Secondary School Students
領匯企業傳訊經理張弢(右一)與學校的師生一同參觀大元街市,並了解同學們對街市提升後的看法。 Corporate Communications Manager of The Link Andrew Cheung (first right) showed teacher and students around at Tai Yuen Market. 6月底,來自天水圍香港中文大學校友會聯會張煊昌中學的25位中四學生來到大埔大元街市參觀,並深入了解大元街市的優化計劃詳情。活動後,我們向他們發出簡單的問卷,以了解中學生對本港首個鮮活街市提升計劃的看法。結果發現該街市的綠化天台、清潔及環境等三方面,令同學們印象最深刻。

A group of young students from CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Secondary School in Tin Shui Wai visited The Link's Tai Yuen Market in Tai Po in late June. During the visit, the students gained a better understanding of the enhancement work at Tai Yuen Market and they were impressed to see how modern and tidy a fresh market could be.

Corporate Communications Manager of The Link Andrew Cheung (first right) showed teacher and students around at Tai Yuen Market.

製作:HKET, The Link, www.thelinkreit.com

編輯委員會 Editorial Board

李應權Danny Lee (編輯Editor) 張廣仁 Claudio Cheung 張弢 Andrew Cheung 周金祿 Edward Chow 潘啟迪 KT Poon
陳佩雯 Grace Chan (編輯Editor) 何嘉善 Kassy Ho 張嘉穎 Cheung Ka Wing 劉煉明 Jimmy Lau 楊美雲 Emily Yeung
林國泰Tony Lam 鄧詠芝 Vinci Tang 許嘉露 Carol Hui 林詠雅 Gladys Lam 鄧韻芝 Jennifer Tang

領展 Link