創意無限 持續增值 領匯為購物環境注入活力 締造多贏 Enhancing Customer Experience and Services through Innovation


Innovation is critical to value creation and business development. By applying novel ideas in business operations, The Link's team is adding value and offering new services to benefit a wide array of stakeholders, including tenants, customers and staff.

提升前後的大埔大元街市 Tai Yuen Market in Tai Po before & after renovation
提升前 Before renovation
Tai Yuen Market in Tai Po after renovation

赤柱廣場提升前 Exterior of Stanley Plaza before renovation
Exterior of Stanley
Plaza before renovation

赤柱廣場提升後 Exterior of Stanley Plaza after renovation
Exterior of Stanley
Plaza after renovation




Since IPO, The Link has completed 25 asset enhancement projects, bringing about enhanced shopping experience for visitors, more business for tenants, and more employment opportunities for community nearby.

A key for The Link's drive for enhanced customer experience lies in a corporate culture that values innovation. With a view to inspiring new enhancement ideas, The Link's team is approaching renovation works from the user's perspective, and learning from the success stories of overseas retail facilities. The asset enhancement stories of Stanley Plaza and Tai Yuen Market are the best showcase of how innovative ideas are generated and applied in renovation works. Stanley Plaza incorporated inspiration from Darling Harbour, Sydney, while Tai Yuen Market adopted numerous elements of Santa Caterina market in Barcelona.

相關網址 / Reference link : http://www.thelinkreit.com/TC/news/Pages/20120731Taiyuenmkt_video.aspx

New promotion events help bring community together
資產提升 創新意念 更多驚喜 More Delights with New Enhancement Ideas

別開生面的商場活動,凝聚社區 New promotion events help bring community together






In 2011, The Link completed a HK$227-million asset enhancement programme for Stanley Plaza to unlock the centre's full potential, and turn it into iconic, family-oriented lifestyle destination. The Plaza is not only the first "dog-friendly" property for The Link, but also its first shopping centre to achieve BEAM green building Platinum standard. New green features include green roof to reduce heat load and beautify the environment, wind-powered lamp posts, and environment-friendly building materials. A new observation deck on the fourth floor, newly designed escalator covers, and improved amphitheatre canopy allow visitors to enjoy unobstructed sea view.

The revitalized Tai Yuen Market in Tai Po has set a new standard for market renovation. Improvements include relayout of shop floors, installation of air conditioning and a more diversified trade-mix. The market is also the first in the fresh market sector to support Octopus payment. The property's new modern look has drawn new customers. In view of the better business prospect, more second-generation members of existing store owners are willing to take up the family businesses, contributing to the sustainable development of traditional fresh market culture.

The Link Tenant Academy was launched in 2008 to support tenants' business development by helping them sharpen business skills and stay abreast of market trends. Introduced in 2011, the Mystery Shopper Programme aims to support and encourage service improvements among frontline staff. Frontline property service contracts were updated recently to provide more value-added services to tenants.

為公眾提升商場環境 Enhancing shopping environment for the public
Enhancing shopping
environmentfor the public

大元街市提供八達通服務 Octopus Payment Service<br>at Tai Yuen Market
Octopus Payment Service
at Tai Yuen Market

赤柱廣場 領匯首個歡迎狗隻的商場 Stanley Plaza — The Link's first dog-friendly mall

Stanley Plaza — The Link's
firstdog-friendly mall

加強員工夥伴關係 Fostering long-term partnership with staff
Fostering long-term
partnership with staff

大元街市廚藝教室 New cooking studio at Tai Yuen Market
New cooking studio at
Tai Yuen Market

商場活動深受市民歡迎 Visitors enjoy good time at a mall event
Visitors enjoy good time
at a mall event

擴展投資物業類別 把握更多收購機遇 Investment Scope Expanded

南豐廣場 Nan Fung Plaza 海悅豪園 Maritime Bay
南豐廣場 Nan Fung Plaza
海悅豪園 Maritime Bay
物業管理, 顧客對有關商場的滿意度大為提升,不但到訪次數上升、消費增加,亦同時帶動商戶
的生意,創造就業, 達至多贏局面。

長遠發展 潛力及具協同效應的物業,發揮財務及業務優勢,務求為顧客提供更理想的購物環境,
為社區及基金 單位持有人增值。

決議案於 7月底舉行的股東週年大會上通過。物業收購類別由現時零售及停車場,擴展
至本港的非住宅 用途物業( 酒店及服務式住宅除外 ),包括單幢式資產及綜合用途

業務更具 靈活性,讓領匯把握更多投資機遇和提升競爭優勢。而優化的投資策略
將強化 集團三管 齊下的營運模式,涵蓋資產管理、資產提升和資產收購。

物業為 主軸的業務策略。收購策略擴展至非住宅用途物業,可把握更多潛在
收購機會。 物業收購仍會著重以本地市民日常消費為主的零售物業。

投資 信託基金守則所准許的45%上限為低。作出收購前,領匯會考慮擬收購
物業的回報 及成本,留意所能產生的協同效應,以及該物業消費者特質等因

及為 鄰近地區的顧客提供更佳的購物環境。物業收購將會審慎進行,並作出


Since last year, The Link has been active in asset acquisitions. By acquiring
properties that offer long-term growth potential, The Link can better leverage its
financial and business strengths to provide better shopping environment for more
shoppers, and add value for the community and unitholders.

A proposal was made earlier to expand the asset class of The Link's investment
strategy. The related resolution was passed at the AGM in July enabling The Link
to expand its investment strategy from purely investing in retail and car park
properties to non-residential (other than hotels and serviced apartments)
properties, including stand-alone assets and comprehensive mixed-use
(predominantly retail-based) developments in Hong Kong.

George Hongchoy, Chief Executive Officer of The Link Management, said that
the company's focus will remain in retail-oriented properties. Expansion of
The Link's investment strategy to include non-residential properties will offer
greater flexibility in its business, expand investment opportunities, and enhance
the REIT's competitive edge.

The expanded investment scope will enable The Link to capture more acquisition

領展 Link